As I mentioned below in "Yesterday : Part One", yesterday, or day before yesterday, was a near perfect day. It started with a trip to the Carantec market, documented earlier, moved on to a lunch of roasted chicked with potatoes grilled in chicken drippings, and fresh strawberries for dessert; then in the afternoon, being the Mr Toad that I am, it was time to get in the motorcar and go visit the countryside. And that is exactly what we did.
.If you have been reading these pages for any length of time, you know that for years now I've been looking for my dream house. Well, yesterday afternoon I thought I'd found it, the real thing, the be all and end all of those long years of searching the wide world over. When I spotted a sign by a turn off into the woods that said "Chateau de So and So", I had dream visions of wonderland in my mind. And I followed the winding road for three kilometers through the woods until I spied this view through the tree branches. . .
I was thinking, at long last, this is the place I've been dreaming of. . . we are moving here as soon as it can possibly be arranged. But then we got out of the car, and walked a little closer. And looked around the outside. Then looked around the inside after entering through a broken down basement door. . . oh shock ! oh horror ! oh sadness ! Bonjour Tristesse ! My dreams fled like wisps of pipe smoke in a Spring breeze . . . a whole crew of workers had been hired to refurbish this place, but it looked like they had been slacking off !
.Both the window and curtain people were obviously lacking in the skills which their advertisements purported they had, and the interior plaster fellow who was supposed to spruce up the family arms (redorer le blason) apparently got drunk and couldn't finish the job. . .
The bathroom facilities were in a shocking state, I really am not happy at all with either the interior decorator or the plumber. . . I just can't understand how they thought they could deliver the property in this condition to anybody other than a family of wild boars.
The interior decorator's choice of furnishings was, well, to say the least, somewhat doubtful . . . and likewise her choice of company, I honestly don't know what she and the gardener were getting up to in the afternoon, and I'm sure I don't want to know !
Although this first piece in red with flowing spraycanmanship has a certain flair, overall I am seriously disappointed and have major misgivings about the poor taste and frankly limited if not totally stunted cultural, intellectual, and esthetic taste of the interior decorator.

It was painfully obvious that the gardener, the interior decorator, the plumber, the window guy, and the electrician have all been farting off drinking beer all day long instead of doing the work they've been getting paid for. . . but this is France, it is hard to sack people who don't feel like working. . .
It looked like the vegetation was literally trying to gain the upper hand and just pull the whole thing back down into the Earth. It appears clear that a new gardener is needed, as the current one has been too busy emptying beer bottles and playing around with the interior decorator to get any serious work accomplished ! I really don't know if there is any hope for this place. . .