Thursday, July 22, 2010

Signs of Love . . .

Despite all the horrors in the press, one can only hope that love will prevail in this world. And there are signs of it all around us . . . even if rusting . . .

An eternal sign . . . chiseled in stone . . .

The word . . . Love . . .

Think of how many "She loves me, she loves me not" could be whispered with petals like these . . .



pRiyA said...

Love it! Love the red heart. said...

I believe love will prevail & I agree the signs ARE all around us.

T. Becque said...

Nice tribute to love - something all us do.

Steve said...

My wife and I are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary tomorrow - what perfect timing you have, Owen!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes i feel somewhat sceptic Owen but then i think, heck, evil has been here for as many thousand years as the human kind have, and still hasn´t been able to defeat the good will and the love.

Have a brilliant day there my friend!! =)

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Great, uplifting series of photos -- I particularly enjoyed the final surprise of a living sign of love. Merci!

BLOGitse said...

'Love is all we need...'

The Sagittarian said...

We loves you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

The Panorama said...

Love-ly post!Liked all the pictures! And you are so right, there is so much evidence of love around us but we focus only the misery of humankind that the media feeds us daily.
Love this post:-)

Anonymous said...

You, sir, are an incurable romantic and we are lucky to know you. Thanks for pushing back against the horrors in this world.

CiCi said...

Absolutely right, Owen. One can only hope that love will prevail. It hurts to see and read the ugly and mean and deceitful in the world now. Do you think love is something that needs to be taught? Love of neighbor, love of the planet, love of spouse, love of children. Some people have it and some do not.

Deborah said...

A long time ago, someone I had once disliked but grew to love died in my arms. The thought that came to me in the moment she left was that, if we don't have love, we have nothing at all. Not an original idea, but I didn't realize the truth of it until then.

Anonymous said...

How absolutely beautiful. It's true that love outlasts all other emotions!

I would like to Linky this to Guest Heart Thursday ... may I?

Ah heck, I think I will anyway. If you don't like it, then leave me a comment and I'll remove the link :=}

the fly in the web said...

Amor vincit omnia

Unknown said...

"I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes..." Funny, how many readers went straight to the songs this post recalled in us :>)

Beth Niquette said...

These are absolutely wonderful!

Happy guest Heart Thursday!

Halcyon said...

Beautiful hearts!

Stickup Artist said...

It's running into someone like you, Owen, that makes blogging such a worthwhile and uplifting pleasure. Thank you for setting me up for the day!

Dani said...

Oh, this is one LOVEly post. Wonderful.

Love from Macedonia

Lynne with an e said...

Of course,not forgetting...

Peace, love, flower power, Bro.


mythopolis said...


Plum' said...

L'amour éternel, gravé dans la pierre est mon préféré. Compter fleurette, c'est mignon, mais pas pour les fleurs ! :\
Il manque une petite chose à cette série : quelques beaux tatouages de marins, si difficiles à effacer ! ;)

Plum' said...

Erratum : je me suis emballée en fois de plus...j'aurais dû écrire "conter fleurette", c'est beaucoup joli d'ailleurs !

Nevine Sultan said...

Can I be the commenter of few words this time... rather than leave my usual rambling books? Can I just say that this post bears a message... that plunges into eternity. How do you find these gems? Or is it just we... who walk by... and don't see?


SquirrelQueen said...

A beautiful post, I really like the large rusty heart. I sincerely believe love will always find a way.

~Cheryl said...

What a wonderful, heartfelt post! Great ♥ finds!

Owen said...

Funny, on the way to work today I heard a song I hadn't heard for simply ages and ages.... which has a chorus which says....

"And I heard,
That love is just a four letter word"...

Owen said...

A hundred thousand shining thank you's for all the love that poured out in the comments here... guess it's hard to go wrong with a subject like love...

And about the carvings on the stone wall, I'd walked by that place a number of times, but had never noticed the grafitti carved in the stone there. But the other day the late afternoon sun was shining at such an angle that it set them off in some contrast... and it was perhaps simply time to see them. They sort of leapt out at me, clamoring... look ! look ! look ! don't pass us by...

I'd like to wish all a wonderful weekend too, full of love...

And Happy Anniversary, Steve...

Gwen Buchanan said...

This rusty heart is how I felt yesterday when I managed to scrub all the rust off my little woodstove.. it had been neglected a bit... I love rust but in the right places..

Joanne said...

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

What would the world do without you ! Outstanding entry. Chapeau !

Virginia said...

This post made my heart smile and believe me I needed that today. Merci mon ami.

Rhiannon said...

Yes, lovely photos of "love" and meaning...throughout history..and we shall never give up for love and peace in this world..I am dedicating my blog (for a while) to give others the peace sign and to stand up for "stop the wars" Now!

Hope you'll drop by..meanwhile I just love the shattered looking window in above post..a thing of beauty...who would of thought..thank for sharing those photos with us.

Love and Peace and stop the wars now,
