I took this photo at the Saint Remy de Provence Chicken Prison in the summer of 2007. Conditions were crowded, which is a problem in many French prisons. Why were all these birds in prison ? Isn't it obvious ? They had all run afowl of the law and had been sent to the pen. Some were turned in by a stool pigeon. Others had been egged on to crossing the road without a good reason, and had been charged with jay-walking. (some of their friends chickened out at the last minute, and didn't get rounded up.) What was their punishment to be ? To be tarred and feathered, of course. . . All of them were dreaming of flying the coop ! Anyone want to pay their bail ?
Goodness, Owen. Thank heavens you are not in the habit of punning!
So colourful - image+words!!!
T'as toujours eu l'oeil du photographe ! ça va Owen ! Je te trouves moins loquace en ce moment ! Mais par contre, tu n'es pas en reste pour les sujets que tu proposes ! P....n ! mais où vas-tu chercher tout ça ? Je comprends mieux les 5000...!
Bon, cette partie de poker, on se la fait quand ? 'faut dire à N. que j'ai toujours son string à la maison !
Ciao amigo ! Tisane pas trop qd même !
No doubt you've ruffled a few feathers with this, have you commented about it on Twitter? The message may be a bit scrambled however I seem to have poached your idea of punning.
Dear Sagit, You are definitely bad ! I think a litte tar and feathers will be coming your way ! I'm afraid if this gets out on Twitter that I'll end up with egg on my face, it's certainly nothing to crow about ! Poached indeed... The duck in your latest photo is groaning aloud at all these bird-brained musings...
J34, La source pour toutes ces photos et textes est inépuisable, ils viennent d'une mine abandonnée de... guano...
@ Rambling; glad you like it, I'm still savoring your new banner photo... that's a complex beauty
Laurie, Punning in my family was only allowed on the third of May, so don't worry, it won't happen again soon... I don't know what got into me, maybe a remnant of bird flu that hasn't been replaced by pig flu yet. I saw where someone had quipped I forget where : If Swine Flu, does that mean pigs can fly after all ???
I can't believe what I've been heron! Owen, punning? Perish the thought! I think the pundemic really has hit...the aporkalypse is here...who will save our bacon?
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