I have another confession to make : as with zebras of all stripes, I have a soft spot in my heart for sunflowers. I once grew a giant sunflower that actually won a prize at some horticultural competition in Philadelphia... it was a monster. Driving back to Paris from Nimes in July 2007, I couldn't resist photographing these sunflowers beyond the birch trees... ok, I know, it may not be the greatest photo I ever did... but something about big yellow blooms can't help but cheer me up a little on a frigid winter night like this one... I pray to the sunflower god that warmth will return soon as I hate having freezing feet while trying to write compellingly for all you good and patient people out there who may unwittingly wander in here...
And anyway, if a photo doesn't work well the first time, one effort sometimes worth making is to wait at the same spot, and wait, and wait a while longer, then wait some more, just until the sun is about to go down... and sometimes, if you're lucky, you might just get one last opportunity that day to make a photo that may almost please you... like the sunflowers at sunset here. Sounds sort of like Midnight Moonlight...
This picture is simply glorious! The quilter in me wants to make a quilt of it. :>}
I would've love to have been on this walk with you Zoom....These two pictures are splendid indeed !
It was certainly worth the wait to capture the sunset !
I like sunflowers too ! I plan on planting a few this spring once again.
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