Heading out for a walk with camera in hand in fact was an early present for me, because I get to do it so rarely, as you can judge from the scarcity or paucity of photos in the below postings. A bit further up the street from the barking hedgedog, an older couple of neighbors had put out their time-tested decorations again this year... they just don't make them like that anymore... gotta love it...
This next one, although just up the road, and I have been by here hundreds of times if I've been by here once, but I swear I never noticed this blue door losing its paint here until this walk Saturday... jeez, open you eyes, Owen !
The town we live in has been around for a few hundred years... some of the street signs seem to be from the early 17th century...
Just around a corner or two I came across another sight I'd never really looked at before, as most of the year she is hidden by foliage... a lady undressing in the woods. Isn't that what any healthy male human hopes to come across when out for a Saturday afternoon stroll ? Actually, if you are interested, this sculpture is on the grounds of the Chateau of Chantilly... which is well worth visiting if you ever happen to be in this part of the world...
This sign says it is forbidden to post any signs... now if that is not a contradiction in communication, I'm not sure what would be... Anyway, as I'm sure you knew, I took this photo for the texture, for the decrepitude and disintegration... the downright rot... it could have said almost anything, and I still would have shot the picture.
Somewhere way down below in the dim distant mists of blog history, I did a short illustrated piece called "Every Dog's Dream". Well, this is the French version...
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