I was fortunate in a previous life to have lived in Paris not only in the Spring, but also in the Winter, Summer, and Fall. Gay Pareee, the city of light, and these days more and more, the city of the SDF, Sans Domicile Fixe... No Fixed Domicile... bums if you like, homeless people living on the streets, drinking themselves into a stupor, stooped over on steps, urinating in public, living in tents along the Seine, and generally not fitting into accepted norms for social acclimatization.
This photograph is not one of mine... it was taken by a very dear friend named Thierry Dupety who was one of my biggest sources of inspiration when I was first learning that photography is not only about technical mastery of the tools of the trade, but about photographs revealing a small or large part of your soul. Thierry and I would walk together through Paris photographing right and left, then go develop the shots, and share our feelings about the results. I was quite lucky that he kindly gave me a few prints of his work way back when, which I treasure to this day... I love the texture in this one... thank you Thierry ! Let's get together soon !
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