Going back right about a year ago, at the end of March 2009, one of the very first blogs I chanced upon that really thoroughly captivated me by the wonderful photography work being exposed therein was out in India, hosted by
Loulou, with the catchy title of Indiaphragme. We both started our blogs in the Fall of 2008, and for both of us it took several months, well into 2009, before anyone at all in the way of visitors started coming around from time to time, and leaving comments. Her lovely blog has continued to thrive since then; almost without fail a new photo is posted every day, and the quality of her work is simply sublime. I would strongly encourage anyone who enjoys photography to go clear back to the beginning of her blog, and look at all the photos in it, there are many hidden splendors there.
.In June of 2009, I had the incredibly good fortune to meet Loulou in person, when she had flown back to Paris for the start of a few weeks of vacation back in her native France. We had agreed upon a rendez-vous in the Tuilleries Gardens near la Place de la Concorde, and spent a couple of hours just getting acquainted over some cool drinks while our kids, two of hers and one of mine, were running around, and then strolling in in the gardens. All I can say is, what a great pleasure it was to meet someone, a talented photographer and lovely and generous lady, who were it not for the networking power of the blogosphere, in all likelihood I would never have met or even known of. So here's to the universe of blogging . . . and may you all blog on !
.This first photo is one that Loulou sent me, one that she took of herself in a mirrored part of a merry-go-round in the gardens. For a long while I despaired of ever being allowed to publish a photo of her in these pages, she had requested that I not do so before we parted that day back in June. I feared that she would wish to remain hidden, as she is in this photo. But after last week's meeting with the web master of
Spit & Baling Wire, documented just a couple of posts down here, I raised the question again to Loulou, beseeching her to allow me to do a bit of promotion for Indiaphragme again in these pages, with a portrait of her portrayed as well . . . and this time she very kindly relented . . .
So, at long last, nearly nine months after our meeting in the Tuilleries in Paris, here is a small portrait of Loulou taken that warm June afternoon . . . Charm and grace personified . . .
There was also a charming expanse of lavender planted in one corner of the Tuilleries, near the Jeu de Paume, bringing rich colors and sweet smells to further bewitch our senses . . .
After Loulou and her children took leave of us, with la Grenouille and one of our daughters we continued our exploration of les Tuilleries, visiting the small amusement park which is an extension of one of the wings of the Louvre Museum, where a large Ferris wheel, la Grande Roue, spins in eternal circles, from the top of which one has a surprisingly good view of surrounding Paris . . .
Quite a giant slide is part of the equipment there . . .
Strange wildlife can also be observed if one sneaks up carefully . . .
And colorful decorations . . .
Loulou was not the only lovely lady visiting the Tuilleries that day, though by far the most graceful . . . As we returned to la Place de la Concorde, a fashion oriented photo shoot was in progress, which many passers by also stopped to observe. Apparently work from this shooting session appeared in Elle magazine back last Fall. There were assistants standing behind the photographer here holding large mirrors, using them to reflect sunlight onto the model's face. No wonder her eyes are shut, she must have been half blinded, but it looked like all involved in the job were having a good time. Taking photographs and getting paid for it ; good work if you can get it I guess . . .
And so Loulou will not feel quite so all alone about appearing in public in this post, here is a photo that she took of me that day, Mr. Toad, while I was getting ready to shoot some photos of the kids playing on a jungle gym there in the park . . .
And what a day it was ! Fine souvenirs from Paris . . . Some folks take home Eiffel Tower key chains or red Paris hearts, but I took home something far richer : memories of a blog inspired meeting . . . which I'm not likely to soon forget . . . Merci Loulou ! A bientôt j'espère ! Vive Indiaphragme !
