. As it is quite late here, and I need to get my beauty sleep, perhaps I'll let you gaze at this green door for a moment, and let you decide whether you see anything there ? . .
I'm no sure if I'm supposed to be commenting on the the lense like object secreted about the door itself, or the kaleidoscope of colours making up the pattern in the swirling worn strokes of paint.
I'm gonnae go for the 'baby in the womb' image that first played with my brain.
if you turn it 90 degrees counterclockwise, it's a no-so-little girl dragging a (biggish) doll behind her BUT if you turn it clockwise, it's a GAAAAHHHH monster doing the can-can. What do YOU see, Owen?
coucou owen... quelle etrange porte... le QG d'une horde de Rosicruciens?.....une réserve de batraciens verdâtres?...le couvent de sœur marie therese des batignolles?,ton nouveau laboratoire de recherche sur les differentes tisanes?,l'antre de barbe verte?... bon Owen ...ouvre la porte...ça fait une heure que je suis la...tu pourrais au moins me servir un petit café chaud.... bises OWen....j'y vais...bon dimanche..:o)
owen adoré, je me suis bandée les yeux pour ne pas lire les autres commentaires, je ne veux pas être influencée :-) avant de lire ton texte, j'y ai vu quelque chose de religieux ou de royal puis sur la seconde photo ça m'a fait penser à une porte de paquebot ! maintenant en te lisant et puisque tu nous demandes ce que peut bien représenter cette porte, je me dis que je me suis complètement trompée !!!! anyway, c'est beau et les couleurs sont sublimes. j'attends avec impatience la réponse comme quand on attend un cadeau ou la glace au chocolat tant désirée :-)
OMG! There's a yellow orb toady eyeball peaking out from the window opening. So. Perhaps the golden-eyed toad is peering out to see if the cold hearted toad-eater that squashed his Bufo bufo friend against the door (see purple/green/rust/pink after-image of said Bufonidae squish in lower left corner)is still in the vicinity.
Enough toad gazing for me! I have to help Sister Saj sweep out the cobwebs at the hotel and then I must pack. Only 2 more sleeps until I'm westward bound: "Ho-omeward bound, I wish I wa-aa-as.."
Hey Jimmy, Well, I guess it is sort of like one of those Rorschach inkblot tests, where one may be able to see all sorts of things... the baby in womb image is very positive... a hopeful message there... Funny, I went to get my hair cut today, and one of the ladies working at the coiffeur shop was obviously very pregnant, her belly seemed impossibly big and round to me, and yet she isn't due for another two months... I couldn't imagine how much bigger she could get... No wonder one of the earliest sculptures known, from 20000 years ago or so, is of a pregnant woman... woman as mother earth... a lovely image...
Steve, that's great, I see it now, but I hadn't seen that possibility until you voiced it... or maybe it is someone crouched in the garden after having drank way too much at a dinner party, emptying out their excess onto the ground ???
Hi FF, well, maybe this could give you some ideas for re-decorating ? Or we could make a big print of this which you could paste up on your door like a billboard ? :-)
That's exactly what I was seeing, after the previous toad and frog posts, this image on a mausoleum door came back to me, a squashed toad, or perhaps the shadow of a toad after a nuclear blast ???
Jeez, I can see I'll have to be careful not to croak too much if ever in your vicinity, it could obviously be dangerous for one's toady health !
And bon voyage to you, hope you'll be back on line out on the west coast like the last time. And please say hi to Fred Herzog for me... :-)
Hi Deborah, wow, now that is creative initiative, I hadn't even thought about turning it one way or the other, but I see what you mean... scary stuff ! As responded to Lynne Louciao above, I couldn't help but see a toad leaping toward the left side of door... but that just shows you what an amphibian oriented guy I am... I liked Steve's interpretation too, someone kissing the ground... no end of possibilities.
PS, I heard from our mutual friend today, she is doing just fine !
Clo, mais Clo, bon sang, mais rentres, n'attends plus une seconde dans le froid là, viens, assieds-toi là, je vais chercher le café et une grande couverture pour te rechauffer... ah là là, mais il fallait frapper plus fort sur la porte ! Des coups de pied même, comme je dormais en bas de l'escalier, j'ai rien entendu... Voilà un café bien chaud ! Alors, ça va mieux maintenant ??? :-)
Ah, et tu me fais rire avec toutes ces hypothèses ! Mais sûrement c'est l'entrée du laboratoire de tisanes, mais un peu plus loin dans le couloir il y a aussi la réserve des batraciens ! Comment tu as pu déviner ??? Quel esprit, plus aiguisé qu'une rapière ! Et quant à sœur marie therese des batignolles, bon dieu, je ne connaissais pas cette personnage illustre des BDs, il fallait que je cherche, mais j'ai fini par trouver, oh là, elle a l'air bien, cette bonne soeur ! Et pour la barbe verte, il va falloir que je cherche encore un peu... visiblement il y a un trésor ??? Un trésor mystérieux ? Ah, encore quelques lacunes dans ma culture... mais grace à toi on va les combler bien rapidement je vois ! Continues !
Alors, tes yeux sont encore bandés ??? Bien, bon, tiens ta main ici... voici un cadeau, un bon petit bout de Lindt's Mousse au Chocolat en barre... connais-tu cette délice ???
Bon, si tu as lu les autres réponses, surtout à Lynne Louciao, voilà, c'est surtout l'amphibian, crapaud ou grenouille que je voyais, en bas à gauche, mais d'autres personnes ont vu bien des choses intéressantes, et comme je disais à Jimmy, c'est vraiment le test de psy, le truc Rorschach, où l'on raconte ce que l'on voit dans un dessin abstrait, les réponses seraient revelatrices sur la personalité du sujet... alors, tu vois un paquebot, tu es peut-être prète à partir en voyage??? Une longue croisière en mer ? Bonne idée, que du mieux pour changer les idées ?
Et merci pour ce plein de bisous, je t'en renvoie, et te souhaite un excellent dimanche tranquil :-)
Lynne, but we didn't even say what the door prize was... my goodness, it could be a squashed toad for all you know... which by the way, I took a photo of on la Réunion, will have to post it for you further delight and edification... Now get back to that packing, or you will never get it done !
Dear Saj, have another one or two then, and everything will become clear... ;-)
Once I wrote an five page essay about doors and its content. Looking at your pictures it for sure would have needed another five pages to reach a conglusion.
A wonderful opening start into the season of spring and the new week as well.
Hi Vicky... Well, if a face of Christ is in there, I haven't found it yet, and not sure I want to... the site of Lourdes in southern France where a virgin was spotted in the 1800's is still getting 6 million visitors a year... don't need that kind of traffic around these parts, I'm sure...
Hi Robert... well then, you've just five more pages to go then ! I'll come back and check up on you to see how you're getting on in a few hours... Ah yes, doors, the doors of perception...
Hi Roxana, good question... doors are fascinating for me because of what may lie beyond them, unseen, but imagined... and perhaps something magical...
Et le pont, on ne peut qu'être inspiré, ému, c'est tellement loin de tout autre monde, c'est un monde à part entière, on dévine un monde meilleur que celui-ci... juste à l'autre bord de la rivière, il faudrait simplement trouver le moyen de traverser le pont...
Two books of Owen's Photos are now available and can be seen in their entirety by clicking on the links that are in this post about them. Enjoy ! If you would like to order one, please drop me an e-mail to owenmart333 at gmail dot com
Owen's Photos Now For Sale on ImageKind
Image Kind Gallery
If you see a photo in this blog which you would like to have on a wall at home, just let me know and I will be happy to upload it to the ImageKind site where it can be purchased at the link above.
A Small Show in Paris
Do Drop By : December 2011, Jan 2012, Click photo for info
Unless credited otherwise, all photos and text in this blog are original work protected by international intellectual property and copyright laws. Please ask for permission if you wish to use something.
Why ? Answer : Why not ? Originally from a foreign country, now French and living in France for the past 20 years. Am still adapting to culture shock. Frequently go out scouring the countryside, camera in hand, looking for my dream house, for my dreamtime, for my dreams.
Feel free to leave comments !
Comments are the icing on blogcake...
Comments are the UFO in the twilight sky bearing news from other planets...
Comments are rasberry vinegar in salad dressing...
Comments are the cool balm of after-sun moisturizing lotion...
Comments are the moment the band comes back out onstage to play an encore...
Comments are the gleam in the eye across the room in a smoky bar...
Comments are the rainbow after the rainstorm...
I'm no sure if I'm supposed to be commenting on the the lense like object secreted about the door itself, or the kaleidoscope of colours making up the pattern in the swirling worn strokes of paint.
I'm gonnae go for the 'baby in the womb' image that first played with my brain.
An interesting item...
Looks like somebody so glad to be home they're kissing the ground...
My own front door looks plain and dull next to this
So that's the peep hole? Great design on the this door.
A squashed toad! (I warned you to keep the croaking down)
if you turn it 90 degrees counterclockwise, it's a no-so-little girl dragging a (biggish) doll behind her BUT if you turn it clockwise, it's a GAAAAHHHH monster doing the can-can. What do YOU see, Owen?
coucou owen...
quelle etrange porte...
le QG d'une horde de Rosicruciens?.....une réserve de batraciens verdâtres?...le couvent de sœur marie therese des batignolles?,ton nouveau laboratoire de recherche sur les differentes tisanes?,l'antre de barbe verte?...
bon Owen ...ouvre la porte...ça fait une heure que je suis la...tu pourrais au moins me servir un petit café chaud....
bises OWen....j'y vais...bon dimanche..:o)
owen adoré, je me suis bandée les yeux pour ne pas lire les autres commentaires, je ne veux pas être influencée :-)
avant de lire ton texte, j'y ai vu quelque chose de religieux ou de royal puis sur la seconde photo ça m'a fait penser à une porte de paquebot !
maintenant en te lisant et puisque tu nous demandes ce que peut bien représenter cette porte, je me dis que je me suis complètement trompée !!!!
anyway, c'est beau et les couleurs sont sublimes.
j'attends avec impatience la réponse comme quand on attend un cadeau ou la glace au chocolat tant désirée :-)
plein de bisous
OMG! There's a yellow orb toady eyeball peaking out from the window opening. So. Perhaps the golden-eyed toad is peering out to see if the cold hearted toad-eater that squashed his Bufo bufo friend against the door (see purple/green/rust/pink after-image of said Bufonidae squish in lower left corner)is still in the vicinity.
Enough toad gazing for me! I have to help Sister Saj sweep out the cobwebs at the hotel and then I must pack. Only 2 more sleeps until I'm westward bound: "Ho-omeward bound, I wish I wa-aa-as.."
Hey Jimmy,
Well, I guess it is sort of like one of those Rorschach inkblot tests, where one may be able to see all sorts of things... the baby in womb image is very positive... a hopeful message there... Funny, I went to get my hair cut today, and one of the ladies working at the coiffeur shop was obviously very pregnant, her belly seemed impossibly big and round to me, and yet she isn't due for another two months... I couldn't imagine how much bigger she could get... No wonder one of the earliest sculptures known, from 20000 years ago or so, is of a pregnant woman... woman as mother earth... a lovely image...
Steve, that's great, I see it now, but I hadn't seen that possibility until you voiced it... or maybe it is someone crouched in the garden after having drank way too much at a dinner party, emptying out their excess onto the ground ???
Hi FF, well, maybe this could give you some ideas for re-decorating ? Or we could make a big print of this which you could paste up on your door like a billboard ?
A fine weekend to you...
Hi TechnoB, that's it, the peephole with a view out upon the entire universe... helps keep things in perspective here on Earth...
Ah Lynne, You get... the door prize !!!
That's exactly what I was seeing, after the previous toad and frog posts, this image on a mausoleum door came back to me, a squashed toad, or perhaps the shadow of a toad after a nuclear blast ???
Jeez, I can see I'll have to be careful not to croak too much if ever in your vicinity, it could obviously be dangerous for one's toady health !
And bon voyage to you, hope you'll be back on line out on the west coast like the last time. And please say hi to Fred Herzog for me...
Hi Deborah, wow, now that is creative initiative, I hadn't even thought about turning it one way or the other, but I see what you mean... scary stuff ! As responded to Lynne Louciao above, I couldn't help but see a toad leaping toward the left side of door... but that just shows you what an amphibian oriented guy I am... I liked Steve's interpretation too, someone kissing the ground... no end of possibilities.
PS, I heard from our mutual friend today, she is doing just fine !
Clo, mais Clo, bon sang, mais rentres, n'attends plus une seconde dans le froid là, viens, assieds-toi là, je vais chercher le café et une grande couverture pour te rechauffer... ah là là, mais il fallait frapper plus fort sur la porte ! Des coups de pied même, comme je dormais en bas de l'escalier, j'ai rien entendu...
Voilà un café bien chaud ! Alors, ça va mieux maintenant ???
Ah, et tu me fais rire avec toutes ces hypothèses ! Mais sûrement c'est l'entrée du laboratoire de tisanes, mais un peu plus loin dans le couloir il y a aussi la réserve des batraciens ! Comment tu as pu déviner ??? Quel esprit, plus aiguisé qu'une rapière ! Et quant à sœur marie therese des batignolles, bon dieu, je ne connaissais pas cette personnage illustre des BDs, il fallait que je cherche, mais j'ai fini par trouver, oh là, elle a l'air bien, cette bonne soeur ! Et pour la barbe verte, il va falloir que je cherche encore un peu... visiblement il y a un trésor ??? Un trésor mystérieux ? Ah, encore quelques lacunes dans ma culture... mais grace à toi on va les combler bien rapidement je vois ! Continues !
Bon dimanche Clo....
Bonjour .::Karine::. !
Alors, tes yeux sont encore bandés ??? Bien, bon, tiens ta main ici... voici un cadeau, un bon petit bout de Lindt's Mousse au Chocolat en barre... connais-tu cette délice ???
Bon, si tu as lu les autres réponses, surtout à Lynne Louciao, voilà, c'est surtout l'amphibian, crapaud ou grenouille que je voyais, en bas à gauche, mais d'autres personnes ont vu bien des choses intéressantes, et comme je disais à Jimmy, c'est vraiment le test de psy, le truc Rorschach, où l'on raconte ce que l'on voit dans un dessin abstrait, les réponses seraient revelatrices sur la personalité du sujet... alors, tu vois un paquebot, tu es peut-être prète à partir en voyage??? Une longue croisière en mer ? Bonne idée, que du mieux pour changer les idées ?
Et merci pour ce plein de bisous, je t'en renvoie, et te souhaite un excellent dimanche tranquil
I'll be round in the morning to collect my prize.
(can you tell I'm avoiding packing?)
I must have had some bad grog, can't see anything today...
Lynne, but we didn't even say what the door prize was... my goodness, it could be a squashed toad for all you know... which by the way, I took a photo of on la Réunion, will have to post it for you further delight and edification... Now get back to that packing, or you will never get it done !
Dear Saj, have another one or two then, and everything will become clear...
There's gotta be a face of christ in there somewhere!... and where did the roundy lens thingy appear from!?.. spooky!
Once I wrote an five page essay about doors and its content. Looking at your pictures it for sure would have needed another five pages to reach a conglusion.
A wonderful opening start into the season of spring and the new week as well.
why do doors fascinate us so? their symbolism seems to be endless... and green doors, who could ever resist their charm? :-)
Owen, merci de tout coeur pour tous les gentils mots que tu as laisses sur le Pont, ton amitie est tres precieuse pour moi...
Hi Vicky... Well, if a face of Christ is in there, I haven't found it yet, and not sure I want to... the site of Lourdes in southern France where a virgin was spotted in the 1800's is still getting 6 million visitors a year... don't need that kind of traffic around these parts, I'm sure...
Hi Robert... well then, you've just five more pages to go then ! I'll come back and check up on you to see how you're getting on in a few hours... Ah yes, doors, the doors of perception...
Hi Roxana, good question... doors are fascinating for me because of what may lie beyond them, unseen, but imagined... and perhaps something magical...
Et le pont, on ne peut qu'être inspiré, ému, c'est tellement loin de tout autre monde, c'est un monde à part entière, on dévine un monde meilleur que celui-ci... juste à l'autre bord de la rivière, il faudrait simplement trouver le moyen de traverser le pont...
It made me think of a bird at the end of his circular journey - maybe after migration season is over?
It also made me think that the textures and colors are just delightful!
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