While on la Réunion Island for two weeks in February, in the small town of Cilaos, high in the interior of the island, I found some beautiful postcards for sale in a small shop. The photos on them were done by a simply excellent photographer who lives on la Réunion named Edgar. He very kindly sent me a larger version of one of his postcard images, which is this series of nine creole homes, or "cases créoles". Edgar has a website where you can see quite a bit more of his fine photography, into which he pours a generous quantity of passion for the people and places to be found on la Réunion. His work has been published in Geo Magazine, which is the french equivalent to National Geographic. Several others of his lovely postcard images can be found on his website . . . enjoy . . . (photo copyright http://www.edgarphoto.fr/)
While exploring la Réunion, I also photographed several cases créoles, as they are often compelling subject matter, especially for someone like me who is searching the world over for a dream house to live in. A case créole on la Réunion may just possibly be a reasonable solution. This next photo is one of mine, transformed into sepia tint in homage to Edgar, with the original photo below it in blue. Note the waterfalls pouring down the slope behind the house...
These are excellent dream houses. I'm having trouble choosing, but I'm leaning towards the one on the bottom row, far left. Something mysterious about it, and I like the 2 doors, though one has a tree blocking it. Ambiguous message there. Welcome or not? But then the one on the upper far right is beguiling, too, with its guest wing. So many choice choices!
I don't think I'd risk living in the one so near the waterfall. Flash floods and all. Although it would alleviate the need to install a shower. Hmmm...
The sepia tones are great, but the blue with the contrasting red roof is eye-popping, in a good way. I'm looking forward to seeing more such treasures! Meanwhile, will be putting in a call to the island real estate agent.
Beautiful photos on Edgar's website. Will definitely spend more time there.
That is very cool. la Réunion looks like a dream place to relax and exolore. The houses are so unique and colorful but they still look really interesting in monochrome.
I very much like the sepia tones. The bright blue is nice, but the sepia seems to add depth. Gorgeous.
He is an excellent photographer; thank you for sharing this find. It's easy to get lost in his images.
The sepia tone creates a very special atmosphere and Edgar's photos are great but once again I find myself drawn to colour: the lush green forest, the rusty corrugated iron roof, the typical blue house paint, how not to fall for the lot?
Wonderful wonderful scene !
Looks ready to step inside, kick-back and enjoy a slower pace of life... you know what? I'm halfway there already...
While some may dream of large mansions, I share the vision of a simple shack in a majestic setting. The color photo is striking although if it were my purchase I may just have to change the color from Avatar blue to sepia.
I come from a country full of color so I always love to see the black and white version, portrayed from different point of view of the people from the other countries.
But I am sad the house seems abandoned:(
Wonderful house, wonderful blue colour, just a dream house for you, Owen.
I love your concept of a dream house. Rustic, unpretentious, and may I be so bold to suggest that it seems to echo perhaps an internal quest for a more simple, down to earth, unhurried existance. There is poetry in these images and in the images by Edgar. Must be an island magic at work.
Great photographer, you highlighted and a great 'homage' you made. Laurie
Thanks for your visit to Slug's Rest, I would not be surprised if that last post frightened you a bit, it certainly left Mr. Slug with the urge to cocoon after he saw it!
I like the photo of the blue house, but I have an important question: Where is the blue eyed cat when you need him?! I bet he does not enjoy flying on planes or he would have posed for your photo! A fantastic blue color indeed, I am swimming in it. As for the watery location of the house, it suits the "Mr." and I just fine, I think we will slide in and stay awhile! I hope the waterfalls come right through the house for increased water content for our guests when we throw lavish sluggy parties! That tilted area on the roof shall be fitted with a slip n' slide so that we can entertain the guests after a sumptuous dinner of green leaves and gutter mosses!MMMMM Deeeelish!
Love, Mr. and Mrs. Slug
Sepia makes everything look great.
Love the collage, Owen. And, wow, what a setting for the blue house. The color really popped, especially after seeing it in sepia. Great stuff, as always. Enjoying the journey vicariously…
Oh I love the original shot of your dream house. I wonder what it is like inside
As only what can be dreamed of, is able to become a reality, one might continue to hope to have the luck to see such dreams while being awake.
Please have a wonderful Wednesday.
Owen, how marvelous are each of these places and their special photographic treatment by both of you creates a place in my heart for them. I can see why you see possibilities for the future there. I'm going to Google map it to "feel" more.
Extraordinary link indeed, for we all who love photography. Thanks for the tip Owen friend. Creole, I think i have heard that word before, related with New Orleans. . but don´t remeber quite good now.
I can't even go into all the comments I've typed and lost lately. Windows 7 now...used to Vista... or need to change settings..don't know.
This post...small pictures..#4,6,7,&8... to include the large photo... are they duplexes? What's with the two doors on the same side of the house?
All of them are dream homes to me. And thanks for taking us all to a sunny island.
Merci pour le lien d'Edgar , de très belles photos :)
I find these photos very compelling...like if I'm really still, they will tell me their stories...and if not, I will have no trouble at all imagining them.
Belle découverte que ce photographe !
Merci … Mayotte & Mada me donnerait presqu'envie d'y aller …
oh so beautiful !! I will be going to visit the website. Your "house" is beautifully photographed..the speia tones give it a dream-like feel..but I like the life in the blue of the house...either way...I could live there!!!
guess what!.... yes... I want all of them... particularly the last one.... I can just imagine how groovy it could be inside.. the constant pink noise from the waterfalls... *drifts off
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