Every once in a blue moon one stumbles by whatever happy coincidence onto something so fine that it just leaves one speechless, awestruck, overwhelmed with the wonder that life can bring on some oh so rare occasions. Well, I had a moment of epiphany like that just the other day, when I chanced to find via a link in a comment box Karine Arnou's blog Peintures, Photos, et Humeurs. I'm not going to launch into a great long discourse here, otherwise I'd just gush and gush, I'd rather let you hurry on over there and see for yourself, and let you draw your own conclusions, or let Karine draw them for you . . . because wow ! can she ever draw. And paint ! And photograph !
She very kindly gave me permission to reproduce here one of her paintings, to give you just a little taste. If you've been reading these pages for any length of time, you know I have a weak spot for all things in zebra stripes, so you can well imagine that my heart nearly stopped when I saw this most magical of zebra paintings by Karine :
And one small song to complete the circle with the appropriate title of "Something Fine"
a beautiful piece..i will be going right over.
spent some time catching up since my last visit..so much going on that normally doesn't..i have felt "un-me"...so good to visit your blog again...now i feel centered.
thank you!
A really interesting blog Owen. And of course, even more since i really apreciate the artist that have no self impossed limits and like to explore all the fields of art and why not?? even mix them in order to look for new horizons. I was missing you in my photoblog, and of course, there are no secrets between friends, moreover if we share a like for photography. It would be a good idea for the first to visit :
and have alook on the tutorials and later perhaps to tell me what do you think. Meanwhile, wish you an extraordinary Sunday!!
Stunning, Karine!!!!
It would be perfect on my wall..... ;-)
take care
Oh you big tease, Mr Browne indeed! I'm still waiting for him, maybe he will visit our new hotel?
Great art work by that fellow blogger - I have a soft spot for Zebra, dunno why!
L'Hommage reçu is exquisite in every detail. Thank's for the link.
Wow. That really is very stunning. Caught a sense of breeze too.
Epiphany...that is such a beautiful word....Lucky you to come along such a nice painting of zebra's, knowing about your affinity (epiphanity?) with these striped souls. Have a nice sunday, Owen.
That is a beautiful painting! I'm going over to visit now. Thanks for the heads-up.
No wonder you were so taken! Right under those zebras was an incredible lemon photograph that I would give my eye teeth for, actually. What a talent she has! Thanks for pointing the way to her blog, Owen.
I can't imagine what it must be like to take a sheet of blank paper, get the crayons or oils out and then turn this big expanse of white into something that people will find beautiful. It is simply beyond me and I greatly envy anybody who is able to do this. To then do it as well as Karine does is astonishing.
quel talent ! et son blog est remplie de belles choses très différentes les unes des autres, un vrai petit paradis :-)
je m'y rendrai les jours pluvieux pour revoir ce petit rouge gorge qui fait écho à mon enfance et qui résonne en tintinnabulant !
merci owen adoré
OoooOOhhH .....!
Je suis comme le rouge gorge, rouge rouge de confusion, et de plaisir ...
Quel hommage tu m'as rendu là...
Je ne suis pas sûre de mériter tant d'éloges, mais comme les artistes vivent et grandissent grâce au regard des autres, je ne peux que te remercier du fond du coeur, toi et tes amis pour toutes ces appréciations extraordinaires.
J'espère pouvoir encore partager avec vous d'autres émotions colorées...
Gorgeous! No, not you, Owen--Karine's work. (But you're not bad looking for a toad).
Yes! Great watercolours! Thanks for a bit of soothing music too. :o)
Hi Ann, if this obscure little blog of mine can help you get centered... then that is high praise indeed... actually, maybe this is the center of the universe here, after all ?
You are most welcome any time... the kettle is always on...
Hi Alberto ! Many thanks for the link to the photoblog on wordpress, I just took a quick look, and will have to go back to look some more, visibly quite passionate about photography there... Yeah, have been too busy lately, and sometimes forget about people's second blog... but never for long... take care...
Salou Loulou !
Ah, so you still have some empty space on your walls ??? With all your photos, I would have thought you'd have filled up all your walls long ago... That's the problem for prolific photographers like you, is where to put all the photos... other than on the blog of course. Hope you had fun on Friday... And Karine sure is good, n'est-ce pas ?!
Bonne semaine Loulou...
Sister Saj,
Ah, so you haven't forgotten about JB coming to town ??? You have a long memory I see ! Well, I'm sure once he hears about our project, and how he will be invited to the opening night ballroom inauguration, that he will be on the phone to let us know his arrival time and his lodging requirements... Will have to reseve several suites for him, I'm sure a guy like that does not travel alone... Ooh, this is all so exciting. Just need to hurry up and win the lottery, so we can get started, but it is any day now, I can feel it in my bones....
Hey Jimmy, you are most welcome... and I absolutely loved your last piece there about iPods and Apples...
Steve, ah yes, the zebra breeze was blowing there, wafting scents of African plains over the cyberwires...
Hi Henk, epiphany is a beautiful word, and your twist to epiphanity is not bad too, as long as it doesn't drift into epiph-inanity, but anyway, what is there not to love about zebras ??? Those most magical beasts. And surprise of synchronous surprises, when I went out for a Sunday afternoon stroll here with la grenouille, we stumbled upon a real live zebra, believe it or not... the circus had come to town, with quite a few beasts in tow, including a zebra.... photos will follow. I couldn't believe my eyes...
Hi Dedene, hope you had a nice time over there... When I first found her blog, I went clear through all the way back to the start, looking at every one of the beautiful pieces she has there. Karine also has a couple of other blogs on Skyrock, which can be found by Googling her name...
Hi Deborah, she is an amazing talent, and yes indeed, the lemons were mouth-watering... enough to set one to drooling, which is what some toads do naturally anyway... You are very welcome !
Hey FF, you and me both... I couldn't draw a zebra to save my life !
Salut .::Karine::. !
N'est-ce pas, justement, c'est un petit carré du paradis là chez Karine A., et donc cela fait deux blogs fabuleux tenus par des Karines maintenant que je connais... entre toi et Karine A., il doit y avoir quelquechose dans ce nom, n'est-ce pas ? Et oui, j'en suis sûr ! Et j'adore ce mot que tu me fais découvrir là : tintinnabulant... parfait pour les rouge gorges...
A bientôt .::Karine::.
O, wow, I love this painting! I'll be visiting her soon and I thank you for discovering her for all of us, Owen.
Bonsoir Karine A. !
Il n'y a pas de quoi... c'est ce qui est fabuleux dans ce monde des blogs... on découvre des personnes que l'on n'aurait jamais connu autrement. Et des ouevres d'art comme les tiens ne trainent pas à tous les coins de rue... pour moi, ils sont tout à fait extraordinaires... un régal...
A bientôt ! Et continues à nous partager ces trésors... stp...
Ah Lynne... not bad looking for a toad, eh ? Hmm, hard to know how to decipher that... guess I'll meander and galumph back down to the toad pond to ponder that for a while... what better place than a pond to ponder, eh??? Glad you enjoyed Karine's work, I thought you might, or I hoped you might...
So, big Sis, guess you're nearly ready to fly on out... bon voyage, and don't disappear out there in any tidal waves or earthquakes or volcanoes or anything, ok ?! That's an order !
Hi Jessie, you're very welcome, she is good... no, better than good, downright excellent !
I just clicked onto her blog, and she is wonderful....! Thank you for sharing. I love finding new blogs with talented people ... like you!
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