Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sailing Away On a Pool in Paris . . .

Do you remember how we used to look at the world when we were children ? The seemingly endless miracles and discoveries ? But how to keep that sense of wonder alive, as passing time and the endless stream of awful news from around the world strive to obliterate it ? Where corruption and greed seem infinite ? Is it still possible today to dream of a better world, where our remaining wildlife will not disappear, where humans could live peacefully without continual violence ? Where the dreams we dreamed as children could yet come true ? Where we could sail off on small boats toward a brighter future ? At a small round pool in the Tuilleries Gardens near the Louvre in Paris, the answer is Yes.
And as there are some reflections in these last three pictures, this could then qualify for participation in James Weekend Reflections, where light bounces around in the most amazing manner, from all over the earth.


Laurie said...

Very evocative, Owen. I can remember seeing a full-scale naval battle between model warships in a boating pond in the 1950s and lots of yachts! Wonderful

Steve said...

Nothing says freedom to the soul more that a sail on the water... even a model one...

French Girl in Seattle said...

Love, love, love this post Owen. I take my son to les Tuileries whenever we are in Paris. This is a Parisian tradition, not only for tourists, but for locals too, as you probably know. Junior has played with these wooden sailboats often since he turned 4 years old. What a magical place, you are right, and your beautiful, sunny pictures do them justice. I love to watch the kids run around the fountain as I imagine little Parisian children doing the exact same thing during la Belle Epoque. Merci for this happy story. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

English Rider said...

A flotilla of dreams...

Anonymous said...

I started humming a Christopher Cross song ...

"Sailing takes me away
To where I've always heard it could be
Just a dream and the wind to carry me
And soon I will be free"

And now I'm smiling - thank you, Owen!

Scott Law said...

Very cool post and I loved your many different angles on the model boats.

Anonymous said...

Ah, it does evoke the sense of sailing off on a joyous journey of discovery.

Nathalie H.D. said...

While the sails look newish, you can tell by the looks of them that the hulls are probably exactly the same that were used by my father when he occasionally came here with his own grandmother before WW II.

How amazing.

Love the young man basking in the sun next to the boats. How's that for a cool student's job?

Pastelle said...

Un petit voyage dans le temps vers l'été qui fait particulièrement du bien aujourd'hui ! Et voguent les couleurs...

PeterParis said...

Nathalie took it up... I also wonder how many generations have been "sailing" with these boats? I wasn't in Paris as a kid, but my kids and grandkids have enjoyed them.

mythopolis said...

Very colorful post, and I was reminded of my childhood in NYC - the 'pond' in Central Parks where people played with little boats!

Maria O. Russell said...

Owen, what a delicious post!

Looking at the little sails took me back to the past, when I used to mend (darn?)a dear friend´s real sails.

Almost a full time job!!

Didn´t you tell us once, that as a little redheaded boy, you used to come to this fountain to sail your own boat?

Or maybe it´s just my imagination...

Thank you so much.

Maria O. Russell said...

Owen, what a delicious post!

Looking at the little sails took me back to the past, when I used to mend (darn?)a dear friend´s real sails.

Almost a full time job!!

Didn´t you tell us once, that as a little redheaded boy, you used to come to this fountain to sail your own boat?

Or maybe it´s just my imagination...

Thank you so much.

clo said...

Owen tu as un don pour denicher des tresors incroyables..
ça me ramene a l'enfance ,a l'été ,au soleil qui eclabousse les yeux et c'est une douce sensation..
C'est tout simplement magnifique photos et bateaux :) ces belles images vont flotter dans mon esprit pour un long moment...merci Owen pour cette transat improvisée...:) bisoux bonne soirée..:)

James said...

Great post! I've never seen these boats up close but when I was a child I would have really looked at them instead of just the glances now. Thanks for reminding me to look deeper.

Stickup Artist said...

Some traditions are meant to last because they appeal to the child and the dreamer in us. This is a beautiful post!

Lynne with an e said...

Tradition, nostalgia, hope, family, you've touched tenderly and thoughtfully upon these universal themes.
Seen at this time of the year, the triangular shapes of the sails, brightly coloured and decorated, resemble the Christmas trees that are burgeoning in living rooms and shopping malls everywhere you look these days. The dash of childhood wonder and glee that you scooped from the air one summer day loses none of its potency when stirred into the seasonal mix of Yuletide.
All in all, a very unusual and charming Christmas greeting you've created here, dear BrOwen.

Catherine said...

What lovely sails and yachts - such nostalgia....

Lady Mondegreen's Secret Garden said...

Aha, I see I shall have to come back in the summer time :-)

The Sagittarian said...

Traditionally I would raise my glass and say "cheers" to this post as I do to almost all of them anyway!!
There is something restful but fun about these photos, glad you managed to hop out of the pond long enough to capture the moment. I didn't see any lilly pads tho', did you have your own boat?

Humberto Dib said...

Great blog, cheers from Argentina!

Owen said...

Many thanks to one and all !

Un grand merci à toutes et à tous...

Work is keeping me more than a little busy these days, hoping it will let up after Christmas...

Be well...

Le Journal de Chrys said...

Tu nous fais voyager aujourd'hui!!! Du soleil, des bateaux, les vacances!!!!

Sar@h said...

Et bien, ceux-là ont bourlingué. J'ai eu une pensée pour vous, je suis allée au marché jeudi, d'ailleurs j'y retourne jeudi prochain. ;-)

Virginia said...

What a glorious collection this is Owen. I'm happy to link to your blog from my post today. Thank you.

martinealison said...

Je me suis vraiment fait plaisir en admirant l'ensemble de vos merveilleuses photos... Ces petits bateaux m'entraînent dans un rêve...
Gros bisous