Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cracked & Shattered . . .

After a long week on the road and several late, late nights plotting strategies to cope with the ever increasing demand for straightjackets in all sizes, colors, models, airports in the mornings, strange hotels and their strange beds and late night noises, early morning doors slamming in the hall way, and now a loud conversation at the hotel bar just off the courtesy PC room by boisterous pilots and their accompanying flight attendants... hope they'll be sober in the morning if it's my flight they'll be operating...
Anyway, it would be easy to say I'm feeling cracked and shattered after all that, but in fact it's just not the case... because as of today, the real vacation starts. A free man on the loose in a big country... with two weeks to do just about anything. Can't complain about that ! What would you do in my shoes ?
This fellow looks like he was thinking so hard about what to do while on vacation that he got a splitting headache...

Couldn't help but wonder if the damage visible in these two photos was naturally occurring, just the ravages of time, or was it more intentional, acts of vandalism ??? In any case, the end result was cracked and shattered... "Go quietly amid the noise and haste..."



CiCi said...

Now you have two weeks to visit friends and sight see and oh, yeah, take some pictures. Enjoy.

Stickup Artist said...

If I were in your shoes, and have been so in the past, you know where you'd find me first! I am so there with you in spirit! You know what they say, you can take the boy (girl) out of Philly but you can't take Philly out of the boy (girl). All I can say is I sure hope you don't speak French with a Philly accent!

Pull your pieces together, chill with that brewski, and clog some arteries. I can't wait to see what the universe serves up for your pleasure!

Lynne with an e said...

let the good times roll

Steve said...

That cracked head... that has so been me at work this week!

Gwen Buchanan said...

I think his head is cracked open to make room for more things... now you get to fill it up...

the fly in the web said...

Have a wonderful timer, Owen...and send us the pics!

Anonymous said...

Now with the splitting headache out of the way, I hope you are having a wonderful time ... doing whatever it is you want to do ... some of which I'm sure I will look forward to hearing about in the future :=}.

Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Two fabulous photos, but I particularly like the first. The second is intriguing and asks many questions.

Hope that you have a wonderful vacation and that your camera is constantly "at the ready." If you have started in PA, there should be much to keep your camera interested.

Can't wait to see the photos and read the stories!


Anonymous said...

If I don't know where to go, am turning analogue with where the traffic light is green - colour of hope.
Wishing you a wonderful time !

daily athens

The Poet Laura-eate said...

Hotels are very surreal places. A bunch of strangers all in the same building for the night. Thank goodness for the en-suite (though I abhor such an innovation in a private house where one wants to keep one's bathroom well away from the boudoir in my view.)

Unknown said...

2 Weeks!!!! Enjoy yourself immensely and irrevocably :>)

Nevine Sultan said...

What would I do? Hit the road... Jack Kerouac style! Is there any other way? Whatever you end up doing, Owen, I hope you have a blast! It's great to hear you're enjoying...!


French Fancy... said...

Have a great quinze jours, my bloggy friend.

Roxana said...

aaah how i envy you, i am entirely buried under work here - enjoy enjoy enjoy - even the splitting headache for too much pondering and holiday planning, that has its charms as well!!! :-)


babbler said...

Mr. Slug has a new invetion that might help you get around town, or the country for that matter, I think you will need to go by Slug's Rest and give it a whirl.It is called the "Bubble to air conversion lifter" and I think Mr. Slug will need your help (you shall see!) before you will be able to sample a flight. If you have a moment while waiting in a bus station or car rental place, please slide by for a test drive. Oh - and bring your calculator and slide rule. Thanks! Mrs. Slug

P.S. Your blog was very enjoyable, It was all that was cracked up to be!

The Sagittarian said...

That last photo could have been taken here! However, I love the splitting headache photo, good catch!

Amy said...

Don't let your head split like that! I'm glad your real vacation is underway - enjoy. :)

:: Karine :: said...

owen adoré, tu es où ???!!!
mais que fais-tu si loin ?
deux semaines, c'est beaucoup trop long :-)))
kisses xxx

Plum' said...

La bouteille à la mer est bien arrivée avec ton message, à mon tour de t'envoyer mon oiseau funambule pour te souffler des idées surréalistes ;)
Profite bien de tes vacances,

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Cemeteries are fascinating.

jeff said...

Et alors ?
Aurais-tu perdu ta fiole de tisane ?...:)

Cildemer said...

Coucou Owen!
J'espère que tes vacances se passent merveilleusement bien et que revenir parmi nous ne sera pas un casse-tête;o)

Bises et à bientôt*******