I am feeling so guilty . . . way back on August 10th a charming and delightful southern cajun lady gave me an award that I didn't get around to picking up until now, over a month later. So I would like to thank
Marguerite at Cajun Delights from the bottom of my guilty heart for this Honest Scrap award . . . and while I'm at it, I would also like to suggest that you get over there to see what some real joie de vivre cajun style looks like, because she has got it nailed ! Every time I drop by there I come away feeling like I could eat a horse ! (That's just an expression) It more like, coming away feeling like I could eat a huge plate of crawfish gumbo followed by some cajun spice cake with praline icing . . . yes indeed, that is one sweet blog. . . thank you Marguerite !
And in the same vein, on September 8th,
Saroj of Saroj's Panorama up in Norway passed on this Humane award to me, and I'm only getting back there tonight. . . She writes on a wide variety of subjects, and she writes well, from the heart. Many thanks Saroj for your kindness !
Not too long ago, I noted that
Fucoid at Permanent Transience had tagged me, and I went to look, but didn't have time at that point to deal with the fairly lengthy question and answer session it would entail, but it is a moot point now, as that tag post seems to have disappeared off the face of the blogosphere. But whatever, thanks Fucoid for the thought there, and keep on cooking up your wild and wonderful visions out there in the hinterlands of Eastern Europe. . .
.Finally, just continue to call me Mr Guilty, way back on July 31st,
JoMo at Peace of Pi Studio passed on this International Blogger Community award to me, in which the rules request maintaining a link to the source of the award, which is here. . .
http://bloggistame.blogspot.com/ . In any case, thanks JoMo, really appreciate the award ! And keep turning out your artwork. . .
Well, that about clears up some unfinished blog business which I'd noted down on my ever transforming "To Do" list, but hadn't crossed off until now. I'm afraid I'm not very good at following rules, so these awards are dead-ending here. I wouldn't know where to begin as far as passing them on is concerned, I think you all deserve awards every day, just for keeping all your fabulous blogs going.
.There is one eeeny meeeny, tiny miny, itsy bitsy little thing I'd like to ask you to give a second or two's worth of thought to, and it is a subject I've seen elswhere, like on
Jo's Majority of Two blog in Vancouver not too long ago, but if you can bring yourself to do it, could you please consider turning off the "word verification" process on your comment boxes ? For anyone like me, who loves to get out and about and leave comments all over the face of the map as often as possible, (like a demented incontinent dog confronted with an infinite array of fire hydrants), having to stop at the end on many blogs and type in some inane, hard-to-read series of letters in order to prove that I'm a flesh and blood human being and not some maniacal machine bred spammer, is well, to put it politely, very often a pain in the posterior. . . so please, it's easy to do, just go into the blog parameters for comments, and turn off the word verification. If you find yourself overwhelmed suddenly with spam ads for inflatable dolls from China, well, you can always turn it on again, or use the moderation option. But I turned my word verification off about six months ago, and have received no spam whatsoever . . .
.So, what else can I say ? Love and hugs to all of you . . .