Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Works of Art In the Strangest Places . . .

As much as I love to wander in museums and wonder while pondering the profuse profundities of fine paintings and sculptures from over the centuries, I also love to wander out of doors and let chance play her mysterious role in revealing minor marvels and natural art, which spring into view unbidden and unexpected in surprising places. One just has to tune in to their frequency, and oscillate with them for a while. Here are just a few examples seen recently while out walking hither and thither. Hunting and gathering. Watching how time and weather transform most anything, from what it was, into something entirely other.


  1. Owen, doing what he does best: snapping shots of old things and pondering over the passage of time... Love the first series, with the hotel canopy. Bravo, l'artiste! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Well it certainly isn't hither and yawn!

  3. Hi Vero,
    Do you think if I met a Hermes exec on a plane he could have a bag made for me to carry my camera in, and large enough to drag home bits of rusty art from my travels ?


    Lynne, hither and yawn ??? Perish the thought ! More like, hither and awn, as in awning, and get thee hither ere the dawn, out to the woods with the tawny spotted fawn, crossing the dew dripped lawn...

  4. -- Owen -- I am beginning to have "contacts" in the high fashion world, you know. I am sure my new friend Michael Tonello could introduce you to a designer chez Hermès. They'd be lucky to be given the opportunity to make a bag for the talented Owen! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. these "minor miracles" bring such joy in the pusuit and discovery of how we live and don't live. i seek out these images constantly, just getting glimpses of life.

    great post


    (moved from the all ways sites to here.)

  6. I feel sympathy! I see works of art everywhere too.
    Have a good day!

  7. Those top ones are amazing! I had no idea what it was until I scrolled down! Great textures of the paint too, it reminds me of dry skin.
    Jess :o)

  8. I thought of you last week (December 1/2 posts) when I found some abandoned farm machinery - somehow my pictures don't have the same magic as yours!!!

  9. you have such an eye for textures and colours, the romanticists who always wanted to prove that there was no bigger artist than nature itself would have proudly taken you as their porte-parole :-)

    i love that green-blinded and desperate little angel!!!

    (thank you for thinking of me and leaving that sweet message on the Bridge, dear Owen)

  10. beautiful found art - an oh I saw those skeletons outside les Invalides a few days ago...Greetings from the Riviera...

  11. Wonderful images, and nicely captured by your sense of aesthetic....

  12. You have the eye of a magician, Owen - you see the magic in the everyday.

  13. Allowing time to obtain taste. Chapeau !

    daily athens photo

  14. I like the way you break the bigger picture down to small bites, for us to saveur! :-) Glad also to see that you are putting your toady energy into such fine works of art!

  15. You teach me volumes about the "art of seeing."

  16. As usual, you excel in this kind of art!! Another way to see how time changes things is to look at your photos from childhood until now! :-)

  17. Superbes textures ! Bises Owen...

  18. comment trouves tu le temps et l"énergie pour garder la fraîcheur de ton regard? je suis toujours émerveillée par tes clichés.

  19. You prove your point over and beyond with this set of photos. All are wonderful.


Don't hold back ;-D