Friday, December 2, 2011

Lights in the Night . . .

And then I turned around, and this is what I saw . . .


  1. Superbes,tes photos de "la Vieille Dame" Owen! Rien me remplace les grands classiques! -- Veronique

  2. Blinded by the light!
    Gorgeously,bedazzedly, magnificently, monumentally, iconically so.
    I've taken a real shine to this trio of images. Happy to see that you're not hiding your light under a bushel.

  3. Like something out of Lord of the Rings...!

  4. Envious of your talent Owen......

    Great shots man.

  5. Hot shots! My impression was that the entire tower had been cast in some mega forge and erected still glowing hot and turning the clouds to steam.....

  6. the beauty in turning around!


  7. What a coincidence I am right here round the corner from the Eiffel tower with students at a MUN conference at the unesco building....and I was thinking doesn't it look beautiful lit up at night! Greetings from Paris!

  8. C'est déjà la fête des Lumières chez toi!

  9. So very spellbinding... what a treat it must be to take this in, in person,...

  10. La tour Eiffel a mis ses habits de fête ! Noël approche, il manque juste un peu de neige ! Bon weekend Owen

  11. J'aime tout particulièrement le dernier cadrage, et cette impression d'une tour en or !

  12. That golden fiery tower punching into the roiling night sky, set against all the blue and purple lighting on the ground is... I'm at a loss for words. I've never seen the Eiffel photographed to look so powerful and dynamic! Alive in all its glory!

  13. Owen, you managed to make me homesick for the holidays! Magical shots!

  14. Oh my goodness that is STUNNING! It's made out of gold!
    Jess :)

  15. What a strange juxtoposition of that molten tower against the glowing sky and those icy angles at its base. Breathtaking.

  16. A very Sci-Fi approach to La Tour Eiffel

    Encore plus belle qu'en vrai !

  18. After seeing your latest post, I went there... saw the same things ... and turned around as well! Perfect shots... again! :-)

  19. Hi everyone, I was away for a couple of days in Belgium, no free wifi and I refuse to pay for it... so there you go, incommunicado since Sunday, and much too busy working anyway... Will have to remember that old expression : All work and no play makes Owen a dull blogger. Well, it's good to take a break once in a while too. Work is likely to be crazy from here through Christmas, so if I'm not around as much as usual, there you go, a fellow has to earn the bread to put on the table... for no bread, no blog...

  20. Fabulous pix there BrOwen - good to see you are still out there recording this for us mere peasants on the other side of the globe!

  21. These should be turned into postcards. Or perhaps your next exhibit at Photo Prony?

  22. Arrived late to the party...

    Nevertheless, I thought it would be worth mentioning that I stood on the Musée du Quai Branly entrance walkway while my Frencher Half took just such a photograph of just such a subject on our way in to see the "Exhibitions" exhibit.

    Probably on 2 Dec 2011 while we were up in P celebrating my birthday... What are the chances?


Don't hold back ;-D