The past two weeks have been grueling
Grueling for the entire world I think
When we should be grieving
Grieving for the tragedy in Japan
We look on horror stricken
Stricken by violence and more violence
Violence haunts our days and nights
Nights too short sleep is scarce
Scarce are the moments
Moments when the fear
Fear for the future does not creep
Creep unbidden into our thoughts
Thoughts distracted by constant news
News from the streets
The bloody streets
It is a sad world
Where there are humans
Who cannot speak their mind
Speak their mind freely
As we can here
In the land
Of Blog.
I have been absent, more absent from the blogs, yours and mine, than at almost any point in the past two and one half years since starting this blogging adventure. I miss it and I miss you. These past two weeks, since the 11th of March, 2011, have been quite mad. Literally crazy. Events in my personal life mirrored events in the wider world. Sometimes one feels that one is out of control. Sometimes one feels overwhelmed and swamped by waves one did not see coming. One can only wait for the waves to wash over, and then pick up what is left, and move on, onward through the fog.
In April 2007, nearly four years ago, I had the good fortune to be able to spend two weeks in Lebanon and Syria. On a cliff face just outside of Beirut, to the north along the sea, are carved a series of inscriptions that passing armies left over the centuries, going back to Roman times. This one seemed somehow pertinent in view of current events in the region. Nearly 100 years ago upheaval swept through the Middle East. More upheaval seems to be in the works now. Buckle your seatbelts, the ride may get bumpy.
This is what I felt like these past two weeks. One just has to hold up sometimes. The alternatives are not always pretty. "Boy, you've got to carry that weight . . ."
The news coming out of Syria these past couple of days is worrisome. Syria is a beautiful country, I hope the people there can find peaceful solutions to whatever it is that ails them at present. I took the below photograph from the old Arab fort overlooking the Roman ruins at Palmyra, Syria, an oasis town halfway from Damascus to Iraq. I had wanted to visit Palmyra ever since reading John Fowles' account of his own trip there which he relates in his novel titled "Daniel Martin". (a book which I would highly recommend to anybody, by the way)
I wish I had something wise, or at least amusing to say here. Only know that I've passed by, stopped to consider your words, understood the pain, and that...well, you know...
Sending warm hugs yout way...
Much more sadness than gladness. I don't like this waiting for the other shoe to drop. It might be you or me the next time.
Hang on in there, Owen. Thinking of you [and the world]!
Sending all good thoughts your way, Owen. Sometimes all you can do in a storm is ride it through...
What is going on?? I dont know and now i come and read that you also are having not exactly the best times. Yes, the world and the events on it as a mirror of our own worlds, what is going on with us Owen, what is happening with this ill fated 2011?? Nah, i dont now, I dont know and maybe the answers may take a while to arrive. But meanwhile Owen, yeah my dear friend, comrade in so many crusades in the blogosphere, united we stand, united in mind and thoughts, remembering and longing for some old times.
Keep well dear Owen, maybe I am still young such as for talking about "experience" but if something I have learnt during my days here on earth is that, nothing last forever, yes, and that includes the bad times, so, the day will arrive again, the spring, the morning, the smile in our face, the peaceful nights of rest, the good times.
Thanks for the pics, they are very useful now, in order to remind that there are many adventures yet to come.
Regards, my best wishes and have a nice weekend, as you told me once in a such wonderful, vibrant and wise way, one day at time.
I haven't made it to Palmyra yet, though I'd like to. I first heard of it years ago, but the stars have yet to align and it's beginning to look like they might not ever.
I've got to go exploring and find the place north of town that you mentioned here.
I hope things will soon stabilize here, and there where you are too.
J'espère que ça va vite vite aller mieux Owen !
Il y a des moments comme ça où tout semble s'écrouler, nos petits mondes virtuels bien dérisoires n'y peuvent plus rien. Il arrive même qu'ils sonnent faux. Mais parfois, ils restent une soupape, un échappatoire, une manière de rester accroché au train de la vie qui file à toute allure parfois droit dans le mur.
Je t'embrasse.
Sometimes bleak interiors are reflected in the world around us.
Other times light from with out illuminates the dark recesses within us.
And some spark within catches, and we shine out and others are warmed and comforted as they stumble in the dark.
When my friend had a loss in her life, she cried out in pain "Does it ever get any better?". I thought for a moment and said "No, it will never get better. But it will get easier to bear".
I hope you know, Mr. Toadly Dude, that I have missed you.
I like what Marginalia said ... some people shine out to warm and comfort others who are stumbling in the dark. You are one such person.
How crazy is this :( It makes me cry and I have no words for it. Really really sad. Human is the worst of the beast itself. When will we ever learn??
Sending sisterly cyber hugs to you, Bro. Loved the photos, sorry to hear that things are going a bit tits up for you but all things pass you know. WE've been living between earthquakes here as you know for over 6 months now, and it doesn't really get better but it sometimes is easier (as someone above has said).
One fott in front of the other, one day at a timne,. Its all we can do.
oh, and if you haven't got a fott you can try foot. :-)
Thinking of you, Owen. Whatever it is that causes you such pain, I hope that you find resolution and relief soon.
I share and feel your pain and distress about our world. And whatever personal experience underscores it all, I hope and pray that it is something that will quickly be remedied, and will with great speed be relegated to the past. Sending a big hug. The photos are amazing as always! I love the colors and play of light and shadow in the one with you playing Atlas. And of course, the epic view of the ruins!
There is hope and courage in the heart of crises. There are good people in the world. I am sure that you are one of those.
Difficile de savoir quoi répondre.
Tu dis peu toi même.
On ressent juste la souffrance, la souffrance personnelle s'ajoutant à celle du monde.
Alors je dépose simplement ici des pensées, des douces des fortes des tendres. Et des baisers.
En espérant que tout aille mieux bientôt.
Pour toi et pour le monde.
who knows, one might 'melt' this world into a new one.
please have a good new week ahead.
Many many many thanks to everyone... I think I can almost see the light now at the end of this particular little administrative bureaucratic rottweiler from hell inhabited tunnel that I fell into, sort of like Alice falling down a rabbit hole and finding herself in Wonderland, I fell into an administrative black hole, and it has taken two weeks of serious, stressful, exhausting aggravation to get to the bottom of it and start climbing back out.
So yes, big big thanks for all your caring support, can't tell you how much it helps...
Cher-dear Owen,
A belated visit mais qui n'en est pas moins pleine de forts sentiments d'amitié. Glad you're seeing the end of your Kafkaesque tunnel. Ca fait peur, la bureaucratie, quand elle perd la tête. Je suis contente que tes soucis ne soient pas familiaux.
Tes photos sont magnifiques, je suis très impressionnée par la seconde - ce qu'il reste d'arches et de colonnes donne une idée de la ville qui se tenait là.
Grandeur et décadence des civilisations... je me demande si nous ne sommes pas à un nouveau tournant, en espérant que ce ne soit pas l'ultime chaos.
Hugs et baisers
I suppose it does become quite personal when you have visited these places.
I am lucky enough to be able to sympathise rather more remotely.
In fact rather selfishly, my greatest fear is probably our government dragging us into even more 'other peoples' conflicts.
That said, I have no idea what the answer is.
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