Poking around in a church in Brittany recently, I stumbled on this set of gears, with a crank handle attached, and I wanted to turn those gears, turn those wheels; because as the Grateful Dead sang :
The wheel is turning and you can't slow down
You can't let go and you can't hold on
You can't go back and you can't stand still
If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will . . .
There is so much I want to share with all of you good people, I hardly know where to start. When I look back over the past posts in this document, I realize it has been nearly one year now since I started pouring the contents of my heart into this creation, not knowing what, if anything, it might lead to, pouring out the photographs, the poems, some thoughts to accompany them, nearly day in and day out, laying it all out there on the line. . . and yet with all of that, I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. There are literally thousands more photos in the archives, whole notebooks of poems that have never seen the light of day, and the thoughts simply keep flowing. It just takes one luminous moment like this afternoon in April when the light got very intense out over the Bay of Morlaix, off Carantec, Brittany, one of the loveliest places I know on Earth, to convince me, to coax me, to persuade me . . . to just keep breathing . . .
And in closing, for this little post, I'd just like to thank a friend who shall remain anonymous here, he knows who he is, for tipping me off to the existence of a certain Joe Bonamassa, an extraordinary blues guitar player if there ever was one. Although this video is a little long, give it a try, and see if you don't get hooked hard enough to see it through to the very end . . . although I don't often use the expression, it fits : The dude is AWESOME . . . "If heartaches were nickels, I might be the richest fool alive . . ."
A lovely post as always Owen.
Bien dit !
ReplyDeleteEncore un billet à se rappeler !
Beautiful connectivity. Cheers
ReplyDeletehey there, I've been into young Joe B for some years now and he is indeed great! Have got several of his Cds. Your education continues eh?
ReplyDeleteOwen, We, your readers, are all extremely grateful for your charming, and creative posts. Keep breathing is a heavy statement. I hope that your heart is full of light.
ReplyDeleteCe système mécanique est beau. Combien de mains se sont posées sur cette manivelle a tourner le temps sans pouvoir revenir en arrière.
ReplyDeleteLes paroles de Grateful Dead sont très juste.
La baie de Morlaix invite a respirer a plein poumons.
If you'd turned those wheels you never know what may have happened. Perhaps we all do need to just keep on breathing, but don't forget the butterfly effect! What are the consequences of just one tiny action...? :-)
ReplyDeleteBreathing - takes one back to basics, our very existance, focusing on it is therapeutic: so yoga experts say.
ReplyDeleteI never did see Tom Hanks in Castaway, but now its on my list. Thanks. My favourite of his is Forrest Gump.
Your 'notebook of poems' sounds intriguing ...
I want to know how you got so many followers in a year!..lol... been catching up on all your posts and it's been a lovely, easy going, melancholy, strangely up-lifting few moments (how long is a moment?)... anyway, there's just something about gears and wheels and cogs with handles that tempts the 'big red button' mentality on every human hand, I reckon!... Keep on doing what you do... tis class! :-).. cheers!
ReplyDeleteKeep on breathing... definitely...
ReplyDeleteI love the melancholy of the few last posts.
Take care
Hiya Owen, I came across your blog through a mutual contact, and found that we have alot in common. I too have a desire to paint my expressions onto my blog pages, but the difference between you and I is: I'm a greenhorn and you're a greenhorn with a years time. I just started blogging a few weeks ago and love it. Keep up the creativity, it's awesome, oh and by the way, Bonamassa ROCKS! I hope you'll check out my blogs and maybe follow as well.
Hi Owen,there is an award for you on my blog. Please collect it:)
ReplyDeleteHello Owen! My name is Charmaine and I checked out your blog through my husband who owns the Creative Liquid blog. I must say in the few posts I've just begun to read of yours I am highly impressed so I decided to become a follower of yours. I was telling my husband after reading your latest post that you remind me of him in the way you formulate your thoughts and put them into words. Your pictures are beautiful and I will be checking out your later posts and any new ones you post. By the way I am an avid blues fan and never heard of Joe Bonnamassa. He is awesome and I will be youtubing to check out more of his music. Have a great day and God bless you!
ReplyDeleteHave found your posts inspiring, heart warming, provocative but always always welcoming and life affirming. Thank you for that Owen - and thank you for the offer of rum at your place...!
ReplyDeleteBonjour Owen ! pas trop le temps !... Je reviendrais ! mais je peux te dire... vue superbe sur la baie !
ReplyDeleteA bientôt !...
Amitiés !...;-)
Dear Fin, please tell your Mom that I'm purring..., just like there was a little motor in my chest...
Merci Arnaud... faut avoir du memoire pour se souvenir de tout que l'on voit à travers tous ces blogs... Ta série de gens en prières est vraiment impressionnante, on sent fortement le respect que tu portes pour ces personnes...
Hi Gaia, that's it, it's all about connections... Keep on connecting...
Dear Amanda, I'm hoping my education is going to continue as long as I keep breathing. So, you've been keeping Joe B. all to yourself ??? Has he ever come down to play in New Zealand ??? Or are you waiting for him to show like Jackson B. ? Hmm, I wonder what other musical secrets you may be sitting on ??? If you've got any other really excellent musicians up your sleeve that you think I may not have heard of, can you please drop me an e-mail with the list ??? I'm beginning to suspect that you have seriously good taste in music... Hmmm, and I'll have to drop by and see if you did a Tuesday Tipple this week ...
Hi Patricia, indeed, luminous golden light... many thanks ...
Tag Robert, I wondered too who all had been turning those wheels... En fait, c'est tout à fait vrai, on respire extremement bien au bord de la mer en Brétagne... merci mon ami pour toute ta gentillesse, j'apprécie ta serenité et ta philosophie énormément...
Hi Adam, in effect, one must never forget the butterfly... the ramifications of one tiny action could be incalculable... like trying to see more than a move or two ahead in a game of chess, it quickly becomes infinitely complex... what a wonderful world we live in, full of mysteries...
Hi Sharon, indeed, breathing is at the heart of yoga exercises, I recall the very first class I took years ago was about breathing, and funny, it is the only one (unfortunately) I still think about and try to practice when I can... deep, centered breathing can quickly bring calm... Sure wish I had time to go back to taking courses... my wife does... she swears by it...
Dear H2O Cats, am so happy when you all have time to drop in here and meow and purr and scratch up the rugs and curtains... I have no idea how so many people signed up to follow this totally obscure and most humble of blogs, all I can say is I suppose it is a good thing that they are not all leaving comments all at once, can you imagine trying to respond individually to 285 comments per post ??? Wow, that would be hard. Interesting, even on some blogs I've seen where there are over 600 followers, there rarely seem to be more than 40 or so comments on any given piece... maybe people see that most everything has already been said, and decide not to repeat, I don't know... I'm still learning about blog physics and chemistry. And yes, isn't that gear handle tempting ? Even as kids we are curious and want to touch things...
Salut Loulou, pas de souci, on va continuer à respirer, la melancholie n'est pas vraiment le but, mais par moments ça pourrait avoir l'air je suppose, c'est juste la notion que le temps passe vite, et il faut trouver le moyen de faire ce que l'on a vraiment envie de faire, au lieu de patiner dans un travail qui a peu de joie parfois... mais bon, j'ai bcp de chance avec la Grenouille et les grenouillettes, je ne me plains pas... J'espère que tu vas super bien à Delhi, et reprends sans trop de mal après toutes ces vacances... Bisoux à vous tous !
Hubby plays guitar and we watched the video together. Enjoyed it. Just as I enjoy reading your blog and seeing the variety of photos you post. Your blog is one of my top five. What you find to photograph and how you present it helps me to see things in a different way from what I am used to. I do enjoy learning from you.
ReplyDeleteIf the sky were cloudless we would be deprived of the play of shadows on the land and sea around us.
ReplyDeleteBreath in - connect.
ReplyDeleteBreath out - make things happen.
OK so clearly you are not giving us the gears, Disraeli or otherwise. Your blog is a big hit, as proven by the amount of followers and the ever-praising comments left by many. You can appreciate a great bluesman (or woman, I'd wager). You take interesting photographs and write intriguing or amusing commentaries for them. And you leave us all panting for more. I think I've addressed all the topics you raised on this posting.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what it is about the photo of the bay but it is gorgeous. It's more like a hyper-realist painting than a photograph.
Mr. Jack Daniels and I raise a toast to you, "Here's mud in your eye!" (I hope it won't affect your focus)
Yet another comment...I just had the chance to listen to Joe Bonamassa...I feel like that I just stepped back in time...the boy has chops! Thanks a million.
ReplyDeleteSorry to post yet another comment but I looked j.b. up only to learn that he was mentored by Danny Gatton. Gatton was from here and we heard him a lot over the years. He was the most famous "unfamous" guitar player ever. Sadly he killed himself. It was a tragic thing for all of us. I am glad that his spirit lives on....
ReplyDeleteDelighted that you've decided to keep on breathing. I enjoy your blog and thanks for the video. He is something else and I will track him down on Youtube and add him to my favorites.
ReplyDeleteYou do sound as though you could use a hug.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHey Creative Liquid, many thanks for dropping by, glad to hear you like Mr Bonamassa, I don't know how I missed him all this time... Well, for sure, this first year of blogging has gone by in the blink of an eye, but has led to all sorts of fabulous folks from all over... it's taken on a life of its own... and heaven only knows where it's going, if anywhere other than clouds in my imagination... Anyway, stop back anytime, coffee's always on...
Hi Panorama, you are way too kind !!! Listen, I promise I'll try to get over to pick up the award in the near future, I really appreciate the thought behind that... I'm way behind, I still haven't gotten back to Marguerite to collect the award she so kindly passed on a few weeks back already... time flies ! But I've noted it, and will be by as soon as I'm able... MANY THANKS !
Hi Charmaine, wow, so there's two of you... ok ! Many thanks for signing up to follow, and for adding me into your sidebar there, really appreciate the nod ! Too kind... Joe B. is quite an intense guy, for sure, and there are plenty of examples on YouTube, some very sweet blues indeed, enjoy ... I'm still discovering him myself...
Hey Steve, I hope your lips are patching up ! My lower lip has turned black now almost around the impact point... a fine sight... that'll teach me to sneak up from behind even with good intentions ! And many thanks for your kind words here...
Bonjour Jeff, tu sais même trente secondes de ton temps me fait plaisir ! Dix secondes ! Juste le simple fait de voir le Beausset dans la liste des drapeaux, et je sais que tu y étais... je comprends quand même que tu le monde n'a pas des heures disponibles tous les jours... C'est fou comme on peut passer du temps dans les blogs, n'est-ce pas ??? Ciao et à bientaut...
Hey TechnoBabe, now that is one of the kindest things I think I've ever heard... and that's something, because for some unfathomable reasons there are alot of kind things being said these days... it's hard for me to comprehend, but am basking while the basking is good... and if I can help you or anyone else see the world just a little differently with my odd ideas and curious visions of things, well, that is wonderful by me... so really, I thank you from the bottom of my heart...
English R., indeed, indeed, I wouldn't trade clouds for anything. Way back at the beginning of the blog last September, I posted the lyrics to Joni Mitchell's famous song... and the words come back so easily, "it's cloud illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds at all..." Let us know if you'll be needing any cakes with metal files in them sent to you... after the Sheriffs see your blog post, they may have it in for you... if they can figure out who you are. Well, if you need a place to hide out for a while, just come on by, we could call up the Fram and have a party, I hear she's in these parts for a while...
Robert, one good remedy is Pink Floyd's "Breathe" from Dark Side of the Moon... never get tired of that... :-)
Dearest Lynne, I guess you've summed it up fairly clearly there, and mud will wash sooner or later, but getting spattered when the mud is flying is always fun... not always easy to tell a photo from a painting... I wish I could paint... wonder what you would do with oil on canvas and that photo for a starting point ??? By the way, haven't heard a word about your raccoons of late, are they still around ???
Hi Patricia, he has chops like the sun has rays ! Zillions of them... That's interesting about Danny Gatton, what a shame he didn't stick around to see what his pupil went on to become. There's a video on YouTube of Joe B. at 12 years old on stage with Danny Gatton. Even at 12 he was ripping up the stage ! What an inspiration...
Hi Karen, many, many thanks... and there are quite a number of Joe B. videos on YouTube, he is unbelievably intense. How these people learn their licks is just something that amazes me, and I've spent alot of time noodling around on guitars, but am so far from any kind of proficiency like these guys display it's not even worth mentionning. David Gilmour, Santana, Stevie Ray V., Hendrix, Garcia, etc, etc, etc, at some point they just grew wings and took to the sky, leaving us mere mortals to simply gape upwards panting...
One breath at a time is the best way...
ReplyDeleteThose gears are gorgeous. I have a set piece that looks something like that (much more flat) hanging in my house. Mine's made of cardboard and foam though - it's fun to live with a propmaker.
I'm glad you are still full of secrets to share with us. I look forward to reading them all.
Thanks for the video ,awsome singer and musician !
ReplyDeleteLast I saw of them, they were sporting berets, had Gauloises hanging from their lips, and tattered copies of French/English dictionaries in their furry little hands. The were muttering something about "on va aller voir ce mec Owen qui aime les types comme nous."
Be on the lookout, Owen, for MASKED faces peering beneath your doors!