Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Behind Closed Doors . . .

I shot this pair of black and white photos in Haiti in 1997, on the road way up above Petionville, near Kenscoff market. At first all I saw were the paws, but then after a short pause, the nose emerged from under the door . . . It was obvious he or she wanted to come out from behind the door that was hemming him in, crimping his style, he wanted to come out and play. Ah, the secret lives of dogs behind closed doors. . .


I hadn't looked at the photos from Haiti for years and years, but just saw them again as digital files only very recently converted, and now able to be viewed. Maybe something about having just seen the dog-under-door photos was still fresh in my mind in August when I stumbled on this cat peering out from under a blue barrier, and just happened to have a camera in my hand; this is what happened : Still Life With Brown Dirt, Pebbles, Blue Metal Door, Mesmerized Cat, and Invisible Photographer . . .

And then just two days later I found this black lab trying to see what was going on in the street from under a gate . . . I suppose this must be fairly common dog and cat behavior, but I couldn't help but put these four images together for your viewing pleasure, like the series of pairs the other day . . . Have you ever seen a dog or cat peering under a door or a gate like this ; wishing they were out on the other side ?



  1. Bonjour Owen! Very humorous post and photos. I am just returning from vacation and my mind is still on the beach. Cheers!

  2. Great pix, I often see pets with their noses pressed against windows wanting in or out. I did see a dog waiting outside a shop this afternoon tho. Everytime someone went in he stood up and looked in expectantly and then just sat to wait some more. I was driving so didn't get a chance to stop and photograph him but I wish I had!

  3. The cat photo is amazing - he looks like a semi chameleonized alien if there could be such a thing!

  4. The difference between cat and dog is that if the cat wanted to get out it would find a way!

  5. Love the cat photo too, lovely! You know I have now 4 cats on my terrace, ther were born last July when I was in Europe... More to see on Indiaphragme soon ;-)
    Being back in Delhi is fine, I feel at home here. But I must admit I found it hard to adapt to the climate (almost post monsoon, very humid and still 34°c).
    Take care

  6. Ha ha! Love all those noses and pawses!!

  7. This is an amusing sequence. I particularly like the second shot. How could anyone resist that expression?

  8. What a delightful morning discovery.
    We found Magic Lantern through Nathalie's posting this morning at Avignon in Photos.
    Will have to add the Lantern to our regular read list.

  9. The nose that spies the world...... a curiosity mixture and fear.... me the times I am also prefer like this to be behind a gate protected and to spy the world for an opening to feel it aroma of freedom.... tempting hours... frightening hour.
    Magnificent more pictures than a perfect composition of scenes and colors.

  10. I'm not a huge fan of cat and dog photos - I quickly feel I'm on a Post calendar - but yours (and the thoughts that go with it) were enough to bring a smile on my face.

    I've linked my post today to your Artichoke throwing contest post of a few days back. You'll understand why when you read it. Ever heard of Extreme Ironing ? Cheers !

  11. these are great... we used to have a cat hole in the bathroom door because the catbox was in there and dogs can't be trusted. Needless to say, when you were in the bathroom the dogs would stick their noses through. so funny!!!

  12. It's great that you are always moving around with your camera.
    Aren't they cute?

  13. Dear Blowen,
    Be forewarned from my comment on your post below about a nose that may be sniffing you out soon!
    Also, I fear that when you were staggering around trying to get the mud out of your eye, Saj got hold of one of your shoes and was sipping her wine from it at our last studio session. So if you were missing it this morning, you know where to find it...but you'll probably have to wrestle The Saggitarian to get it back! (I'll have my camera ready, plus some more mud)

  14. Great photos! I certainly hope you didn't get down on all fours to look under the doors, too.

  15. J'adore la photo de ce chat qui passe timidement le bout de sa tête sous ce container bleu ! Il y a ce qui se voit et ce qui ne se voit pas ! Une sorte de jeu où on s'amuse à cache-cache !
    Tes trois photos me font penser à cette réflexion ! Ce qui se voit, ce qui ne se voit pas ! Un peu comme nous qui bloggons un jour oui un jour non ! Sorte de jeu de cache-cache... mais avec qui ? Avec cet étranger qui est derrière l'écran ou bien avec nous-même ?
    Tes photos me font bien réfléchir Owen, mais j'adore ça en fait !
    Pas besoin d'une tisane ? ça va ?
    Moi non plus !
    Je vais désormais regarder de plus près le bas des portes voir s'il ne se cache pas le museau d'un chien ou d'un chat ! ! !
    Ciao Amigo !...
    Amitiés !...:-)

  16. this is a very good sequence Owen .
    and good idea too .
    i believe that everybory can make references of this with their own lifes .
    what is even more fascinating .
    how can simple photos be so present in everyone's memorie !!??

  17. I live more in dog and cat in window territory, although I'm always amazed by the restraint of next door's border collies cross in not jumping over the two foot high wall, even though you can see she's sorely tempted.

  18. HI Owen those photos are so cute and so typical of cats and dogs. You should see what our dogs do sometimes! They definitely keep us entertained! Thanks for following my phot blog I appreciate the new friends! Well....friend because other than my husband you're my only other follower so far lol! I also have a personal blog. Check it out if you get a spare second! Take care and God bless!

  19. Makes me wonder whether they are looking into 'our' world, or if we are maybe looking into 'theirs'.

  20. Very beautiful series: wonderful idea and pics!

  21. I have a thing for doors myself. I like doors and fences. I am looking at them and looking for them everywhere. I particularly like the second photo here. I love the banged up door and the lovely sweet dog face beneath it.

  22. I like photos of doors and windows, too, and the dogs make me want to let them out. The cat of course is there by choice and can go where it pleases.
    I love your photos and your writing, too. Good work.

  23. Hi Owen! Just dropped by to show some "Hello". I like the post. Nice Flow!

  24. Would you be offended if I said the cat photo would be an excellent calendar picture? I mean it in the nicest, most flattering way possible!

    Postcards and calendars,'re missing out on a great business opportunity because of your high artistic ideals and rigorous standards!

  25. Oh, these are so cute! You just know the dogs have made a few scratch marks on the other side! We have once or twice accidentally closed our garage door with the cat inside: when the door is opened, there he is with that reproachful look! As an aside, you wouldn't be going to Haiti today...

  26. The dog wouldn´t be sniffing under the door, if he would be able to opne the door. It reminds me of we human beings, speculating on what is beyond the door of the days of our lives, we can nothing but sniffing under the door as well, imaginating on gods and angels, on ghosts, spirits and paradise.

  27. Hullo everyone, just in from another long night at the factory, and I see you've all be at your keyboards and busy, you all just boggle my mind, or should I say you "bloggle" my mind, with your kindness, your visions, your insights, your warmth, yes all of that and more; reading your comments is like getting an intravenous shot of pure warm hugs and smiles, I can't even begin to tell you how nice that feels after an 11 hour day/night at work... sort of like slipping into a good hot bath, those first few minutes of paradise...

    So mad-Lynne, you think there's potential for postcards or calendars ??? Do you have any contacts in the calendar publishing industry ? I'd be willing to try just about anything to get these photos out to a wider audience, and maybe even earn something someday... it's not like I have visions of grandeur or anything, but if I've been blogging away like this, there is surely no doubt the secret hope of somehow being "discovered"... but shucks, it's the voyage that's important, not the destination, and you good people are plenty good company... So, I'll keep plugging away here... and hopefully keep supplying you all with a few smiles...

    Loulou, jeez, four new kittens ??? wow, your kids must be loving that, and hopefully you are getting some good photos ?? Kittens are a goldmine !

    Margaret, yeah, I've heard Haiti is not very safe today, even when I was there in '97 it didn't feel very safe. I hope that will change one day, it is an incredibly intense and beautiful place. A billion thanks for your pictures from Beirut. I answered your e-mail but got a message back saying mine had been rejected by a spam filter... ggrrrrrr.....

    Nathalie ! Thanks again for the artichoke nod ! Have not tried extreme ironing yet...

    Steve, my god, are the chamelionized aliens out in force in Leamington ????? Maybe that is who has been leaving gifts for you at night outside public buildings ???? Scary !

    ALL ... I'm not going to try to answer all your beautiful comments here, as I'm half dead already... but really, thanks, you are wonderful...

  28. Jeff... PS je pense que ces chiens sont là pour veiller sur les stocks de tisane...

  29. And Saj, never go anywhere without a camera...

  30. Hi Owen, Love the shots of the dogs, sorry not to keen on cats, not the fotos the cats. Anyway sorry it,s been a wee while will drop by soon.

  31. My favorite is the little cat peeking out behind the blue door, but they are all wonderful. I really really really enjoy your themed posts, Owen. You have a special knack for this kind of sight and insight.

  32. ah, sweet indeed :-) and again lovely colours, by the way, that blue and brown, mmm -

  33. i love this series! it really brings a smile to my face! thanks! ~peace


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