By coincidence, this evening, just a day after seeing the article in the Nouvel Obs, I stumbled on a post on Adam's Invisible Paris blog about this same exhibition. If you are not familiar with it already, Adam's Invisible Paris is a fabulous place to browse if you love Paris, as I know many of you out there do . . . well, I guess that begs the question : Who doesn't love Paris ? ? ? So by all means take a look at his blog, he does thorough research on the Paris-sites he presents, yet manages to make it all easy and compelling reading. . . yes indeed, that is one fine blog about Paris there. (No, he is not paying me anything to write this !)
So here is one of Jerome Mesnager's works, photo circa 1993 . . .
Yes indeed, I recommend you run on over to Invisible Paris, and then on into the visible Paris as fast as your long legs can carry you to go see the exhibition at the Pavillon Carré de Baudouin, 121 rue de Ménilmontant, 75020 . . . like this white man is . . . but before you take off running, take just a moment to let me know what you think of these photos ? Have you ever come across any of Mr. Mesnager's work (play) in your travels ?
Great post Owen!
J'adore ! Tout simplement
I have never seen those, but they are quite delightful.
Wonderful - dynamic, fleshly and yet skeletal (but not scarily so) at the same time!
How amazing that with so few brush strokes he can make the figures so full of energy,
I really like the photos and the the art! I love the way that he paints a sort of, one up from a matchstick man man and manages to keep it a very convincing human form. I like it when the viewer is left to fill in gaps...
I had never heard of the artist before, (until you mentioned him in one of your other posts).. cheers!
I so appreciate these posts of Mesnager's work they always put a smile on my face ;)
All is new to me, the work done is so beautiful
Thank you very much for sharing that blog and such excellent work
This is the kind of "graffiti" that I really like! Beautiful! I can't say I've ever seen his artwork in my area though! And I agree, who doesn't love Paris!!!
Thanks for the link, and I second the recommendation, both for the artists and the 'cadre'. The house and gardens are a very surprising find in that corner of Paris.
J'ai toujours été interpelé par cet art et... sincèrement je savais pas que le gars s'appelait Mesnager ! Ce que j'aime beaucoup c'est la façon toute simple qu'il a de communiquer, d'interpeler, d'attirer le regard et la réflexion à travers quelques coups de pinceaux !
Et non, Paris n'est pas bien loin...!
Ciao Owen ! Je t'apporterai ta "Beep" plus tard ! C'est qu'il faut te ménager... T'as vu...je m'améliore de jour en jour ! ! ! 8°)
Thanks to all for stopping by today, this Sunday, our day off... I agree with one and all in that Jerome Mesnager manages to convey extraordinary power of expression with a minimalist approach. I've been amazed by his work from the very first one I saw, posted back in December.
Hi Owen,
these three artists ( I had a look as you suggested at Adam's blog)are not just graffiti artists they are very talented artists. Do they only do graffiti or have they conventional works as well?
There is such movement and muscle tone in the white man - he is alive, the dancing pair are wonderful...
Happy days
As the tee shirt on Driftwood's blog has it: "I can't get enough minimalism." Take that how you will.
coucou Owen...tout d abord je tenais a te remercier (ce que j ai omis de faire...desolée ..)pour ta visite et ton commentaire...j ai encore du mal a penetrer dans cet univers de sympathiques echanges...on est timide ou on ne l est pas...etre derriere un clavier ne solutionne pas toujours le probleme...mais le coeur y est..je passe souvent ecouter regarder essayer de traduire...bref ..je tenais a te dire merci...et j adore ces deux photos..bye bye..
Clo, merci de cette visite ! J'ai laissé un p'tit mot chez toi... et puis j'ai passé 45 minutes à parcourir les photos dans "Voir ou Regarder"
Lynne, and I can't get too little of maximizing ! LOL !
Hi Delwyn ! I think they mostly do graffiti, although I know Jerome Mesnager also has some work on canvas for sale, perhaps on his website even. But I really prefer what I've seen on walls around Paris...
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