And just let me say, I really appreciate all your visits ! That little counter at the bottom of the page went over 5000 this week, since 1 January 09 . . . So maybe it's not the most amazing or popular blog ever created, but in my own small way, am trying to to bring you a few moments of pleasure, where you can forget about whatever else is going on for a little while, and embark on a vicarious voyage. . .
Please leave comments ! Let me know what you're thinking . . . blogging is a two way street . . .
Mr. Bojangles : He spoke with tears of 15 years how his dog and he travelled about. . .
Salvador Dali's bicycle :
Slow Club :
You have a fabulous blog. The whole world should discover it.
I loved the photo of the VW bus, and also the photo of the colza flowers. I have taken the train through France, and seen fields of those flowers, and they're gorgeous!
Hi Owen ! How dioudou !
Je fais une 5001ème incursion dans ton blog ! Si c'est pas beau ça ! Il est clair que ton blog est enrichissant pour celui qui vient le visiter ! ( tu pourras me refaire un autre virement par contre...! )
Des trois photos que tu propose, le "monsieur" tout en haut porte tant d'émotion que bien sûr elle retient l'attention de celui qui passe par ze MLS ( Magic Lantern Show )!
Les trois plans : cadenas, sujet, affiche sont plus que parlant !
Cet homme semble porter le poid de tant routes parcourues... pour quel chemin ?
Je trouve cette image très touchante ! Just a question Mr Phillips : Ce brave homme sait-il que des centaines de regards lui sont adressés ?
Je me pose souvent cette question sur le droit à l'image ! Je n'ose pas "afficher" des inconnus sur une page publique !
Puis-je avoir ton avis Owen !
Thanks a lot !
You definitly bring quite a few moments of pleasure. I love coming here and seeing what you have posted. I love all your photos:)
Pas d'avis !...
Magic Lanter Show... et plus Owen à l'intérieur !...
The show must go on !...
Love the Dali Bicycle. I know the lady who modeled for Dali's Medusa. She tells some great stories, there are others as yet undisclosed.
That bike had me scurrying off to my ohotos from when i was in Amsterdam...yes, I do have a similar photo, I suspect whoever had ridden the bike may well have had a bit too much junk in their trunk!
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