A particularly alert reader (to borrow Dave Barry's phrase) from Houston, Texas, who also happens to be my big brother, spotted this story on the Jalopnik.com website today and wasted no time sending it over the pond to me. The photos in the story were credited to The Sun and The Daily Mail, I'm not sure which source this one came from, but jeez guys, don't sue me, my blog is so obscure it is not even on anyone's radar screen, and I'm not making a penny from it. Anyway, whoever took this photo is a man or woman after my own heart, and my hat is off to you ! Moss growing on glass and sheet metal. . . no limits to nature's ability to suppress man's best efforts, just a question of time.
And this second photo was posted on the Jalopnik site story in the comment section, as a response to the above by someone who signed in as "Slantsick with Infinite Improbability Drive" saying : ""Restoration project"? In that case, I can make somebody a helluva deal on a rare '56 Merc Montclair Phaeton.. It's only surface rust, I swear" ! Hilarious ! There are some other bright, joyous, witty comments on there too, well worth the visit. I am in love with this bog dweller. Someone else quipped : "I'm pretty sure there's at least one bonus corpse in that Merck." What a riot ! So thanks bro' for sharing ! ! !
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