Second : The photos posted below in earlier postings, and this one, of roadkill victims, are not taken or posted on this blog out of some prurient, macabre, ghoulish desire to shock anyone, or to demonstrate voyeuristic compulsion on my part. Roadkill is one of the saddest phenomenons of our times, where hordes of humans race about blindly in murderous machines known as automobiles, consuming vast quantities of oil, and, sadly, massacring vast numbers of beasts who were not nimble enough to get out of the way in time. If even one person slows down slightly when driving through areas where there may be animals crossing the road, after having seen these images, so much the better. Personally, I think we need to start looking for new models to base our collective worldwide society on... as the current one appears to be bankrupt in more than just a financial sense.
Third : This flat cat is a work of art, no doubt to be quickly washed away by downpours of rain and eaten by insects, joining the infinite, and re-cycled to live again in another form perhaps. Thank you Thierry, for sharing this photo, and allowing me to publish it here. (copyright : Thierry Dupety)
Fourth : Topaz did not do this to this cat. Topaz is much to nice for that, she is a real lady, and would never get into a cat fight.
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