Monday, April 30, 2012

Of Eggs and Blogs . . .

It wasn't much of a nest, as nests go
Some birds' nests can be elaborate, intricate feats of artistic engineering
Using a varety of materials interwoven, intertwined in surpising ingenuity
But this one was just a pile of twigs barely holding together at all
With hardly any form, a stiff breeze would have blown it all to bits
Yet despite the fairly feeble final result, the large mother pigeon had worked
For several days collecting her chosen twigs and piling them up
In the top of a bush right by the side of our house
Why she chose that spot is anyone's guess
Who could fathom the depths of a bird's pea sized brain ?
She probably didn't imagine that she was going to be disturbed and perturbed
Every time we came in and out of our house or took the trash out
Each time I went by, even if trying to give her and her fragile nest a wide berth
Tip-toe-ing quietly, she would erupt out of the bush with a great flapping of wings
And go soaring off into the distance, returning only after we were long gone
She laid two eggs on that pile of sticks and she sat on them
For days on end this went on, her frequent obviously terrified flights
From our unintentional interruptions of her peace and quiet
But last week we realized she had left and wasn't coming back
She abandoned her two bright white eggs to their lonely fate
Whatever life might have been in its embryonic beginnings
Had no doubt quickly grown cold and faded out slowly
In the still chilly Spring nights
An unfulfilled promise of flight that was not to be
And with what feelings did that mother pigeon fly off ?
Did she leave with a broken heart, grieving ?
Or is giving up on a poorly chosen nesting site
Just something that happens in the bird world
And perhaps not a major tragedy ?
What is it about the form of an egg
That is so appealing to the eye ?
And that famous question...
Which came first, bird or egg, egg or bird ?
Considerable food for thought there
I carefully took the nest out of the bush
To have a closer look
Even so, one egg rolled from its precarious perch
And broke on the ground, leaving only one intact to ponder
The infinite oval form fascinating
The hidden worlds within of mystery
A source of life waiting to be born
Cracking through the surface
Waiting to take flight
And travel the world
Soaring high above cities and forests and fields
Seeking sustenance
Craving company and warmth
Bearing the spark of life
And is a blog not a bit like an egg ?


  1. Mine is... completely cracked.

  2. Snif. Elle est triste ton histoire.

  3. Hmmm, yes...perhaps some blogs are best abandonned while others have life worth hatching, or at least nurturing for awhile until the content turns cold. Sometimes one wonders, with the lack of response to a posting for example, "Have I laid an egg here?" Yet at other times, when a warm or sensitive or amusing comment is left behind like a newly hatched egg exploding with life and promise of more good things to come, the Blogger Bird takes fight on wings of joy and with a loudly happy squawk, deposits a distinct stamp of approval on the small white rectangle below that serves as cozy nesting place for strangers' remarks.

    An engaging story and allegory, Owen, perfectly illustrated...though a little of the gore of the broken egg would not have been out of place. I'm surprised that you refrained.

    Bird's Nest Soup comes to mind. Maybe that will be the name for my next blog, should I ever feel the urge to lay another blogegg.

  4. outstanding.

    please have a good new month ahead.

  5. What a sad story. Blog eggs. I have my share of those.

  6. That nest is a work of art, and how like you to recognize this and in addition, find all kinds of metaphors and meanings on which to eloquently expand upon. This is a beautiful post in all respects.

  7. It is rather a messy nest, but the abandoned egg is indeed sad!

    Happier news in my garden: one o f my little birdhouses (shaped like a tiny house) is currently home to Mr and Mrs Nuthatch, and I now hear a throng of tiny voices every time Mama or Papa return home with a little grub.

    The whole thing makes me feel extraordinarily happy!

  8. Je suis triste d'apprendre cet abandon...
    Vos photos sont très belles.
    Gros bisous, je vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur et de santé en ce jour de 1 mai.

  9. Your last question is indeed interesting!

    I'm definitely not an expert, but from what I have seen in "my" little park, it seems that eggs are quite often abandoned. Maybe it's not so uncommon?

    You mention that this was a pigeon's nest. I often asked myself the question why you see so many pigeons around in Paris, but have you ever seen a pigeon baby? Do they immediately get big?

    You may have noted that there are a number of nice "hotels" around in Paris now for pigeons, where they can sleep and where they get food and something to drink. The only problem for the birds is that what they consume has the purpose of sterilization.

  10. Thank you for this very eggistential view of blogging and, well, the eggstremes of trying to survive, let alone thrive, in this (o)void called life. I raise my cup of Nestea to you!

    Ms. Hennie Cluck
    00 Egghead Lane
    Poachmoor, Eggland

  11. PS. Poor Mama Pidge's attempts at nest building appear as efficient and artful as my own at crotcheting. I don't mean to sound crotchety about it, but the nest looks as comfortable and useful as a pair of woollen underwear on a rusting headless statue.


  12. The post is brilliant, and so are some of the comments... No dud egg laid here!

  13. Great post and thought provoking!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River Canada.

  14. Where some see a broken egg or an abdanoned nest; I see egg salad...

    I am still laughing at Anony's "eggistential view"

    As for the classic philosophical quandry...
    Have you seen the monkey thinking,
    his face bent in a frown,
    like all the worlds depending on the strength of his resolve?
    Is it Jesus, Buddha, or Confucius,
    Allah or some new rage?
    Solve conundrum; which came first
    the chicken or the egg?
    But who would wait a minute for him to make the call,
    it's just the deliberation of a monkey after all!

    May you live to crack many more eggs!

  15. The simple things in life, an egg. It stands out so nice with the nest, pure and simple.
    I for one could never see an egg salad. Nature is a beautiful thing. I found you on World Bird Wednesday.

  16. j'ai été tres emue a la lecture de ton histoire Owen ,et de tout ce qu'elle peut soulever dans l'esprit et dans le coeur..
    Triste bien sur pour cette vie qui n'a pas vue le jour ,combien de projets comme celui ci avortent chaque jours...malgré le grand nombre que nous sommes ,la vie ne vient pas facilement pour tous...certains nids sont bien sombres et manque de plume douillettes et securisantes...
    Cruelle est la vie pas aussi parfaite que ça..:(
    ça me donne envie de rentrer dans ma coquille tout ça...:)
    bisoux de la nuit cher Ami :)

  17. Great photos and thought provoking post.

  18. Great post and photos. It is sad to see the abandoned egg. Have a great day!

  19. Bravo!!! You have created such an outstanding collection of awesome photography. I have always had a dream of visiting France, but now as I get older that dream has faded a bit. Who knows though, stranger things have happened? Until then I feel honored to be able to join you on your journeys and celebrate the country through your marvelous photos. I fell head over heels in love with the texture you captured in the post "Clearing Out Cobwebs". You certainly have an eye and an outstanding feel for the perfect light. I do hope that you will accept my invitation to visit and to follow my blog, as well. Do not expect your quality of splendidness, but it does reflect my many interests. Your newest fan and follower, Connie :)

  20. Merci à tous !
    Big thanks to all for your illuminating remarks, may your eggs be bountiful and come by the baskets-ful...

    Hennie... cluck, cluck, cluck ! as I chuckle, chuckle, chuckle...

  21. Sad story, but great post!

  22. You have given life to your words beautifully! Human encroachment can certainly change the outcome of such things, I personally know oh so well myself. The bird had to have known of your comings and goings before working so hard to build the nest, and tis a sad occurrence. They must first hear the sound of the chicks from within the egg shell and then they usually will not abandon. This usually occurs about day 12 to 14 depending on the species. shorter term for songbirds. Once that time is passed, they usually stay put. Lovely post~

  23. Like Louciao I would have loved to hear what was inside the broken egg. A foetus of a bird or a standard egg yolk? Could it be that these eggs were never meant to crack open to a new life? I need your answer dear Owen.

    Another question that I'm left to ponder. Will the mother pigeon have learnt anything from her experience? Will her next nest be built in a quieter spot?

    Wonderful photos anyway, and a story beautifully told.

  24. Great post, but is that egg sunny side up?

  25. Sad story but beautiful photos!

  26. This is one of the best blog posts everever in the blogosphere, Owen. So tender, it made me cry.

    An absolute masterpiece.

  27. The nest may not be stable or anywhere near sufficiently well build but the lacy tracery of twigs is a delight to the eye. jJust as in blogging, one needs to find the balance between simple verbosity and beauty.

  28. Five pigeon eggs = one hen's egg should you ever need to make do! I can't help wondering if something happened to Mama pigeon to prevent her returning. A poignant story and exquisite photos of a surprisingly elegant structure. I thought they just laid on ledges.


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