Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wings . . .

After the last rather long, and perhaps a bit exhausting, installment in this ongoing menagerie of a blog, I thought I'd spare you and keep it simple this time. These two butterflies, or flutterbyes, have been waiting patiently since July to walk on stage here. You could say they've been waiting... in the wings.


  1. Absolutely lovely. And you call them flutterbyes too :-)

  2. I've never seen one quite like the top photo--simply beautiful aren't they!

  3. Hey, I, for one, enjoyed the last post, Owen. Feel free to do this again anytime. Superbes, tes papillons. I particularly like the orange one on the lavender sprig. Veronique

  4. Des fleurs butinant d'autres n'y a rien de plus apaisant...Bises

  5. Gorgeous. A veritable balm for the eyes and the soul.

  6. Beautiful. Such colours.

  7. As my grandmother would
    say, "Splendiferous!" I feel I could climb onto the orange beauty and take off on a mystical journey, but I think her furry back would tickle my toes too much. One never wears shoes, or even slippers, for that matter, when riding on a butterfly. No, I shall have to knit myself a pair of the softest silken slippers imaginable to have ready for the next time she flutters by.

    I really like how the angle of the right wing of the orange specimen slices into the softness of the photo. Lovely lovely captures with your butterfly net. I hope the toad resisted the urge to eat them afterwards.

  8. Beautifully done! The colors and bokeh are excellent and set off the star of the show perfectly. I love the little furry body on the first one!

  9. I love the first... and the second. Unbelievable colors, Owen!


  10. They sure know how to strike a pose, don't they? Lovely creatures. And nice shots having them pose on the flowers that way. I also am a big fan of dragonflies....

  11. beautiful close up shots of these beautiful winged creatures - Greetings from the Riviera

  12. reminding of many a dream.

  13. gorgeous!!! the first one is mesmerizing.

  14. and i just stumbled upon:


    make sure you check all the pics, especially the second one is gorgeous!

  15. Lynne, Perish the thought, no matter how toady, I would not stoop to snacking on butterflies, certainly not beauties like these...

    Ah but wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to crawl on their backs and go for a ride ?

  16. Roxana, thanks a million for the link to that lovely showing, it is amazing what people manage to photograph... beavers under water, goats on mountain cliffs, just incredible...

  17. Thanks to one and all, can't tell you how much I appreciate your visits, and your thoughts scrawled on the wall here...

  18. BEAUTIFUL! It seems like there isn't as many "flutterbys" around these days.

  19. La patience est toujours récompensée ! La deuxième est vraiment superbe, j'adore les couleurs.
    Je te souhaite une très bonne semaine !

  20. ta première photo est carrément belle ! tu concurrences notre maie clo sans problème owen adoré :-)


Don't hold back ;-D