Thursday, September 8, 2011

Don't Let the Sun . . .

Straight out of the camera. I don't even have Photoshop....


  1. Excellent mon ami! What a beautiful place. I hope to visit that part of France one day. I'm so glad you were there to capture it for all of us.

  2. J'adore la Bretagne. Can't wait to return. Would love to see more photos... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. This is what inspires poetry and great paintings.

  4. Oh, marvelous! The whole scene dazzles like a gem. In the final shot the boats look like pieces of obsidian floating on hot lava.

  5. Gorgeous colors. Perfect exposure. Thanks for your comments. You have quite the talent for finding unique websites. I enjoyed them both. Even the slug one.

  6. What incredible light! Who needs photoshop with skies like that? The reflection on the steely water is stunning.

  7. Se réveiller avec cette lumière-là, quel cadeau ! Merci merci merci, c'est somptueux !

  8. On prolonge les vacances avec ces très beaux paysages. <3<3<3

  9. Stunning photo's Owen. Very good work.

    Photographs 'au naturel' like this are absolutely the best!


  10. What amazingly heart-warming colours... who needs Photoshop indeed?

  11. moi non plus je n'ai pas photoshop et tu vois tu n'en as pas besoin owen adoré !
    c'est fabuleux, merci à toi :-)

  12. Magnifique, la 3ème en particulier, miam... ♥♥♥
    Mes yeux te disent merci.

  13. Oh Wow.. how did you tear yourself away?? so picturesque.. Beautiful photos indeed.

  14. Exquisite. I have Photoshop and would not touch those beautiful photos with it.

  15. No Photoshop, but Skill, Eye, Timing, Soul, to say nothing of a good camera and, above all, the great good Luck to have married La Grenouille and thus be summering in such picture-perfect surroundings.

    Of course, a song comes to mind

    though the words are not apropros.

  16. Flemish Masters eat your hearts out!

  17. PS.
    "When the sun goes down--oooh-- and you're not around..."
    well, I guess in that case you miss out on a big photo op. This just to say that another song comes to mind, one that you shared with me some many months past...can you remember which one? You'd have to be Fleet of foot and not be listening to YouTube on a Wooden Mac in order to catch its refrain...

  18. Stunning shot and better than a travel brochure for Brittany. If you can bottle those colors, you could make a fortune... so dreamy!


  19. Incredible shots, Owen. And how amazing it must have been to actually stand beneath such a sky!!

  20. Rhhhhoooo UN VRAI RÉGAL!!!!

    Et un immense merci

    Mention spéciale pour la dernière!

  21. Et bien je ne vais pas être originale : tes photos sont superbes et font rêver... Tes photos me plongent en Bretagne, merci Owen !

  22. how wonderful you painted.

    please have a good friday.

    (no photoshop for me either.)

  23. Thanks to one and all, tingling knees and all, sundowns creeping around back stairs, fleet feet in mac coats, and yes, it was hard to tear ourselves away from this and go home to bed... but it was quite dark when that happened. We had just finished dinner that night, when out of a corner of a window I saw something on fire in the sky, so I grabbed the camera and went running out the door, and trotted half a mile across the village to the best place to watch this from, and then stayed there for about 45 minutes as the light slowly changed... a treat for the soul, moments like that.

    Merci à toutes et à tous,
    C'était bien une de ces soirées impossiblement belle... la chance d'être là, et merci à la Grenouille, car c'est vrai, sans elle, je ne serais peut-être jamais allé dans ce village au bord de la mer en Bretagne...

  24. What could be more beautiful.I always love your photo's.

  25. Owen, I am so glad you work in France and can enjoy "les vacances". I was reading about american vacation and holidays which amount to few days off here and there.

  26. oooh

    i don't know what i could add here which hasn't already been said (i especially echo Lynne's comments)... i am sorry to have been rather silent these recent weeks (could it be months?), i hope better times will come some day (by 'better' i mean: with more time for one's secret delights :-)

    bisous, de tout coeur...

  27. Ahh, Owen tu régales mon âme avec ces couleurs extraordinaires...chaque coucher de soleil ou lever,est une pièce d'art unique,a quoi bon n'y en a nul besoin dans ce genre de circonstances...difficile de faire mieux c'est déjà parfait...
    Bisoux a toi et bon weekend..:o)

  28. Beautiful, as always. I should have guessed that your camera was always in the loaded, cocked, and ready to shoot mode.

  29. Just gorgeous! Love the light on the clouds and water, it's the only time I really like the color pink.

  30. Oh how glorious. Sunsets like that don't come around often. Such a sweeping and epic view. Looks as if you made a climb at just the right time to get these stupendous babies. I have a feeling I know just how you felt standing there by looking at these images; the heart aching with an overflow of reverence, awe, and in total love with the world...

  31. Impossibly beautiful. As is life.

  32. The sky reflected on the water is so beautiful! This brings back memories for me, not of France but Lucerne Switzerland where I saw almost the exact colorful sunset.


Don't hold back ;-D