Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Days In the Saddle Cause Great Thirst !

In the previous post about the Selle Pub (the Saddle) in Morlaix, Brittany, France, you were all encouraged to get in your carriages and gallop on over as fast as a team of horses could trot... Lynne of Decollete Glimpses fame apparently took this to heart, and produced a piece about the horses she is going to ride to the Saddle. This sign is another piece of la Selle Pub's marvellous interior decoration.
On another blog which many of you know and love, Roxana just did a lovely composition of image and
poetry under the title of "Thirst", which is also perfectly in keeping with the pub theme here, as I admit, having visited la Selle Pub three times now in the past few days, each time I get near the place, a very powerful thirst occurs, for which a Magic Chouffe beer is an excellent cure. Although I may have had one too many, as for some reason the writing on the glass seems reversed here. And very quickly the glass was drained. Some sort of magic that, such quenching of thirsts.


These next two have nothing to do with anything, they appear here simply to reassure any of you who may have been concerned about the quiet period from Mr Toad's corner of the world, that he is quite seriously occupied with very important vacation business affairs which cannot be ignored or delayed, as you can see for yourself,  requiring the most entire concentration imaginable ! So you can rest easy, these issues will be dealt with in all proper decorum and due diligence, as difficult as such hardships may be. My best to all of you, normal life will resume shortly. Maybe. . . :-)



  1. Good to see that you're watching your diet...as it goes right out the window.

  2. That looks a handsome devil of a beer...

  3. Hey, vacation time is important too, I get that (duh-- I am French, that's why ;-) Too bad I can't do the same as you and stop blogging while I am traveling... Sheesh! Loved the ice cream pics by the way. Had a Café Liegeois at Nice's Negresco hotel yesterday afternoon. Total indulgence but it was soooo goood... A bientot Owen!
    Veronique aka French Girl in Seattle

  4. So very un-american! Well done and Carry On!

  5. The serving dishes and presentation for the ice cream deserts is pretty darn amazing. Love the glowing warmth of the beer images and the coolness of the ice cream ones. Just like they feel going down...

  6. Oh, I do love this kind of magic. Yes yes! There is no better magic for the quenching of one's thirst, is there? As for those last two that are just there, well, I could use some of that right about now in this blistering heat!

    Darkness... and color. A lovely post, Owen! And I'll have the two together... any time!!!


  7. what a marvellous sundae - are they available throughout the country?? Greetings from the Riviera....

  8. oh mais dis donc owen adoré tu profites bien de la vie toi :-)))
    quand reviens-tu de bretagne ?
    bon je te prend la fleur rouge de la dernière photo pour mettre dans mes cheveux !
    bisou à toi et ta grenouille

  9. Ben... Je prendrais bien une petite bière tiens!!!! Tu ne m'en veux pas si je prends une blanche????

  10. Oh a normal life, my kingdom for a normal life...

  11. Well, thank goodness Saj is here because I think I've been stood up. I was invited over here for drinks and a chat two nights ago and here I sit, still waiting for a certain toad to show up. I looked under all the tables and banquettes and no sign of him. Meanwhile, on the back of a cartoon coaster, in the white skull glass light, I drew a map of Canada (Oh! Canada), with a toad drawn on it twice. Maybe that magic chouffe had something to do with the disappearing toad. I must get to the bottom of this...glass.

  12. Oh those icecreams. They're so eye catching I'm not sure if they would invite me to eat more, or put me off my food! :0

  13. Sitting in the house while it's 98 degrees outside, came here, saw ice cream...now planning on a trip to the store for some regular ice cream - not gloriously presented such as these.

  14. ah, i don't have anything against this sort of magic and such quenching of thirsts, to quote the brilliant and brilliantly funny owner (and actor) of the magic lantern show :-)
    right now i am however so taken with those impossible colours of the icecream pics, that i can only think of ice cream and have completely forgotten my (or any) thirst :-)


Don't hold back ;-D