Monday, November 15, 2010

From An Incurable Cataholic . . .

Posting the picture of the kitten in the post below this one reminded me that I had heard a few more meows from the archives, echoes of meows perhaps, as these cats were photographed back in 1991, and are probably resting in cat heaven right now. But looking down approvingly at being remembered here. And as the previous post was rather alot of reading material, I think I'll just let you chill out with the kits here today. Just don't get catatonic on me.
Oh, and I'd like to say "thank you" to the one who showed me how to simulate old film effects, they seemed appropriate here. I am most grateful.





Hey, what going on here ? Looks like this place is going to the cats ! That won't do !


Grrrr, those cats, they make me so mad, hogging the limelight like that...


  1. Its just morning here and its already made my day to look at these enchanting pictures of cats...(oh ok and dog too). Some day I might ask you to share the secret of simulating Old film effects.

  2. Though I love all these photos and of course, the treatment, the first one for me is particularly gorgeous. The depth of field, the textures, the darkened edges, one dark cat, one light in those two different poses. I love it!

    I've been to Last Flight Out and like the exposure bracketing (HDR) work so much. More than most I've seen. It would be fun to give it a try sometime. He's so accomplished and well traveled! The underwater stuff is really unique too. Love all that color!

    Thanks for all the recommends!

    And Happy Reading!

  3. Ils ont l'air bien tristes ces chiens!!!!

  4. As you know, being facially hirsute myself, I am a big fan of whiskers...

  5. They are so cute, I love cats, too ♥ We have a cat, little princess called is like Sofia ;) I have photos of her highness on my blog too, if you click tag 'kissa' you found them. These photos are so fine! Have a nice week Owen ;)

  6. I love black and white and I really like what ever it is you've done to them.

  7. Ha ha...
    Wonderful post...and good choice for black and white...
    My compliments!
    Best regards from Romania!

  8. The never ending struggle of cats and dogs.

  9. Owen,
    Now that I have a brand new chat noir, I"m a cat lover all of a sudden, but that pup in the old tractor won my heart. Awwww,

  10. Tu postes encore en anglais ! Pas de traductions simultanées pour tes lecteurs francophones ! ! !
    Tu crois que ces chats, ces chiens ( c'est dur à dire ce truc ! ) comprennent nos langues ?
    Je ne le pense pas !
    Alors, je te le redis encore Owen ! Ne sois pas chien avec tes lecteurs français ! Chat suffit !...':[
    Mais c'est nul mon truc.........................

    Bon, miaou et wouaf !...:)

  11. Yes! Just what you've needed Owen, more cats!

  12. wow, these are simply gorgeous, i mean the cats, i mean what you've done to them!!!!!

    i couldn't choose!!!


  13. Je reste fascinée par les chats, leur regard intense, tout chez eux n'est qu'élégance, ils posent, il marchent tout en souplesse et légèreté...D'ailleurs, le podium des défilés ne s'appelle-t-il pas en anglais "the catwalk" ?...
    Bonne soirée Owen

  14. Hi Owen. I'd like to say again what a pleasure it was to meet you and what a great time I had. These effects are amazing plus I'm a sucker for cats. I might have mentioned that. :) I'm still trying to catch up on life and the thousands of photos that I took don't help but they sure are nice.

    p.s. I took my wife to another location of the restaurant that we went to and it was so good that we went again. Three times total for me. :)

  15. Bien d'accord avec Jeff, j'ai cherché désespérément le p'tit traducteur sur le coté...
    Ces chats quelle classe ! Chat de luxe ou chat de rien cet animal a toujours fière allure !
    Magnifiques ces photos !

  16. Cats are poetry. So is your photography.

    Please have a good Wednesday.

    daily athens

  17. A big MEEOOOOWWW to all of you good people... you're the finest alley cats I could possibly imagine...

    For those who may need to translate the text from time to time, I would highly recommend :|fr|

    The google translator can mangle almost any translation it tries. But it is better than nothing.

    Pour ceux qui ont besoin de services d'un traducteur, je conseille :|fr|

    Il marche merveilleusement bien. Parfois.

    Merci à toutes et à tous...

    Wooooofffff !

  18. J'ai commencé par le titre, comme une bonne élève.....Le malheur, c'est que je l'ai lu de travers, et j'y ai compris : D'Un Incurable Catholique"....Je me suis dit "Hummmm ! De la matière à contestation"
    Puis, je vois ces chats qui ne me donnent que matière à admiration. Je suis une Cat Person comme on dit chez toi.
    Je ne manque jamais quand j'en croise un de l'emprisonner dans mes fichiers. C'est une douce cataphonie qui attire mon attention quand je choisis mes photos. reviens au tout s'éclaire......
    Farceur, va !


Don't hold back ;-D