Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bamboo Nursery . . .

Just a little bit of a Parisian reflection here to render homage to James' Weekend Reflections series. I was wondering if they were raising bamboo in order to feed the elephant ? And are those really fishnet stockings or is that a figment of my imagination? And perhaps best to leave the bamboo roots confined to the interior of bottles, as otherwise they spread like crazy. . . One sees the oddest things wandering the streets of Paris in search of reflections.



  1. Very nice photo with great reflection..
    Well done my friend..

  2. I love it! What a delightful, colorful reflection! Well done indeed! Hope you have a great weekend, Owen! Enjoy!


  3. At first glance your title gave me visions of baby bambi (plural for bamboo?) being looked after by des nourrices!

    I always enjoy your reflections!

  4. bonjour owen adoré

    ta très jolie photo réfléchit paris à l'instar de tes propres réflexions sur le bambou !
    c'est drôle, autant j'adore le bambou dans la nature, dans nos jardins, autant je n'ai jamais aimé ce dernier vendu ainsi en bouteille !
    c'est ainsi et je ne cherche pas à savoir pourquoi ! aucune réflexion à ce sujet :-)

    merci pour ton dernier passage chez moi, pour tes mots qui me touchent toujours autant

    ce beau voyage à maurice continue encore quelques temps, j'ai quelques photos à montrer, de beaux visages et de jolies petites bêtes aussi

    reviens quand tu veux

    mille bisous

  5. I'm seeing the fishnets! I'm seeing the fishnets! And I'm growing some bamboo as a result! ;-)

  6. more beautiful things... love the roses in that church ruin, something very metaphorical going on there and what is it about reflections that are so intrigueing! marvellous thingies they are!

  7. Cool shot. Bamboo advisory: It can really run away. I have been trying to kill off a grove in the yard that got out of control!!! On the plus side, I did wind up with dozens of fishing poles!

  8. Funny, to feed the elephant. You did a great job getting a reflection. I like the idea of the bamboo in the tall bottles. You are so right how bamboo takes over if it is in the ground.

  9. Bamboozled in Paris. Doubtlessly not the first time it's happened but never quite in this way before.

  10. Hi Owen! You've given me the opportunity of showing off my plant knowledge: the bamboo in question is used as a house plant. It is referred to as Lucky Bamboo, and it is actually not a bamboo at all, just a look-alike. It is actually a Dracenae.

    I've been busy with work lately, which is why I haven't been on my blog. But I always have time for enjoying the Magic Lantern Show with a cup of tea. :)

  11. Gosh, the things you learn blogging! How about that Jill up there. Gosh I do love seeing that French architecture. And I do see some fishnet clad calves. Looks like quite an eclectic store! I love where the reflection turns to red compared to the clear area.

  12. I think I need a Panda bear...they love bamboo!

  13. Hi Owen. I don't recall ever seeing bamboo growing Paris before but that as well as the reflection and the colorful bottles in the window are a treat.

  14. Oooh, I love the bamboo in the beautiful bottles! Not so sure about the fishnet stockings ...

  15. Yes, those sure look like fishnets to me. I know. I hate those things. Ugly as sin itself. If sin had a face, you know. But I'm diggin' the colored glass bottles and the bamboo... yeah... a little zen moment in the midst of... the fishnets and... hairspray is that? Yes, Paris is quite the oxymoron, isn't she?

    Don't kill yourself at work, Owen. Stop and breathe... there you go! ;-)


  16. Huzhar,
    Many thanks !


    Hi Sylvia,
    The weekend has been good so far, and hope to get into Paris Sunday for a little stroll around... thanks much for stopping by !


    Hi Joette-Pliers...
    Loved your latest piece, out chasing ducks and geese around the countryside... As for the plural of "bamboo", good question. We've got a patch of the stuff along one side of the house, and it is crazy, it grows faster than anything I've ever seen, and won't take "no" for an answer. sigh...

    Hope all is good with you two...

  17. Bonjour Karine,
    en fait, je n'avais jamais vu des plantes comme celles-ci en bouteille comme ça... et voir réponse plus loin en bas de Jill, apparemment il ne s'agit même pas du bamboo... bien que cela se ressemble. J'aimais surtout les bouteilles ici, et les petits éléphants, sans parler de la réflexion.

    Et merci encore pour tes somptueuses présentations des images de l'île Maurice... on regarde ces photos avec gourmandise...

    Bon dimanche Karine...

  18. Steve ! Ahem ! And be careful, they had a panda in there with very sharp teeth to keep the bamboo pruned...

  19. Hey you waterkitties,
    Hope yer all having a very musical weekend, will you drink a Guinness for me ? Or maybe there's even better Irish beer to be found locally ???


    Hi Myth,
    Hear you loud and clear, we too have a bamboo patch from Hell that just won't quit no matter how many times I cut it all down and dig up the roots. I think if even one centimetre of root remains in the dirt, it can regenerate itself to a height of twenty feet in the space of two weeks... Am thinking of buying a panda to graze on it...

  20. I like how the perspective you took make the feet look like they're dancing away.

  21. Jaysus George, ya gotta get up early to be here first!
    Love these still playing with my new camera to see what it can do. Perhaps I should hitch a ride on the blogoshpere and visit you?

  22. un gros gros bisou des dimanches Owen pour te dire que je ne t'oublie pas..j'espère que tout va bien dans la capitale..
    j'ai adoré ton post précédent la deuxième photo est superbe..ce rouge intense sur fond de vieilles pierres..sublime..
    et tes autres post aussi...signs of love par exemple ...trop joli..
    si on ouvre bien les yeux l'amour est partout..un peu, beaucoup, passionnément..
    full of love and kisses.
    a bientôt..:o)

  23. Seeing these plants and their roots, made me wonder of how much one is showing of oneself, how much there's need of, how much one wants to.
    Please have a good new month and new week as well.

    daily athens

  24. Hi TechnoB.,
    Actually I think there are three elephants in the image... so I guess they could eat alot of bamboo leaves and stalks... could use one here at the house, we have a patch that the previous owners planted, and the stuff just won't give up no matter what I do to it. Maybe I'll give BP a call and see if they have any bamboo dispersants in stock...

  25. Lynne, Bamboozled indeed... bam - booze - led... sort of like, wham, bam, booze, and thank you ma'am, yup, yessirreee, was bamboozled by the bamboo look alike, as Jill kindly pointed out, it wasn't even bamboo... shows you how much I know. Actually, it was the bottles I liked here. They have nice curves. And the little blue laughing elephant. Or am I seeing things again ?

  26. Hi Jill !
    Good to see you out and about... and many, many thanks for providing the correct name for the plant... at first glance I was thinking bamboo... but now, thanks to you, we know it was Lucky Bamboo – Dracaena sanderiana... and many web sites show how malleable it is; people train them into surprising forms.

    And how is the squirrel doing ? I hope he/she survived...

    Hope all the work is going well, and leading to good things...

  27. Hey Stickemup,
    Blogging is the best for learning all sorts of amazing things one never would have guessed one was about to learn.... a free-form university one could say... I don't say "live and learn" anymore, I say "blog and learn"...

  28. Myth, good idea ! Maybe we could do a time sharing thing with the panda ? You keep him half the year, and I'll give him all the bamboo he can eat here the other half...

  29. Hi James, well, as Jill pointed out above, it isn't even bamboo...


    Hi Clytie, looks like there are some mixed feelings out there about the fishnets... but if you like the bottles, there's that at least on the good side...

  30. Hi Nevine...

    Paris is always full of contrasts and surprises... for sure. One never knows what one might run into. As for fishnets, can't say I ever knew anyone whe wore them, not sure that I'd want to either. And I especially hate the fishnets that are slowly but surely driving our fish populations to the brink of extinction.

    And thanks for the breathing inspiration. I'm hoping things will calm down a bit soon. For now, I'll just breathe in..... hold.... breathe out....

  31. Hi Tatty, I think they were dancing away...


    Dear Saj,
    Very early indeed... or very late...

    And what's this about a new camera ?!? Ok, what did you do ??? A mad absolutely crazy folly of self indulgence ??? Spill the beans ! Show us your stuff !

  32. Oh Clo !
    Quel plaisir de te revoir ici... je ne pensais pas du tout être oublié, au contraire, je pensais à toi et les siens, et j'espère que l'été se passe mieux maintenant. Je regardais les actualités ce soir sur le Pakistan... encore pire qu'à Draguignan. Tout est relatif. Le monde déjoncte. Nous, on ne peut que essayer de tenir bon face aux épreuves.
    Billions de bisoux (milliards)

    Je sais, tu savais...

  33. Hi Robert,
    Interesting thoughts... we hide I think, alot, even when in public. Some of us, anyway.

    Many thanks...

  34. I'm in this strange place, having seen Inception in the afternoon. Must say that my frame of mind caused me to reflect a long time on the reflections and colors in your image. Thanks for an interesting meditation!

  35. oui bien sur Owen ,je sais..mais c'est parfois nécessaire de relativiser...:o)
    après toute cette eau la sècheresse a finit par s'installer..les premiers feux de foret ont aussi commencé..les dracennois seront-ils bouillis ou rôtis..?:o)
    le monde devient je crois que nous seront tout petit face a cette folie..
    je te dis a bientôt...mille bisoux..:o)


Don't hold back ;-D