Thursday, May 27, 2010

Self Portrait . . .


PS This was just before he spat at me . . . but don't you just love his black mascara ?


  1. Big laugh! Gorgeous photo, Owen, and a cheeky title. Also very much like your header photo - it's quite wonderful. You sure do have an eye...

  2. haha that was a great one,(another victim of camel spitfire here) =)=)

    PS they also love to chew cameras so be careful...

  3. Haha, I hope he missed when he spat at you!

  4. I'm loving the gold tassles... but then I'm a real sucker for a bit of bling.

  5. Classic. I agree with Steve about the tassles. Your animal photography is superb, Owen.

    Also, the new header...that green boat, what a shot!

  6. Ha ha - the hair colour is exactly the same but I'd never seen you wearing black mascara and golden Christmas decorations as ear rings before - oh the secret life of bloggers!

  7. PS -Your new banner photo is wonderful too!

  8. Gee, now I can recognize you anywhere!
    Love the new photo!

  9. :-))))
    Superbe portrait !
    Dur dur et dangereux la passion photo parfois, hein Owen?

  10. You blew my curiosity on the i know why you are so wise!haha

  11. Eww, I thought he was going to kiss you. Darn, maybe spitting is his way of showing affection??? Yes, he is over the top with his mascara though.

  12. Wonderful photograph...that pursed lip reminded me of someone...but I think it's not wise to decide who it is...

  13. Well I certainly hope you're not wearing gold bling about your head or mascara either. Looks like he's puckered up to plant a kiss. Quite the little burlesque you caught here. What a funny image to wake up to!

  14. Ooooh yeah, he was definitely trying to kiss, not spit. Maybe he doesn't know the difference! Or maybe the gold thing on his face scrambled his thinking?

  15. I love it. Greetings. I love too the photo on the title.

  16. Living in India...the thing I prefer is the moustache ;-)
    Take care my dear Owen
    Loulou and the heat (46 in Delhi.......................)

  17. OH-wen! You're too silly :D...

  18. I love those lips... just before a spit.... good to know.

    Maybe some of that spit would tame that hair?

  19. Do you really think you're that cute? ;-)


  20. Wishing you always two hands full beneath the keel, allowing to travel far, either upon the boat or these four feet.
    Please have a nice Friday.

    daily athens

  21. very fetching - but I was expecting a zebra!!

  22. He is kind of fuzzy looking. I’d love to pet him.

  23. Oh ! You all are too funny ! I'll be back just as soon as am able... have to clean my mascara off before getting some beauty sleep...

  24. Oh my goodness, I can see him gathering the spit ready...not nice! How beautiful he is - love the gold decoration.

    Your new banner is so beautiful. Just adore it.

  25. i like your sens of humour , great portrait indeed ;)

  26. *giggle*

    Love that mug! :D

    It's been a while since I have visited and left a comment, but I was browsing though my subscriptions in Google Reader and this pic came up! I giggled so much that I knew I had to come and visit and say thanks for the laugh. :)

  27. Owen,
    Did you know that camel spit has some very healthful qualities for a slug? I would recommend a daily dose of camel love for you, it does wonders for a slugs outer skin layers! "Smile for the camel-la!"
    By the way, thank you for taking the minutes at our latest SBFA meeting over at Slug's Rest, it was very kind of you. You are a businessslug of the highest ilk.
    Mrs. Slug, back by popular (o.k., Owen's) demand!
    Love, Mrs. Slug

  28. I really hope he didn't spit at you! This is an amazing photo! :o)

  29. Maybe it was just his way of blowing you a sloppy kiss.

  30. I just saw Babbler's response and just had to ask her a question.

    "Did you know that camel spit has some very healthful qualities for a slug?"

    But, Mrs Slug, camels live in the desert and you don't. Therefore my question is, where do you get your camel spit? Do you mail order it in bottles from Libya?

  31. Hi Snowbrush,
    Funny, I was just over at your place reading through the fascination discussion about the existance of supernatural deities, and the numerous comments, and your always thoughtful responses. If I could "follow" a blog more than once, I would sign up again to follow yours, to replace one of the dear departed... Anyway, I think we think in similar terms on such issues. And was it perhaps Occam's razor with which you cut yourself as a youngster in order to sign in blood ?

    As for the question addressed to the infinitely gentle Mrs Slug, if I may offer one hypothesis :

    Although slugs do not tend to live in the desert, there are some slugs who do vacation in such places, taking a ferry from Marseilles across to Tunisia, and then from there they actually rent camels to ride into the desert on. And part of the camel renting bargain is sort of a kickback paid in Camel Spit, in goatskin pouches, which the slugs then ship internationally from Tunis to all of the supply lines for slug beauty salons, which are a booming business from what I understand. I a was actually thinking about getting into that line of work myself...

    And yes, it could well have been a kiss my fine camel friend was trying to send me, he just got a little carried away and slobbered heavily at the crucial moment...

  32. And of course I meant "fascinating" and not "fascination"... I type far too fast sometimes, too fast for my own good...

  33. Jessie, well, let's just say he drooled then... but the drool came out with a certain toss of the head which caused it to be horizontally propulsed drool at high velocity, rather than vertically falling drool only motivated by gravity...
    (said like a true student of physics, ay ?)

  34. Ah Dear Mrs Babbling Slug,
    How brilliantly you do babble at that. Perhaps I shall have to invest in a camel then, so as to always have a fresh supply of camel salivation at close hand... but can they be trained to produce it on demand. I rather suspect that if the camel realized I actually wanted it to spit at me, that he would stop doing so quite quickly... they are the most unobliging of creatures from what I gather. And I shan't venture into any of the camel jokes I've heard over the years...

    May your sluggy complexion bloom with the brightest inner lights imaginable...

    So happy the paging message at SBFA was heard somehow...

  35. Hi Karin, thanks so much for dropping in... hope all is well with you, and life, the universe, and everything...


    Hi Babzy, I am rather photogenic there, I must admit, it was a rare day, most of the time I could not be photographed...


    Hi Jilly, best not to think about the gathering of spit in the vast oral cavity of a camel ! Dogs are much nicer company... and so happy you like the boat, that is what I consider a dreamboat of a vessel... just needs a little work before taking to sea again...

  36. Vagabonde, you are welcome to try to pet him, but beware, not only does he spit . . . he bites !


    Hi Catherine of Mexico,
    But the zebra from this same day was already posted several posts back there... but I will keep my eye out for more... So, are you off to Guatemala perhaps to observe the volcano, from a safe distance of course ?


    Robert, hmmm, I wonder which would carry you further, the camel or the keel of the boat ?


    Dear Nevine,
    Cuter ! (bear in mind, most toads have extremely inflated egos, just go back to the Wind In the Willows for a little refresher course if necessary...)

  37. Hi @eloh,
    Just as Mrs Slug said here, that camel spit is great for the epidermis, it is also perfect for controlling unruly hair. One treatment of camel spit combed into ones locks will keep them in place for at least a week. Just don't be surprised if your friends, soon to be ex-friends, give one a wide berth after application of said camel drool...


    Oh-When the Saints go marching in !

    All my life I've been accused of being silly, and have never tried to deny it... silliness is what sets us apart from mere animals...


    Hi Loulou !
    So it's a moustache you're wanting ? Nothing like these furry camel lips for puckering up a sweet kiss...

    But maybe if you're nice to him he will let you climb up on his back and then carry you somewhere cooler. My goodness, 46°, I can't imagine how you cope... gallons of water to drink...
    be well chère Loulou...

  38. Japy, Muchas gracias ! very kind of you... may all your camels be kind to you...


    Hi Clytie, or maybe kissing a camel inherently implies some spitting activity... there are some humans who like messy kisses too, apparently...


    Hi Stickup... of course I never leave the house without my gold blings and mascara, sort of like Keith Richards, in fact a double portrait of Keith and this camel might be quite an interesting study, no ?


  39. Ah Lynne, the spitting image !!!

    You are so quick and clever, now why didn't I think of that ??? Now maybe we could just photoshop some spit into this... I was so busy jumping back when the spittle started flying that I neglected to press the shutter button again...

  40. Dear Fly in the Web, I would dearly love to know who you had in mind...


    Hi Techno Babe, As far as kissing versus spitting, I may have to go back and do some more research ? It could be there is some capacity for affection under that ornery spitting facade...


    Hi Tomai,
    Maybe spitting is just the camel's way of expressing tainted love???
    Love that song !


    Bonjour Karine !
    Extremement dangereux le metier du photographe... ! Surtout quand on s'asseoit sur des fourmis ! Je n'ai pas osé demandé si les parties sensibles brutalisées par ces méchantes fourmis à piques vont mieux ? Je l'espère, car s'asseoir sur des bobos n'est pas facile... et rester debout pour dîner n'est pas agréable non plus.

    Bon weekend à toi !


    Hey Dedene, many thanks, yeah, I really stand out in a crowd when I put my camel mask on. Toads are more discreet...

  41. Hi Nathalie, indeed, the secret life of bloggers... and so true the hair is just the right color, no henna needed. The dreamboat is a refresshing change for me too, after months of lichen on the granite of a gravestone...


    Joo, hi there, we can organize a meeting for you with this fellow if you're interested ?


    Ay you Cats ! Maybe gorgeous enought to write a love song about ??? I'll leave it to you to see what you can come up with...


    Hi Lydia
    I'm blushing, but maybe if I can identify with animals to that extent, it is because I'm more animal at heart than human ? Hmmm, I wonder... glad you like the dreamboat too...


    Hi Steve, for you too, a date can be organized if you are attracted to bling, my fees for an amourous evening with my camel friend are quite reasonable...

    Hahaha, imagine that, getting charged with proxenitisme for a camel ! LOL...

  42. Amy, indeed, fortunately I was faster, and saw it coming, or sensed it anyway... although I'm always one for trying new experiences...


    Hey Alberto,
    They are very adept at grabbing things in those massive teeth they have behind those think lips... one must beware at all times when anywhere near them... I met another camel once in Syria that loved to lick anything within reach ! Caution required !


    Hi Deboray... glad you got a bit of a chuckle... I sometimes think I'm part camel spirited in this toad's body...

  43. how adorable you are Owen! thanks for the smile this morning. Then when I read the caption, I laughed out loud!

  44. HAHAHAAAAAA.....self portrait..

    'nough said

    you funny Owen. How you been. Yeah i've been really quiet lately. a lot of stuff happening. Maybe I'll tell later., But listen...hold your thumbs, i applied for a job that i REALLY REALLY WANT!!!! and need, for that matter.
    have a fantastic day Owen!!!!!


  45. On t'aurait muselé, Owen ? Qu'est ce que c'est que ces façons de cracher aussi !

    Heureusement qu'il te reste le clavier pour nous raconter.


Don't hold back ;-D