Wednesday, April 14, 2010

From a Tropical Island, With Love . . .




  1. Beautiful, absolutely stunning, thanks for sharing it with us. Take care.

  2. I just love this took it? I am so longing to visit the ocean and sit in the cool sand and stick my toes in the sand. Being a Pisces of course I so need to be more connected to the sea. I miss it so.

    By the way I just love all the photos of the shrines you took. They are so beautiful. When I think of the story of Jesus I often wonder if some "so called Christians" would even recognize him if they were to see him standing in the street or walking their neighborhood...they would probably just call him a "dirty hippie man" and spit on him..yes, a sad thought but I feel it is true...Hypocrites all over this's very sad indeed. Wish more would look in the mirror and see the total hypocrisy.

    Hope your doing well over there in France. Maybe one day I will actually make it over there, then my dream will come true!


  3. Wow. I could feel my mind relaxing just looking at that photograph.

  4. Owen,
    Le genre d'image à garder à l'esprit quand le blues devient trop pesant.
    C'est fabuleux...

  5. What a perfectly serene sunset. Gorgeous.

  6. A wonderful gift for we sunset lovers,, hey Owen don´t tell me you are getting that Gauguin´s syndrome of leaving it all to go and dwell on a remote island =)

  7. Is this still Reunion? Oh Owen, it looks so beautiful wherever it is

  8. Man, oh man! What a stunning sight! Now, if I could just lie down on that stretch of sand, close my eyes, and dream for a while...


  9. GUAUUU!¡! Beautifull place and picture. If you are there now, enjoy it and send here a little bit of the serenity that emanate this land.

  10. This is beautiful. I will pretend this couple is my sweet hubby and me.

  11. Very nice, but I don't see a bar anywhere...

  12. Peaceful picture, but sad..there is no wrecked car on the beach ? :-)

  13. and you touch our hearts in silence...

  14. Avec un double reflet ! deux fois plus de raisons pour rêver en attendant le clair de lune...

  15. This so reminds me of the haunting Bay of Fundy light, clouds, water and shore...

    but I do imagine it it much warmer there..

    the best to you.

  16. I like the pink cloud in the sea puddle.

    Makes me think of "clouds in my coffee..."

  17. I love the reflection of the sky in the placid water in the foreground. Beautifully composed shot. If only every day...

  18. Holy Moholy Nagy!

    Way to go, Owen!

    Now I just need to know if you were alone when you took that photo? Alone as in "the decisive moment" alone...

  19. If you leave up a blog post long enough without replying to the comments, or slamming up a new picture, your slathering fans (okay, me) will come crawling back panting for more, but finding none of such, will be coerced into leaving redundant comments just to have the kick of being in pseudo-communication with the disturbingly croakless toad in the sparkless dark of his magic lantern void.

    In my desperate need for another fix of BrOwen's blog, I am reduced to gazing more intently at this idyllic (for most) tropical isle sunset, observing the brilliant contrasting of water textures (rippled background vs smooth foreground), warm tones (sun) vs cool (grey clouds), dark against bright, and the human interest hook of two distant silhouettes engaged in a private moment that the photographer enables us to voyeuristically intrude upon. Nice work. There, I've said it.

    Don't make me leave another comment on this posting! I'm on holiday, you know.

  20. Nice.........just add a cocktail and you wouldn't stir!

  21. un petit coin de terre entre mer et mer....
    un petit coin de paradis....
    j'adore ces rayons bleutés qui sortent des nuages....
    merci Owen...l'horizon n'en finit plus de nous emporter,loin loin......
    bises du sud et doux weekend...:o)

  22. serene...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  23. Dear all you wonderful and wicked and wild and windy and kind and funny and darling people...

    Mr Toad has just gone through a major nightmare at work for the past two days caused by a small volcano in Iceland which is wreaking major havoc across Europe for anyone related in any way to airplanes and airports, which I am... and as a result of said nightmare I've been nowhere near my blog or your blogs for too long now, and am already suffering the first signs of blog addiction withdrawal symptoms, shaking hands with tremorous typing fingers, an absent look as I try to remember what I wanted to post about two days ago already, an anxious feeling that readers will wander off never to return, etc, etc...

    So, let's all utter a collective prayer that this volcano will go back to sleep, and stop showering us here in Europe with these clouds of ash... you could say it's a real ash hole !

    As for the sunset on the beach here...

    - yes, I did take this photo

    - I imagine Jesus today would indeed be taken for an acid freak homeless person and ignored

    - this photo is part of the course material for the Mr Toad Relaxation School classes

    - j'espère que personne n'aura des blues qui deviennent pesant, mais que si ce coucher de soleil peut aider, alors, c'est une bonne chose...

    - I've been suffering from Gauguin's syndrome for years now, and could succumb to it soon... :-)

  24. and continuing... (if comments get too big Blogger won't publish them)

    - yes, this was still on la Reunion Island, near the popular Boucan Canot plage... err beach...

    - you can lie down on that beach, it is possible, it just takes a flight to Paris (when Paris airports open again) about 9 hours from Houston or Dallas, then 11 hour flight to Saint Denis de la Reunion, then 45 minute drive to this beach... and there you are, in less than 24 hours you could be there !

    - err, I was there recently, but am not there now, but will go back soon if it can earn me some more kisses, can't get enough of those ! But at present the grenouille is the kisses provider, my name is Toad, not Tiger... :-)

    - images like this are perfect for pretending that that is us out on the beach there...

    - not seeing a bar in a place like this is indeed a major hindrance I admit to enjoying the image... would it help if I let slip the info that there were three nice bars within a two minute walk from the spot where this was taken ?

    - oh, and even worse, there's no wrecked car ! Now that is downright tragic !!! and unacceptable, I agree, there should be punishment for photographers who take pictures of beaches without putting a good wreck of a car in the picture... But I'm not good enough with Photoshop to do that yet, but I promise, I will see what I can find in the way of demolished cars here very shortly... :-)

    - touching hearts in silence is the best way, as hearts are sacred places best listened to and touched in the utmost silence, silence as smooth and rich as the surface of the tidal pool there...

  25. - et oui, peut-être j'aurai dû rester et attendre le clair de lune là, il y avait sans doute des possibilités photos excellentes, mais comme souvent dans la vie il y avait d'autres endroits qui appellaient, il fallait partir de là... mais bon, même quelques instants à s'arrêter pour apprecier le silence valait la peine...

    - oh Bay of Fundy dweller, a pleasure to see you back in the blogosphere, was beginning to despair of your return, but I hope that all projects are percolating and that business is booming... please do click through on Karine A.'s name here to see her blog, you and she are perhaps two of the finest watercolor artists I've ever come across, along with our friend Lynne who I think you know already...

    - clouds in my coffee ? un nuage... oh wait, that was Carly Simon, right ??? But who was the song about ???

    - Indeed, indeed, if only every day could have some sweet sweet moments in it like this one... but I guess that's what makes us appreciate such times, they don't happen every day...

    - well, I was almost alone for a moment or two, others had walked ahead, but I stopped to marvel at this little treasure of a scene, so was just alone enough to try to grok this odd juxtaposition of still and rippling waters... and found all sorts of meanings there in the few microseconds of reflection it took to look...

    - if this is the quality of redundant comments that come back when I stay away for a while, perhaps I'll stay away more often... but this poor croakless toad has in fact been choking on volcanic ash for two days now which is causing total chaos at work as mentioned above, but at last I'm here, though working Saturday, and maybe Sunday, trying to calm the madding crowds... hope to be croaking again coherently soon, though permanent incoherence is always an option...

    - but I thought cocktails needed to be stirred just a little ??? What was that reggae song... "Stir it Up"... ?

    - toute à fait, totalement un petit coin de paradis, est-ce toi qui était à la plage ce jour là ?

    - serenity indeed...


    Had to work a little faster than I like to here, due to situation at work with clouds in my airspace, clouds in my airspace, and you're so violently eruptive, you probably think you can cover us with ash if you want to, ash if you want to...

    Ok, that's a stretch, I admit, get loopy when I get tired, but life is good when thrown for a loop...

    Now y'all come back reel soon now, hear...!

  26. The stretch of empty sand adds to the sea-scape.

  27. Amazing reflections. Beautiful scenery and capture.

  28. Bon retour Owen, quelle histoire ce nuage de cendres ! Home sweet home...

  29. This is a fabulous setting! What a mood.. the couple only accentuates this- Nice one-

  30. Wow. This one has everything. People on the beach, sunset, reflection (love the tiny pink cloud in the water), shadows, ocean. Sigh. Stunning.

  31. Owen, I was wondering how it was going there in France for you with all those clouds of careful..wear a mask when going outside for a few.

    Hope it all "Clears" up soon.



  32. Quelle belle photo !
    Fermer les rêver que nous sommes là ....


Don't hold back ;-D