Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Doggedly Blogging On . . .

And while we are going to the dogs due to general "too much work and not enough play" syndrome, here are a couple more dog day afternoon photos to continue the homage in the preceeding post to that giant among mortals, Elliott Erwitt . . .

Some days, this is exactly what I feel like . . . Let Me Out ! ! !
: - )



  1. That may be 'let me in' you know...I could comment doggedly but you'd think I was barking...or telling tails....

  2. Too much work here as well. I love that last photo. Looks like that little guy needs to start digging a hole.

  3. They look just about like I feel;>D

  4. Oh that second one looked so sad to me - like the dog was shut up somewhere.

  5. That bottom pic... that's me at work, that is...

  6. I can feel like that too!!! Lovely shots to convey your meaning!

  7. I'd like to come and play too,but there is a garage door on my snout. Maybe when my master gets home.

  8. That's a beautiful sculpture.

  9. Love the last photo. Great catch, Owen. Yes you have to travel to the vehicle wrecks one day :)

  10. Oh my, the expressiion on that little trapped face! What an emotive shot! Hope things calm down a bit for you soon.

  11. Hey, didn't you recently return from a month vacation? Dang, nobody over here gets a month for vacation unless you are the CEO or owner. Smile. I understand though. I so like the photo of the dog peeking out of the rolled door.

  12. Beautiful pictures, Owen. I like the second one so much! Sometimes our dogs (German Shepherds) take turns sitting with their heads sticking out the cat door. They look quite forlorn like that! Maybe someday I will manage to snap a picture! :)

    Hope the work lets up a bit so you can play some!


  13. ooooh, and wahoo I was here first! I was! Really! Have just been wondering if that wee chap in the second photo wasn't perhaps looking for his top teeth??

  14. The sculpture is beautiful and the dog peering under the gate is priceless!

  15. J'aime beaucoup ton "zebra award" ! ! ! C'est stylé ! Chic et original...:)
    Tes museaux de chiens sont pas mals aussi...(8]
    Je ne savais pas que tu les enfermais derrière des portes et qu'ils cherchaient l'air, avec cet espèce d'air tout triste ! ! !
    Mais, c'est quand que tu te seras en vacances cher Owen ?...
    Tu en as pas marre de bloguer de la sorte, hiver comme été ?...:)

    Ciao amigo !
    A bientôt...:)
    Prends pas trop chaud... et pense un peu à la Réunion ! ! !...(8]
    Bye !

  16. Dearest sister Saj, we already have established that you are barking mad, but we wouldn't have you any other way, and besides, you bark with such a lovely accent... especially when you bark in doggerel...


    Hi Amy... well, claws against stones for digging holes are a tough match, but I'm just as glad there wasn't a hole to let him out, he was barking ferociously at me, not happy at all that I had dared to stop in front of HIS gate to see what all the commotion was about... have a great weekend...

  17. Jimmy, depends I guess if he's wagging his tail or if he's just sunk his teeth into ones backside...


    Hey Pliers ! ! ! There you are... oh my goodness, you found a machine and a connection ? ! ? Did you get back to the home base for a while ? Or is this coming from a café somewhere ? Anyhow, it was fabulous to see you the other day... absolutely wonderful day... la Grenouille enjoyed meeting you too, and sends her greetings... so, à bientôt j'espère...

  18. Hey FF,
    He was indeed shut up... but he wouldn't shut up, he scared the bejeezus out of me in fact when he started barking and scratching at the gate when I walked by... and he did NOT sound friendly...


    Steve, so it was you who set him on me ??? I should have guessed...

  19. Dear Rose, thanks so much... it's funny how some images connect directly to a mood one may have experienced...


    Hey Bill, well I hope the master is friendlier than his dog was !

  20. Hi Priya, and in a very peaceful place too, on a tombstone in the cemetery in Albert, France... a site of WWI battles...


    Hey John, very nice to see you drop by here... always a pleasure... oh yes, and I would love to travel to come see your shooting grounds some day... will keep that in mind. If you keep posting your beautiful photos from there I'm going to break down one day and swim across the North Sea if I have to... well, maybe there's a boat to take me...

  21. Hey Stickup, yeah, he was full of expressions... and noises, which if translated might have been something like : gggggrrrrr ya damn basterd photoggrrrrraaapherrrrr, ggget the heckkkk away from herrrrreeeeee, errrr ah'lllllll rrripp yerrrr damn aaarrrrrrsssssseee offfffff !!!!

    Yep, I think that's about what he had in mind for me...


    Dear TechnoB, yeah, I'd forgotten about that vacation, it was such a long time ago already, all the positive benefits from it are long gone already, and back to the usual state of near exhaustion, but trying to keep the blog going to leave a little trace at least if I drop in my tracks...
    Just kidding, although, ya never know... so, back to my favorite quote... from the film Breaker Morant : One should live each day as though it were your last day, because one day, you are bound to be right..."

  22. Liz, I sure hope we'll get to see your dog with his head out the cat door one day... please do snap a picture. You must have sometimes a little break between all those baskets of laundry to finish washing, no ?


    Hay Saj, you sure were first ! You get the early barker award for sure... And yes, he'd lost his top teeth from chewing on that cast iron gate too much...

  23. Hi Jilly !
    Well, priceless might be going a bit far, but he was rather adorable there, even if he was furious that I'd stopped in front of his territory, and was pointing a funny black object at him...

    Greetings to you lucky folks in the South, where I gather it's almost Summer already...


    Salut Jeff !
    Et oui, le prix zèbre est chouette, non ? The blog with the most stripes ! Fallait le faire quand même... elle gentille celle-là, qui fait le linge en permanence apparemment...

    Bon, pour les prochaines vacances, je n'en sais rien, pour l'instant c'est boulot boulot boulot dodo boulot... bientôt je commencerai à baver et grogner comme le chien derrière le portail là, lui, un forcené, fou furieux qui voulait me manger cru pour avoir osé m'arrêter devant son domaine...

    Punaise, à la Réunion il y avait un chien, j'étais persuadé qu'il allait réussir à sauter son grillage afin de me bouffer vivant, il était déchainé dans tous les sens du mot... un espèce de molosse pas sympa du tout... drole comme on peut courir vite quand on sent des dents pas loin...

    Bon weekend à toi ! Et à un de ces 4... je l'espère en tout cas...


Don't hold back ;-D