Sunday, March 7, 2010

* * * * * * * * NEWS FLASH * * * * * * * *


Breaking News / / / BNN Blog News Network /// - Paris, France 7 March, 2010
At 07h46 this very morning a distinguished and lovely lady arrived at CDG Airport, Paris, coming in from Los Angeles (an old song from Woodstock in reverse !) where she was met by her equally distinguished husband and by this roving blog reporter who rather coincidentally happened to be in the right place at the right time to share a moment of pure happiness with them, to witness an historic moment, the arrival on French soil of one who has been writing for many moons about her impending transition to life in France, the country of origin of her handsome husband, and now her adopted country of residence.
She is an avid blogger (or should I say bloggeuse?), and for the past year or so I've been reading her blog posts with considerable pleasure, indeed sublime pleasure, for she writes and creates multi-media blog articles in her inimitable and passionate style with intense energy and honesty and humanity and infectious joy.
To retain a certain measure of discretion, for reasons which you will understand should you happen to desire to read further in her pages, I will slightly disguise the names of the first two of her three blogs, but I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys reading, if you are not already familiar with them, that you set aside some time to read through some of her back posts on all three of her blogs, which can be found at (just take the spaces out of the names, and convert the dots) :
h a l f w a y t o f r a n c e dot blogspot dot com/
a n e r s a t z f r e n c h w o m a n dot blogspot dot com/
spit and baling wire dot blogspot dot com/
The above photo at the airport (note the sign saying "Arrivées / Arrivals" at upper left) clearly captures some heartfelt smiles at being reunited in France, after a turbulent few weeks apart, reasons for which are described in Spit and Baling Wire by the delightful Pliers, the Ersatz F r e n c h w o m a n, formerly known as la F r a m e r i c a i n e. What I also like in the above photo are the light fixtures in the ceiling which appear to be not one, but several halos over Mr F.'s head, surely the sign of a saint. Many more photos of the two of them, and that distinguished moustache, can be seen on the above mentioned blogs; there is always something radiant shining through those photographs.
I'm sure there are a few people who will be happy to know the Pliers arrived safely in France after her long overnight voyage in a big jet plane; on Where's My Effing Pony there is a fine sending off "Bon Voyage" message to her, and no doubt the renowned and talented Stickup Artist is thinking about her also.
So, to the two of you, Mr. and Mrs. Spit & Baling, I wish you all possible happiness and good health as you turn the pages into a new chapter of your adventures ! ! ! Am looking forward to reading all about it . . .
Signing off for BNN, you can say you read it here, straight from the horse's mouth, as it were . . . and this horse was encountered on the way home from the airport, as Mr. and Mrs. F. head off to their new life together here in a hexagonal country east of New York and west of Berlin . . .




  1. With good reason, she looks very happy and relieved to be in Paris. She will probably be even more so when she is out of the airport and really back in Paris.

  2. Wow! Bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for a new adventure in the dream they dreamed. Most inspiring. The joy on their faces is contagious. So cool you were there to capture the moment, and share in the excitement.

    I look forward to voyeuristically watching them wire their French existence (not to be confused with the French Resistance)together through Mme. Pliers' blog. I wish them many happy adventures in their new home.

    Greetings, farewells, songs about leaving, and cartoons generally make me cry. You wouldn't happen to have a clean handkerchief on you, would you? Maybe I'll just use the red nosebag.

  3. Wonderful story. Your being at the airport to capture the picture and the joy is our treat. Thanks. And best wishes to the pliers.

  4. OH MY GAWD, that's just awesome Owen! I'm sitting here laughing my ass off with joy to the point of tears in my eyes. The bottle and the photographer make the whole tableau complete! What a glorious circle. Look at those radiant bright smiles! What joie de vivre.

    I know of no two like them and certainly never will.

    And you ESPECIALLY, being there and capturing the moment. Well, it's just way too cool.

  5. I've caught the lady's blog now and then but didn't realise they were actually here now. Great photo, Owen

  6. Owen,

    Just wanted to let you know, I hit your blog before checking my own comments so was hit with the full surprise factor!

  7. Owen, Owen, Owen.....I exclaimed aloud with pleasure and surprise, which brought my favourite Belgian running in to see what was up.
    I am completely choked up. This is so absolutely wonderful, for you to be there, and to have captured that moment. Did she have any idea you would be there???

    This is more than absolutely wonderful, this is that love we were talking about a while back. Oh my.

    Love what you did,
    and you too


  8. Was it a surprise for them? I guess no! But we can "read" happiness on their faces, only yours behind the camera is missing.
    Nice event for sure that will remain on these pages, and in your memories, definitely. Very touchy tribute too...
    Just like that afternoon somewhere in the Garden of the Tuileries remember?

    All is fine in Delhi, verrrrrrrrrrry busy but you know that already don't you?

    Take care, bises à tous les 4

  9. The making of a memory! (I'm still not quite sure that France will ever be the same again. In a good way, of course).

  10. juste un gros bisoux en passant Owen...
    passes une bonne semaine...:o))

  11. P..ain ! Encore des étrangers ! Et des américains...en plus ! ! ! Lui, on dirait un grognard de 14/18 qui accueille sa meuf au train et elle, pose avec une bouteille de la conquète américaine... pas dans l'espace, mais dans l'espace du vignoble français que ces amerlocs nous ont rectifiés à grands coups de vins californiens !
    De toute manière, ici, personne ne me soutiendra vu que toi aussi, tu es un franco-américano-blogueur et je verrais ça plutôt du côté du complot ! Et puis... quel rapport avec ce cheval et ce Dumbo ? Aucun ! Merci de m'approuver mon cher Owen ! Disneyland made in france... Pfffffff ! C'est pas tous les jours qu'on voit ça ! ! !
    Mais je sais que tu as beaucoup d'humour et que tu auras compris que je plaisantais of course !
    Mais quel rapport avec Dumbo ? Aussi... bien que je traduise... ou plutôt, je vais être honnête avec toi... bien que je me fasse chier chaque fois que je viens sur ta page pour mettre en marche ce foutu traducteur qui déforme toutes les langues... surtout étrangères.. Hé bien, je lis tout et j'essaie de comprendre ! ! !
    C'est mon fanc-parler dear Owen ! Sorry pour celles et ceux qui liront ça... mais vu qu'il y a un complot d'english qui se réunissent sur ce blog... je ne crois pas qu'ils comprendront grand chose à mes propos...!

    Sérieux Owen ! Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont beaux tous les deux sur cette photo ! Et ce blog c'est quoi ? Bon ! Je vais quand même aller voir ! Des fois que je trouve ça intéressant voire intelligent ! ! !

    Ciao amigo !
    A bientôt... j'espère !
    Mais tu comprends l'humour ! J'en suis sûr et... pas tout à fait certain maintenant que je l'écris... Gloups !

  12. J'ai vu le blog...
    Chapeau ! Si ! Nous avons un point commun pour ce cher Leonardo et ce superbe film "Shutter island"... et voili voilà !
    Non ! C'est trop bon, trop cool, de la balle !

    Et voilà ! Les mots de trop ! Les fameuses scrounch scrounch vont se remttre en marche...

    Ciao amigo !
    A bientôt...:)
    Excellente semaine !

  13. wow! you surely make the most brilliant and passionate reporter ever, Owen!!! i don't know anyone in this story (well, except you, of course, but that doesn't count, does it?) and i have been totally drawn in and almost feel like i have known the two all my life. such a joy to read you...
    (next time i am in paris, i won't miss the chance to get such a picture of my arrival haloed as a saint of course, as well, i insist on that, the saint of the Bridge :-)))
    would you?)

  14. I remember checking out this blog months ago. Very distictive folks.

    I hope everything goes well for them in France. I certainly can't blame them for leaving the US right now.

  15. i'm on my way to visit the blogs.......thanks for sharing such a wonderful photo of such a moment of utter bliss!!

  16. Hi Owen!!
    Please go to the link at the bottom. photos from haiti. i had tears in my eyes...

    have a great day!!!!

  17. I have visited their blog few times last year. I am happy for them and wish them lots of happiness!

  18. Hi Dave, you very well may be right, although I rather suspect she is good at being happy just about anywhere... but this was a particularly happy moment I think...

  19. Dear Lynne, funny, there were some extra red nosebags lying there near the horse pen, I'll send one to you quickly, wouldn't want any sniffles to overflow into the comment box... and I suspect you and Ms Pliers would get on famously... I was very fortunate to be able to be there, for sure. And am looking forward to hearing lots more about her transition to life here... stay tuned on Spit & Baling Wire... I suspect she won't be offline for long...

  20. Hi TechnoB, glad you enjoyed this, their smiles certainly are infectious !

  21. Hey Stickup ! Glad to catch you by surprise, it was wonderful to meet them at last... But I'm thinking you must have a farewell photo or two from the other end of the trip ?

  22. Hi FF, guess you're going to have to tune in more often to Spit & Baling now that they're here on this side of the ocean... she is always such a huge pleasure to read...

  23. Hey Deborah !
    Well, she had communicated what day she was arriving and what company she was flying on, but I had to look up the flight information and arrival time, and there was no discussion of a meeting, nor confirmation of such an event, so I guess it was a bit of a surprise for both of them. I was able to speak for a while with Mr. F. before she got through baggage recovery and passport control, he was certainly surprised that someone who seemed to be a total stranger at first knew who he was... it was gangs of fun, and really really fabulous to meet them, after seeing so many photos of the two of them on the various blogs over the past year or so... and after reading so much about their adventures recently in Mexico, and the trip across the USA last year, and so so much more that she has shared with us all... a real pleasure in every way...

  24. Bonjour Loulou !
    En fait, je pense que la surprise était plus ou moins total, nous n'avions pas organisé un rencontre, elle avait juste dit qu'elle arrivait dimanche matin de Los Angeles... donc c'était tout à fait sublime comme moment de découvert.

    Et oui, comment je pourrais oublier les Tuilleries ??? Non, inoubliable... et comme je posais la question sur ta page, je re-poserait quand même, au cas où... j'aimerais beaucoup faire un "post" pour parler de notre rencontre l'été dernier, avec une photo à l'appui, ce serait un plaisir, vraiment... mais bon, tu me diras si tu seras d'accord...

    Grand bisoux et gros sceaux d'amitiés à vous tous à Delhi !

  25. Dear English, I'm sure France is in for some serious earthshaking once the Pliers gets up to operating speed and energy here...
    The French should buckly their seatbelts...

  26. Hi Jimmy, indeed, indeed, they are good people...

  27. Howdy Clo ! c'est toujours un grand plaisir quand tu passe, même en coup de vent... as tu eu bcp de neigt là où tu es ? Stay warm...

  28. Ah, cher et sacré enfant terrible, salut monsieur Jeff !

    Tu me fais trop rire avec tes grands coups de tronche parfois, tes p*tains et ton grognard de 14-18 et de pester contre le traducteur et même contre Dumbo, qui pourrait pester contre Dumbo d'ailleurs ??? Et oui, encore une américaine qui arrive en France, mais lui, il est Français tu sais, donc ce n'est pas deux immigrés en plus, mais un, mais bon, je sais que l'immigration est sujet sensible en ce moment, comme même l'identité nationale... c'est terrible d'être envahi, surtout par des 'loques amers, comme moi, qui amenent en plus leurs pieds de vigne pour remplacer les ceps devastés par le phylox il y a un bon moment... et à ce propos, as-tu pu distinguer sur la photo qu'il s'agit d'une bonne bouteille de chateauneuf du pape que je leur ai passé pour consommer tranquilement lors d'un bon dîner de retrouvailles ? Ah, oui, mais quel bonheur de faire la connaissance des blog-amis enfin... j'espère sincère (ement) que nos chemins vont se croiser un jour aussi, et oui, je l'espère, après tous ces mois de bavardages à tapoter sur des claviers... ce serait sympa de serait la main qui a tant tapé... Bon, au moins tu n'auras pas à utiliser le traducteur pour cette réponse...
    Tu passeras pas à Paris sans me prévenir, n'est-ce pas ???
    No passarans !

    Et bonjour à K'line de ma part !

  29. Dearest Roxana, that is high praise indeed, and I'm sure you would enjoy meeting them someday... in the meanwhile, there is her blog which is active, Spit & Baling Wire, which is always a pleasure...

    And should you again come to Paris, I do sincerely hope to have a chance to photograph the animatrice of the Floating Bridge, it would be an honor ! So pleeeaaassse do let me know if you are coming again, my e-mail is in my profile, and in fact I will put it here too...
    owenphil at

    Just drop me a line a little in advance, if it is humanly possible I'd love to chat for a little while at a train station, or airport café; or bus terminal, or downtown hotel lounge, or under the Eiffel Tower, or at the Pont Mirabeau (sous le Pont Mirabeau coule la Seine...) or wherever you would like... hopefully with warmer weather than at present though ! Brrrrr... it's cold again here... And I'll be sure to bring the camera so as to capture the spirit of the Saint of the Bridge !

  30. Hey @eloh, good to see you out and about ! And do keep an eye on Spit & Baling, I'm sure the tales of integration into everyday life in France are going to be fascinating...

    Hope all is well with you...

  31. Hi Ann, I do hope you enjoy your visit to the other blogs, and bliss is exactly the right word for what transpired there...

  32. Desi, a million thank you's, that truly is an amazing series of photos from Haiti, what an incredible experience it must be to be there during these hard days...

  33. Hi Nadege, hope you'll be back to visit them some more, her writing is always fascinating... imho...
    Cheers !

  34. Welcome in France Madame!

    Of course I know of la Framericaine and her infectious smile and indomitable spirit ! Wonder to see her and her French husband on to their new adventure together. Wishing them well :-))

  35. Cool ! Reviens sur ma page, je parle de ta proposition ;-)
    Bises de Delhi où il fait déjà chaud (30 degrés...)


Don't hold back ;-D