Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Quick Glance Back . . .

As a few of you seemed to enjoy the aerial photos of Paris the other day, here are a couple more for you, to tempt you perhaps to travel . . . and if you listen closely to the lyrics in the below piece of music which I was listening to just now while wondering what to post for you this evening, you may just notice a line about photographs in Paris . . .





  1. Oh my dear heart, PARIS! Give me a ticket for an airplane, ain't got time to catch a fast train...

  2. Hey! I can see the pub from 'ere!

  3. It's all looking very good from up here.

  4. These pics are terrific. They look like an intricate collage, or a patchwork quilt. Keep them coming Owen!

  5. merci pour ces photos Owen...
    j'adore de cette hauteur on mesure le gigantisme que cela peut etre...
    c'est beau...
    un de ces quatre j'arrive owen...
    prepare le café et les pains au chocolat...:o)
    gros bisoux du sud....:o)

  6. Hey Owen ! on t'as jamais dit d'éteindre tes mégots ! ! !...:-)

  7. One day I would like to look at that view in person and have time and peace to appreciate it, as opposed to thinking about throwing my [then] boyfriend off the top of the Eiffel Tower - hmm...a subject for a blog post perhaps?

  8. When we stayed in Paris for a couple of weeks, we were in an apartment near the Louvre. I scarcely wanted to leave it, with its floor to ceiling windows and view onto a narrow street below. However, I would gird my loins and rush out every day (by noon), seeing what HAD to be seen, but only really settled in and started feeling good in Paris when, on the day before we left, we wandered into a quiet little quartier-- god knows where, exactly--that felt like a real neighbourhood. I do love cities, but they can certainly be overwhelming, as seems apparent from your eye in the sky shots. What a vantage point! The best view of Paris I had was from the rooftop of some department store...Galeries Lafayette?

  9. oh, fantastique!!And I adore M C-C, she's pretty cool in my book.

  10. Thanks to all... your thoughts in these comment pages are candles in the dark, cold, winter nights here...

  11. La chanson de Mary Chapin Carpenter m'accompagne pendant la visite de ton blog et c'est absolument parfait.

    J'adore ta première photo, les détails sont fabuleux. On s'y croirait.


Don't hold back ;-D