Monday, October 26, 2009

Très Big Rant . . .



Well, I admit, yesterday's post was a tiny wee bet of a rant, there's no denying it. Sometimes it just seems to do a world of good to blow off some steam, and let things hang out a little in the wind, without necessarily getting to be four sheets to the wind in the process.
But there is alot to rant about these days. And far better to rant a little with a few words on a blog than to rant with explosives and bullets, as a few too many people for my liking are doing these days in many places around the world. Where are all these explosives and bullets and guns and sick people coming from, anyway ??? Now that could be the subject of a long rant ! In fact, there are many subjects that keep coming unfortunately to our collective attention that are well worthy of some major ranting and raving about, and they just don't seem to want to let themselves be flushed away, as I suggested we should do in the post just below this one with things that need and ought to be forgotten.
Violent gangs with literally thousands of members stretching from Central America to the good old USA, bearing drugs and guns and tons of dirty dollars, covered with tatoos about their latest murders. A french film-maker was murdered in Central America recently after having just completed a major film about violent gangs. Some sort of twisted poetic justice there. Human rights advocates being murdered in Russia. Bombs going off in Iraq. Heroin pouring out of Afghanistan in greater quantities than ever before despite the multi-national military presence there, funding further mayhem. Piracy on the high seas. Failed or failing governments. Entire countries in total chaos. The human race multiplying like crazed rabbits with no end in sight and visions of riches when in fact misery is in store for most. Workplace angst due to economic woes of a magnitude never known, banks continue to fail, financial fascists turn corporate cultures to fear and loathing, driven by greed, greed, and more greed. Bernie Madoff made off with the big bucks, Dick Feld bought himself hundreds of millions of dollars of personal real estate while bankrupting his bank. While us little people pay interest on mortgages out the wazoo, strangling us, leaving next to nothing for the future. . . but as Leonard Cohen said, I can see the future brother, and it is murder . . .
So yes, there is much to rant and rave about, and I could go on for hours like that once I get on a roll. But I don't want to bore you to tears either. You know about all those things, and more. We all have our own private little visions of hell. Like Rimbaud, in a Season in Hell. But it is up to us to shut those visions away, or flush them away, and build a vision of peace and joy and reason.
One place that gives off great waves of peace and radiant light is a simply beautiful blog I stumbled on a while back . . . please do take a detour around to say "howdy" to Clo at Photos Sans Cible, her latest series of autumnal photos are stunning . . . looking at those beautiful images, I can almost forget what it was I was meaning to do a Très Big Rant about . . .


  1. After that discouraging litany of the world's woes, I do appreciate that you offered a panacea. And what a soothing one it is!! Many of these photos are taken near where I live too, and they are exquisite. And poetry and music too! Thanks for that, Owen.

  2. I can't even put into words all that has been in my own mind these last several months.

    Last night I had a "flashback" to I sat eating my supper and the bodies were strewn across the television....

    {War..what is it good for...absolutely nothin'}

  3. That soap box goes well with your hair.

  4. "almost forget" - yes, this is the reason i desperately need my pictures as well. now i'll go to take a look at Clo's autumn...

  5. A good rant is the preserve of the righteous!

  6. Hi Deborah, Glad you enjoyed the panacea, and how lucky you are to live in the south of France not far from Clo and her beautiful blog... another blog down that way you may enjoy is Jeff's Life is Beautiful, if you leave him a comment he often has wonderful responses in the blink of an eye. And then of course there is Nathalie's Avignon in Photos, if you haven't been there yet... those are my three favorite south of France blogs. Links to all three are in my sidebar, list of fun and fascinating... anyway, thanks for dropping in, don't mean to be discouraging, but there is alot to rant about these days...


    @eloh, I rather suspect that if you did sit down in front of your computer you probably could put into words the things that have crossed your mind lately, and for catharsis, writing is perhaps the best remedy. I think there are plenty of good reasons these days for any rational human being to be extremely pissed off, and moreover I think it is important to be able to express being pissed off, vent the steam, as anger bottled up with no outlets is obviously not good for anyone... yeah, I'll bet if you sat down and started typing you could come up with a monumental rant, and I for one, would love to read it, because from the little I have gleaned from between the lines on your bloggerfyingly good pages, I'd be willing to bet my shirt you have some seriously major material to rant about... and yes, war is for idiots...


    Lynne, its when I eat a little too much soap from the soapbox that I start foaming at the mouth... but at least it has cleansing properties, all that soap...


    Ah Roxana, to be sure, your pages are another place I love to go when it is time to forget all else... and your work shows just what beautiful results can happen when a little bit of desperately-seeking-beauty is stirred into the recipe and gently heated...


    A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS : Please drop everything else you are doing right now and click on the link on Roxana's name here, to go visit The Floating Bridge of Dreams... one of the loveliest and most thoughtful places on the entire internet... what more can I say ?


    Hey Steve, a good rant is not only the preserve of the righteous, but also of the slightly deranged, like me ! But then I've been walking to a different drummer ever since grade school when the school held a mock election to teach of about democracy... instead of voting for either Nixon or Johnson or Humphrey or Wallace or McGovern or whoever it was... I voted for Snoopy, the cartoon dog for president... already at eight years old I wasn't taking such things seriously...

  7. you are so crazy :-) and so sweet!

  8. Where's Anne Murray when you need her?

    A Little Good News
    performed by Anne Murray

    I rolled out this morning
    Kids had the mornin' news show on
    Bryant Gumbel was talkin' 'bout the fighting in Lebanon
    Some senator was squawkin' 'bout the bad economy
    It's gonna get worse you see, we need a change in policy

    There's a local paper rolled up in a rubber band
    One more sad story's one more than I can stand
    Just once how I'd like to see the headline say
    "Not much to print today, can't find nothin' bad to say", because

    Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
    Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
    Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
    We sure could use a little good news today

    I'll come home this evenin'
    I'll bet that the news will be the same
    Somebody takes a hostage, somebody steals a plane
    How I wanna hear the anchor man talk about a county fair
    And how we cleaned up the air, how everybody learned to care
    Whoa, tell me

    Nobody was assassinated in the whole Third World today
    And in the streets of Ireland, all the children had to do was play
    And everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
    We sure could use a little good news today

    Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
    Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down

    Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
    We sure could use a little good news today

    Good work transforming your rantful thoughts into words, Owen.

  9. We all have the same rant. How did the world get to this place? Where were we and how could we have prevented it? Will things be reasonable and rational ever again? Your words are the words so many of us speak.

  10. Hi Owen~ That's definitely worth a tres big rant (btw, what French word has big in it?). THe U.S. is now only the 13th country in the world that is desirable to live in (France is 8th, I believe), based on literacy, education, gnp, etc. We had always been in the top ten. I love Leonard Cohen, great quote. He was at the Garden last week. Peace, brother.

  11. You speak for all of us, Owen. Aren't we the most frustrated bunch? But it was a good way for you to lead us to Photos Sans Cible. What a lovely site! And a beautiful collection of poetry as well! Thank you, Owen.

  12. Roxana . . . :-)


    Dear Fram, what a perfectly beautiful poem... had never seen that before, so thank you so much for thinking of that... Isn't it wonderful how the mind is capable of making the quantum leap of associations ? And wouldn't it be good if we could have some good news for a change ? I'm tired of disasters... I hope all is well with you wherever you may be right now...


    TechnoB., will it ever be again ? Reason seems to have been cast to the four winds... well, to quote an old tune... "may the four winds blow you safely home"...


    Hi Margaret ! Well, there aren't alot of words in French with "big" in them, but a few....

    Bigre ! Bigrement ! comme...
    Bigre ! Les bigorneaux sont bigrement bon à manger ici... et regardez les bigots devant l'église, bien qu'il y a quelques uns qui sont bigame...

    I'll have to remember to publish a larger photo that will show you where the "big" came from, in fact it was all by itself. Sorry to hear the USA is slipping in the ratings. Can you imagine what would be possible if all military budgets the world over were converted to promoting education and sustainable ways of life ? I know, I'm a dreamer...


    Hi Nevine, if you keep this up you are going to become a regular here... the more the merrier !

    Glad you enjoyed Clo's place... isn't she good ? (That's a rhetorical question... she's well past "good")

  13. Hey Owen...

    You just made me feel less bad about my constant ranting lately...
    Clo is amazing!!! I will make sure I visit her as often as my weird life allows...


  14. Ah one should never underestimate the power of a good venting!!
    Bartender...!! Over here.

  15. hello,howdy my dear Owen...
    un grand merci pour avoir eu cette gentille pensée pour mes feuilles d' un autre grand merci pour ce magnifique commentaire que tu as laissé sur photo100cibles...
    une visite pleine de lumière...
    je t'embrasse Owen...prend soin de toi...:o)

  16. Hi Lena, just went to take a look at Dr Dumb & Glamorous PhD, and don't see too much sign of major ranting going on, guess you're doing it somewhere else... would love to see more about your music and crazy & weird life... are you really in Mexico ? Thanks for stopping by, anyway, always a pleasure... and glad to see you found your way to Clo's place, ain't she wonderful...


    Hey Selina, this was one moment I really wished that audible comments were a possibility on Blogger, I would sssooooooo loved to have heard your voice saying that long drawn out "sooooooo", the tonal qualities, the music in it... but yes, ranting can be very good for the soul sometimes...


    Dear Saj, could we not vent, I guess like volcanoes, we would blow our stacks from time to time... long live the rant !!!

    Bartender, make mine a double !


    Chère Clo, c'est un grand plaisir de pouvoir regarder tes photos, et d'autant plus d'en parler aux autres... à bientôt...

  17. Yes, the list can be quite long ... much longer than this one! Good that the detour to the beautiful autumn leaves on Clo's blog made you interrupt it for a while! ... but in the meantime, the problems are still there!

  18. Indeed Peter, the list could stretch on for pages and pages, but I was afraid no one would want to read it, as really one just has to open any source of "news" on a regular basis, and one gets inundated quite quickly... but how to solve any or all of the problems ? That is the question...

  19. You hit it on the head Owen when you said "greed".
    The more I think of stuff like this the more "greedy people" come into the scene! Isn't it terrible but we did not get the death of that French movie director in our newspapers and I must say, the Australian news is very good at covering stories from all around the world!

    *I do not have a blog . I am named after my dear departed Pekingese "lady Lulu" but someone else got that name so I had to change it a bit - put in my favourite perfume - Jicky.
    When things get you down - spray on a wonderful perfume! :)

  20. Owen where are you? Long time no see?
    Great post this one.

  21. Hey Adrian, thanks for dropping in, yeah, it's been a little while... am right here, at home in France... hope all is good with you, and plenty of photos in the pipeline...


    Lady Jicky, thanks so much for the explanation, and now I'm wishing this comment box had one of those scratch and sniff patches on it, so I could smell what Jicky is... will have to imagine I guess. And yes, I think greed is a major element behind all the madness...

    What part of Australia are you from ? My daughter spent five weeks in Brisbane last summer, and we just hosted her exchange student from Brisbane for five weeks here, she just left to go back home last weekend...


Don't hold back ;-D