Monday, September 21, 2009

A Bit of Bloggerel

As hard as it is for me to conceive it, today is a birthday of sorts, for it was one year ago today that the first post was posted on this blog. Like a flight of stairs in an abandoned house, I had no idea what such an undertaking might lead to, or where, or to who. Today, one year later, I can clearly see, it has led to alot of wonderful people. . . that's right, each and every one of you. . .
Do numbers mean anything ? Close to 18000 visits since the site meter was started on New Years Day last January ? A number of followers (which seems to have peaked) ? A certain quantity of comments ? One can always find other blogs with more visitors, more comments, more followers; so I don't think it is a good idea to compare statistics. This blog is what it is, nothing more, nothing less.
A cry in the wilderness ? An honest attempt to unleash a little creativity that has been penned in, dammed up for too long. A reaching out, a desire to share. . .
I would like to warmly thank each and every and every one of you who has breathed life into this blog with your visits and your thoughts, for no blog is an island, one cannot exist in a vacuum. Thank you so much. . . I wish I could thank you all individually here, but I'd be at it all night, and it's late already . . . but the virtual champagne is open now, come fill your glass ! (now don't overdo it if you have to drive home !)
Here is a stairway to heaven in one of my dream houses . . . just climb on up, and keep climbing, to see where this blog will go . . .

And this is the ticket window for the Magic Lantern Show . . . Step right up ! Tickets are free ! Come one come all ! And tell a friend or two to drop in . . . the more the merrier !
So, do tell me, after this first season's run, are you game for a second season ? Should the show go on ? Please cast your votes in the comment box . . . (music from "Magical Mystery Tour" plays in background. . .)



  1. Hi Owen

    so it's a day of celebration for all things of Owen...Well done for achieving the full annum...

    Happy days

  2. Many thanks Delwyn, and you are the early bird today, so you get a big juicy worm to give to one of the lovely birds in your backyard...

  3. Happy blogday !
    Un an, près de 300 abonnés, et des commentaires à foison à chaque post.
    Tu accroches tes lecteurs qui deviennent impatients de lire le prochain, de découvrir des ruines du temps passé, ou quelque surprise venue d'on ne sait où....
    Bref bravo, continue à nous faire rêver !

  4. Happy Blogiversary, Owen! And yes, I would love some champagne to toast to you, cher, a blogger extraordinaire! I say the show must go on!!! Cheers!

  5. Congratulations on your one-year anniversary!

  6. Owen

    Happy Birthday! Here's to the future of Magic Lantern Show.

  7. Adding my "happy blogaversary" to the chorus! Many more!

  8. happy 1 ! Ready for a virtual glass of champagne and steady for a second year , so GO! ;)

  9. Hi Owen, and happy 'birthday'! It's amazing how we started our adventures within a few days of each other. You deserve your 'success' because you are so generous with other bloggers, and of course because of wonderful photos and interesting reflections. As two blog ships in Paris, I'm sure we will cross sometime in the city!

    As a present, and knowing how interested you are in 'ruins', check out this blog.

  10. Cin, cin to you Owen. May your Blog continue to flourish for many years to come. xx

  11. Congratulations, Owen! And Bon Blogiversaire. The Magic Lantern Show, should, of course, continue for as long as you have the creative desire and impulse to breathe life into it. It's always a pleasure to take a seat and watch the show.


  12. I want them stairs un-all!... bloody ell.. I've got to get a van to france!

    Congrats on your burfday!.. bubbles?... yay!.... :-D... oh, and don't thank us, just send us a hundred euro's each, lol! ;-)

  13. Happy first birthday! Hope you have many more! And just think over the coming year you can be weened onto solid food and have pull-ups instead of nappies!

  14. Groupez vous à la caisse, to obtain your ticket for another year of wonderful posts. Thanks Owen, many congratulations, and cheers for this first birthday.

  15. Dream house? That's one big renovation project ... lol

    Happy anniversary! Loving your blog.

  16. Janam din mubarak ho! Happy birthday in Hindi ;-)
    What a wonderful and magic window for us, really, I mean it Owen! I am ready for season 2!

    In addition I had the extraordinary luck to meet you in the real life...and that counts for sure!
    One year? Probably less since I started following matters, no statistics but MANY posts which I found touching, creative, funny, sad, nostalgic, "grey" the way I like it... Not enough cemeteries probably! (your readers will HATE me for that!).
    Furthermore, your poems are always to be treasured!

    And of course.... Your presence & support, even if sometimes "too much"... on Indiaphragme, almost daily, are delightful, my so dear Owen !!!!

    I wish we could all meet and try the "tisane" you keep on talking about. That would be real fun.
    Please remember you are most welcome here in India with your 3 ladies !! Let's make the dream come true....?!
    Well, I guess I used more space here than I should have but let's say today is a very special day.
    The Show must go on Owen!!!

    Take care
    Amicalement, Loulou

  17. We've just discovered the Show, so it must go on!!
    Congratulations on making it to year one.
    We did the same a few months ago, and its hard to believe a year went by and we're still plugging along as we enter year two.
    The stats thing is a weird phenom. Up, down, a peak and a plateau. Just have to keep at it as long as you enjoy it.

  18. PS - dedicace sur mon espace ;-)

  19. Whatever drove you to blog, I'm very glad you do.

  20. Congratulations on your year anniversary. Thanks for the glass of virtual champagne. I'm up for another year. I really enjoy your writing style and humor.

  21. Very nicely said. Good for you to first of all to have reached this milestone, and secondly to have the wisdom to understand numbers aren't the ultimate goal. Your photos are wonderful and I for one am so glad to have found your blog.

  22. Is there cake? Is it chocolate?

    Your blog is a big fat overflowing rich deliicious scintillating gob-smacking penny-whistling mind-tickling knee-slapping tear-jerking hallucinatory over-abundant free-flowing heart-tugging groan-inducing taste-tester rusted-out shiny bright colourful grimacing heady bedazzling razzamatazzic totally-addictive goodie-bag of treats.

    Owen, don't put your Kodachrome away!

  23. Happy birthday and best wishes for the future!

  24. Lucky I don't have a car, I can have a much as want - presuming there's any left! I want to see the next floor, and the staircase there - and so on!

  25. Bravissimo cher Owen !
    18000... et une certaine reconnaissance de ton travail de la part des fidèles lecteurs de ce blog qui est pour moi une référence !
    Continue à faire rêver quelques personnes... la planète des blogs en a bien besoin !
    Ta fantaisie, ton humpour, ton esprit critique, ta finesse d'esprit font que ta Lanterne Magique m'éclaire bien parfois ! ! !

    Bon, c'est pas tout... mais à distance, je lève le verre de l'amitié et trinque contre mon écran avec toi ! Gling Tchin Owen !

    Amitiés Amigo !
    A bientôt...

  26. Hi Owen,
    Congratulations and....cheers of course! Let's go for a "tisane" party to celebrate this!
    Kind regards,

  27. Owen; Congratulations for a first year of blogging. But many thanks at the same time for sharing all that positive energy you have. For all the wonderful pictures and thoughts, and for the reflexions derivated from your material. If you want a vote, or an opinion, yes, the show must go on, another season must be played, the ship must keep sailing. A hug my friend!!

  28. Owen, of course you must continue. I only recently discovered you and cannot lose you now. I love the stairs. A perfect analogy for all of our blogs and also for life. They look a bit scarey and perhaps even unsafe but who knows what awaits at the top? More stairs, treasures, people, or perhaps nothing, but we'll never know unless we climb them to find out.

  29. I'm so sorry our relationship has been so one sided. To remedy this and in honour of your blog anniversary you are now clamped to my sidebar, where I can monitor your goings on properly.

  30. Congrats on your first year, my friend. Your blog is amazing especially considering it is still so young.

  31. Of course, please continue!
    Love this bubbly as I'm climbing the intiguing stairs,,,,,,being careful as I am.
    Thanks Owen!

  32. Bravo for the first year accomplished! ... and virtual champagne is better than no champagne! :-)

  33. I think your journey has been much more than those abandoned stairs. I love wandering into your blog and to a different place. I hope you are here for a while longer~!

  34. Twelve steps to see at that staircase, each of them making a sound on its own, while stepping on it. Reading what you write, leaves much sound as well. Arriving to take another step, leading me to the first floor, I can't await to see what it provides - until next year, when there shall be another staircase.
    All the very best for each of your steps,may they all be made bright by a magic laterns light.

  35. Hi Owen
    I love it when I drop by unannounced and there is champagne in the offing.

    Well done on your 1st year blogaversary and I can see you've been busy. 284 followers in one year!!!! That's AMAZING. I might make it 285 if you don't mind and thanks for the link and stopping by my blog today. I'm going to check out the poem now :)

  36. congratulations!! I think I celebrate my first anniversary this month too...

  37. That stairway is ... scary. But it does look tempting and might be fun to explore. By all means, continue the show!

  38. Oh my goodness, I emptied a few bottles of champagne, fell down a staircase into an abandoned cellar, slept soundly for several hours, woke up with a bump on the head and no memories, but I see in the intervening lapse of time, well over thirty of you have weighed in here, even some unfamiliar names (past lurkers), and the overwhelming message seems to be exhorting me to CONTINUE, so continue I shall...

    And what a simply wonderful lot of comments here... THANK YOU all, each and every one of you... you're too much !

    Now I'm off to get my real beauty sleep, but the show will go on...

  39. hehe, I see no-one found the crate of bubbly that I hid under your stairs and now I find myself home alone with it all! All!
    Love this blog of yours, Mr Adopted Brother Sod. It is true that I have a younger brother names Owen, also at least one Uncle named Owen.

  40. Happy blog birthday, Owen! I am so honored that you were the first follower of my humble blog. And I am glad that myself and so many others get to enjoy your photos and your fine tales. :)

  41. Your Blog is great!.. nice to read.. picture 'stairs' amazing - it is simply beautiful..:)

  42. I'm sorry I came right back to respond to your comment at my blog about the music players because I'd missed this special post earlier!
    Congrats on one marvelous year and I'm so happy I found your blog. Love it.

    Pls do me a favor and stop by to re-check the music player thing. I double-checked all the settings and the controls were still set to prevent automatic play. So I don't know what to think, as no one else has mentioned this. Thanks for bringing it to my attention and I appreciate a follow up when you have a minute! :)

  43. Hey Saj, bring it back this instant ! That's just not right, you running off with all the champers ! And I was looking high and low for it, after having hid it so carefully under all those old boards and stuff...


    Hi Lydia, I just came over, and this time there was just one player that started, with Simon & Garfunkel's "Bookends"... didn't see the other two, but I swear, this morning, there were three of them playing... maybe it was just a rip in the space-time continuum...


    And THANKS again to all you magical people for all these comments... the cup runneth over...

  44. have i arrived too late for the party? :-) i would certainly hope not, because given the nature of this wonderful Magic Lantern Show, the celebrations just have to be endless! congratulations and all my joy for having met you, dear Owen!
    (oh, and this is the perfect way to mark such an anniversary, the two pictures you chose are not only lovely, but also symbolical and they sort of mirror the nature of this wondrous world you have created here)

  45. Somebody spilled the bubbly over the railing and doused a group of slugs at the foot of the stairs! It took me a good while to get my bearings and write something here. Like Roxana, I hope I am not too late to the party even though I have been here, at least in a lump at the foot of the stairs, the whole time! Cheers to Owen! You are a fellow slug of the highest order! Can I get a “hurrah” from the crowd? “Hurrah!”!!!!! You get an A plus grade on your blog. Now get back to work and keep us intrigued as usual. As Mr. Lawrence Welk would say at the end of every great show, “We love you madly.”
    Love from Mrs. Slug

  46. Hi Roxana !
    Absolutely not too late for the party, even had we all collapsed from over abundant dancing and drinking, or drinking and dancing, or just dancing, dancing, and dancing, when you knock on the door, we turn the lights back on, put the music up, roust everyone out of their slumbers, and we shall party on ! Of course ! Especially for good people who come from so far... In any case, I thank you, and asure you, the joy is mutual, I have been amazed over the past year at just how much joy there is here in the blogosphere... And the Floating Bridge of Dreams is a great source of mystery and joy...


    Dear Mrs. Slug ! No, certainly not too late, there's still some champagne left. Thank you profoundly for your "Hurrah"s here ! And I admit, through a dreadfully clumsy mouse manouvre, I almost lost your wonderfully kind comment, and was only just able to save it from oblivion by a dashing and daring last second pirouette, which is not easy to do on a slug tail... I am totally honored to be considered "a fellow slug"... And I promise, I shall be back to work shortly doing my best to intrigue everyone....
    Slimy Trails !


Don't hold back ;-D