Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sleeping Through Communion . . .

If you take an express blog train over to More Canterbury Tales, you can see that Amanda has thoughtfully posted on August 25th a photo in which she is not sure if it is a portrait of herself, due to the limited number of emptied bottles visible, and thus supposes it is also not a portrait of Louciao either, from Décolleté, but whoever it was, that was no way for a lady to be laying around in public ! And just a few days previously I had literally stumbled on this gentleman who was taking a bit of morning nap on the steps of a chapel in the town of Morlaix, Brittany, after no doubt a long night of indulgences, the last bottle of which had toppled over following a final tipple, perhaps at the same time the owner keeled over, three sheets to the wind. . . and nose to the stone wall . . . (for a bit of tippling pleasure do peruse Amanda's back posts on Tuesday Tipples)


The culprit . . . (and I noticed a few ants staggering about the vicinity as well, not to mention a ladybug floundering on her back. . . that wasn't you, Amanda, by any chance ???)

This gentleman was standing nearby saying, "See, I told you so . . ."



  1. Now that's a good time had in the face of all aversity and an admirable cocked snook in the face of the chattering classes... love to claret spilled to artistically down the steps.

  2. What a waste of good plonk! Too bad about the ants...otherwise, you could have licked it up.

  3. Owen,Owen...that last one's priceless...

  4. Wonderful story in pictures & text. Did you check to make sure he was still breathing?

  5. first i saw and said "ohh not a tipical Sao Paulo's scene !!"
    then i saw the whole picture ... ufa!!
    good one .

  6. Totally makes me want to go have a glass of wine this morning!

  7. Tu sais ce qu'il dit le "monsieur" en levant le bras :
    "Enlevez-moi ça des parages Arthur ! Du monde me regarde ! Bonjour ! Salut à toi ! Quant au photographe qui n'arrête pas de shooter, donne-lui sa bouteille et qu'il aille plus loin ! Salut ! Hey l'ami !"...
    Non , C'est pas ça ?
    Ta compo est tout de même réussie Owen ! Même moi j'ai failli y croire ! De là à embaucher le neveu de ton beau-frère pour faire le poivrot ! ! ! Et ce vin ! Gaspillé pour rien !...;-)))
    Je te l'avais dit ! Ils lancent pas des artichauts pour rien en Brittany ! ! !

    Ciao AmigOwen ! Tisane bien après ou avant les artichauts !

  8. After all, it is the last weekend before la rentrée! It seems we all need to go into the winter with a good gueule de bois!

  9. I might have lain about like that once upon a time.

    anyway I'm not good at burning CDs - my track record is appalling, I've tried it before and thing go wrong. However I have tracked down the fanclub CD for you - it's available on ebay and it's not expensive

    here it is :

  10. Howdy dear Owen....
    ça fait longtemps que je ne suis pas passée mais ce n'est pas parce que tu ne traduis pas tes textes en français...:o)
    une petit break ...
    dans le sud ici on est toujours en vacances et c'est très fatiguant c'est pour ça que l'on se repose si souvent...
    Mais que s'est il passé tu es tombé sur l'élite des dormeurs bourrés au vin rouge....
    quelle sombre idée de gaspiller tout ce bon vin...
    la jeunesse ne respecte plus nos bonnes vieilles valeurs ...on finit la bouteille avant de s'écrouler lamentablement...
    un manque de savoir vivre c'est sur..!!
    bises Owen ...
    bonne semaine...:o)

  11. Oh boy, he'll suffer when he wakes up. And what a waste of wine!

  12. 'You drink the first mouthful of wine, the second drinks the first one, the thrid one drinks you.'
    (Chin. proverb)

  13. Oh wow, I would NEVER waste wine like that!! How lucky you happened to be passing by with your camera, I bet his mum would love a copy of that lot. Bottoms up!

  14. ..obviously comfortable in his religious beliefs.................

  15. Ooh - he is going to wake up with such a neck cramp!

  16. Actually, Owen, I think you've captured an amazingly poignant scene, but I can't decide whether it's the first or second shot that makes the greatest impact. I think it's #2 because the wall with flowers above resemble a grave site.

  17. Oh and has that guy got his hand down his pants???

  18. Oh the glorious sleep of the drunk. I must say, despite having been very inebriated during my life, I've never had the need to not make it home.. I guess I have a strong survival instinct or something.. the pictures are great, I especially love the fact he chose jesus' house to pass out at.. my theory is he asked Jesus where his house was, Jesus went, "over there".. by which time the lad had collapsed, mainly from shock that a statue of jesus had started moving and speaking to him. Love the added religeous symbolism of the wine.. nice touch! :-D

  19. Easy to see where the Bretons get their reputation from!

  20. Disgraceful! All that wine wasted like that! I'm shocked!!

  21. Ahhh what a lot of joyous comments here... I'm not going to be able to answer all individually tonight, it's already way past my bedtime, and have to skedaddle off to work tomorrow after nearly a month off... arrrggghhhh. But a hefty huge thank you to all you good people... just a few quickies :

    - yes indeed a terrible waste of good wine, he could have at least slurped the rest of the contents down, but then I guess if he had there might also have been a risk of having other sorts of decorative splotches of color on the chapel steps ! And yes, this sort of thing is not good for Breton reputation...

    Saj, I was wondering too what that hand was up to, but I assure you he was sound asleep...

    Karen, I could see he was breathing, and not long after the last photo, he actually got up and wandered off up the street, mumbling something about having had a great sleep...

    FF, many thanks for the reference to the Al Stewart CD !

    Clo, effectivement, il aurait au moins finir la bouteille ! Heureusement qu'entre le temps passé à se reposer tu trouves le temps de faire de beaux auto-portraits...

    Jeff, tu parles, du neveu de beau-frère de ma tante Fanny ! En fait c'était un auto-portrait de moi même là... pour répondre à la Saj... comme dit dans le texte (en anglais encore... désolé) :-D

    Lynne, it's not a few ants that would keep me from lapping up a puddle of good bordeaux...


    Again, thanks to all you fabulous folks, your feedback makes this whole thing worthwhile...

  22. "this gentleman standing by" - this really made me laugh! :-) lovely colours in the pic, as well...


Don't hold back ;-D