To appreciate this otherwise fairly insignificant photo (I can hear you out there thinking loudly, "Oh gawwdd, what sort of lunacy is that Mr Toad up to now...") you will need to take a trip all the way to eastern Canada where
Louciao Madlynne, the animated animator of Décolleté, posted this past Monday a photo from New York City showing a seeming endless row of plastic bags on poles in a park of the most enigmatic nature imaginable. God only knows what it was meant to represent. A work by Christo perhaps ??? In any case, I mentioned to Lynne that I had taken a similar photo recently, and this is it, the black sheep of that series of plastic bags, who ran away to live the bohemian life in France !
.And the other sign is a rarity also, a warning to trumpet players not to come and play their trumpets on this particular street corner. Someone had tried to transform with black marker the French word "Rappel" into "Rabbel" or maybe "Babbel". . . Odd things going on here for sure, and maybe Christo had passed through recently as well ? If you can find them, I did a couple of earlier posts on a "wrapped" sign, even some "wrapped" urinals (!), but it may not be the easiest of tasks to locate them in the dim, dark, foggy past posts of this blog . . ..
Love the lamppost on the left - not quite from Narnia, but almost.
What a trio of delightfully odd signs, Owen!
'can see that every day in Delhi ;-)
"On the paper", using horn is forbidden, however encouraged by car and BIIIIIIIIIGGGG truck users....
See you
I suppose the city council got tons of complaints from church goers.
I quite like the garbage bag covering the other mystery sign.
No trumpet players! LOL! Or maybe it's forbidding people with those old-fashioned hearing horns, in the shape of bent funnels, that they hold up to their ears. They still use those in France, non? I think the black-bagged sign is just trying to be sexy and mysterious. Or maybe it's a "free pass" to do whatever you like at that particular street corner, as long as you don't honk or play a trumpet while doing so.
The black sheep who ran away to live the bohemian life in France! hahaha! I love it! (you know that no one else will get this post, don't you. I mean, even you apologise for the lunacy of posting it. Imagine how that reflects on my blog--lunacy multiplied by seeming endlessness! Thanks for the mention, anyway) ;-}
oddness indeed... People (teenagers), rewrite the signs round here quite often. A place called ballyduff recently became pallydufi.. also signs have a habit of being turned facing the wrong direction, tourist season presents many a confused face driving endless by-ways. I think obscurring by black bag could become the next craze, that's pretty hard-core sign shenanigannying....
I think that's what every plastic bag dreams of! :D
253 followers... Mama mia ! ! ! Tu fais comment pour répondre à tous ? T'as embauché une secrétaire ou un secrétaire ? Non, je te le dis, moi c'est non de suite !...
Pour en revenir à quoi que je fais ici, je suis presque sûr que sur le panneau d'à côté, il y a une autorisation de klaxonner ! Il y a des rues où c'est interdit... et puis d'autres où tu te rattrappes des interdictions et tu t'en donnes à coeur joie ! Pouêt Pouêt !
Non mais rassure-moi, il existe bien le panneau autorisation de klaxonner ?
Ben en Italie, par exemple, c'est même un devoir de jouer du klaxon ( même si c'est interdit ! )... ça apporte une note locale qui manquerait ! Au lieu de dire "sal. c.. !" ou "Pauvre an.......e !", il vaut mieux tirer une bonne salve avec un bon coup de klaxon dans les oreilles que dire une grossièreté... Mais quoique, c'est pas incompatible de faire les deux ! Disons que le klax couvre la voix ! ! !
Pourquoi je parle de tout ça au fait ?...;))
I think that signpost is having an identity crisis and wants to be left alone. Underneath the bag it says "Do not remove the black plastic".
The one sign is getting its hair colored and has to leave the plastic bag on for awhile.
Wow, not quite followig this one! Does the second sign mean: "Warning" or "Reminder" "Don't honk your horn?" The first sign--though back to back--must be saying the same thing to the other street. So why is it okay for one group of traffic and not the other? And what would "Rabbel" mean? It's just too funny! I love the art nouveau lamp post to the left!
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