Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Monkey On My Back . . .

Over at one of the most intensely and consistenly beautiful blogs in the blogosphere, Tidings of Magpies, Distracted by Shiny Objects posted a video day before yesterday of a couple of musicians I had not encountered before. Having enjoyed the song she posted immensely, I went looking on YouTube, and quickly found another tune that really grabbed me, which has an intriguing video to go with it, so to celebrate heading back to work tomorrow, I submit for your consideration Monkey On A Wire, by Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson, may they live long and prosper :



  1. i love it when a new and decent musicalness is stumbled upon, especially when it has a decent video to go with it!... Cheers for posting this, i'm just off to Distracted's place to catch the other one!

  2. Thanks for the music Owen, great video too! :o)

  3. Thanks so much for the music, the video..what a fine discovery..plaintif and soulful!!

  4. I love the video. I have never heard of them until now.

    P.S. I did a little post, answering your question about the railroad tracks on Vancouver Island. :-)

  5. Cher Owen ! J'adore le clip que tu proposes ! Je t'avouerai que la musique me plait, mais bon !... il n'y a rien de révolutionnaire !... Par contre, en ce qui concerne le clip image, j'aime cette idée d'un retour à la simplicité et aux origines ! Un "brin" de fantaisie pour sortir de la routine et d'un quotidien qui détruit l'homme... Je veux bien redevenir monkey et apporter un peu de fantaisie pour égayer l'univers des blogs par exemple ! C'est pourtant ce que tu sais si bien faire avec beaucoup d'humour et des litres de tisane..! Tchin tchin !
    S'il te plait Owen, continue à mettre de la "couleur" dans tes blogs de la sorte ! C'est trop top !
    Ciao amigOwen !... A bientôt !...8:)

  6. heyy this is great song accompanied by a fantastic video. thank you!!

  7. I think Kasey Chambers may be an Australian, however she's still great! Have heard stuff from her before. Good to see you have decent taste in music, brother Owen!

  8. Bonjour, Owen! As always, your blog is most entertaining and interesting.
    Love the music and the video. Merci!

  9. Owen, can't open the video from where I live today...too long... I'll try another day, I am curious and can't wait to see the images (if the music is not so revolutionary, as per Jeff's comment :-)...).
    See you

  10. Hey Wetcats, thought you might like that one... there's more on YouTube where this one and Distracted's came from, but I'd never heard of them before, so am grateful to Tidings for giving me a clue...

    Jessie, the video's kinda fun, huh? That's about what I feel like right now about my job... but hey, one has to survive and feed the tadpoles... but I like the message here : transformation and change are possible...

    Lyn, yeah, something about their sound just sinks right in, good harmony, and that bit of violin in the back, like David Lindley used to do with Jackson Browne...

    Jo, me neither, had never heard of these two, but they are good imho... a bra-zillion thank you's for the nod in your post...

    Salut Jeff, certaines choses n'ont pas besoin d'être revolutionnaires pour me toucher en plein coeur... j'aime souvent des choses simples, pas compliquées, c'est l'ame qui compte pour ce crapaud... mais bon, pas grave, devenons en peu singe ensemble... ;-D

    Denise, glad you liked it ! Do come back : )

    Hey Sagit, glad you can get over the fact that she's an Aussie... LOL ! better an Aussie than a hussy I guess, eh my newfound sister ??? And guess what I'm listening to right now ??? Yep :


    Bonjour Marguerite... merci à toi, well, it's not zydeco, but I like it... a great day for a daquiri, ay ?

    Salut Chère Lou,
    Désolé que le vidéo ne marchait pas en Inde sur Blogger, peut-être si tu essaies directement sur YouTube ça marchera mieux...


    Serais curieux de savoir ce que tu en pense... n'ayant pas la moindre idée de ce qui te plait en musique... (qqn n'a pas rempli toutes les questions sur leur profil...) J'ai toujours eu un faible pour la guitar acoustique et des bonnes voix... Allez, la suite des 3 ???
    3 x 3 = beauté sur blog loulou

  11. I'm already on their website listening to more. Despite my love of all things metal, I'm also a sucker for roots Americana! Thanks for posting this and turning me onto them. Me thinks I might have a new album to buy today. Nice...

  12. This is outrageously amazing, god I love the animation and I also laugh when I read your "comments are icing on the blogcake" I agree comments often bring the sweet concection of joy! Blessings and peace out and in and all over!


Don't hold back ;-D