Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life Is Beautiful . . .

This post goes out to Jeff at "Life Is Beautiful". For quite some time he had a wild poppy flower in the header of his blog, but it recently changed, as he just gave his entire blog layout a major facelift, so if you have a minute, do stop by his blog. Part of the new look involved learning how to modify the HTML code on the page to make the pictures bigger . . . and his photos from France, Morocco, and god only knows where else, benefit tremendously from the larger presentation. But what I really like about Jeff is his wickedly sharp and funny mind that turns up word games at a mile a minute. French language recommended but not required.

I took the above poppy (coquelicot) photo at the edge of field near where we live in northern France. This is the view across the field. The Senlis Cathedral spire is just barely visible in the distance.

Amber fields of grain . . .



  1. Love the photo at night from your office, matches the mood perfectly of the poem: there's a dark side to the world but our attitude can change us, if not the world. Is your office at La Defense?
    Do the golden wheat fields--beautiful photos btw--make you think of the U.S. at the 4th of July?
    Is that Jeff's poppy; I think your own?

  2. It brings to mind summer holiday in the village:)
    Love is beautifull indead!

  3. Wow, and I thought where I lived had some beauty (and it does, but…). I might just have to become a landscape photographer if I lived there as well. Utterly rich and gorgeous. Nice inspiration, nice photos.

  4. Gorgeous. Beautiful colours and light. I especially love the close-up that shows the patterning and texture so clearly.

  5. Oh, it looks like the grain fields where I live, near Old Uppsala. They use to look that way in early autumn; I guess the grain is turning into amber earlier in France.

  6. Owen ! Owen ... Owen !... Je ne sais pas quoi dire ! Te dire... Si ! je sais que tu dois être le mec le plus généreux que je n'ai jamais rencontré... C'est pas une déclaration ! ! ! Si, une déclaration d'amitié virtuelle !
    Tu me touches dans ce qu'il y a de plus "sensible" chez moi !... "partager" ! Et là, tu m'offres un gage de partage !
    Merci beaucoup Owen ! Merci !...
    Par contre, ( faut que je décante vite ) tu as adopté le tryptique cher à Loulou et le tient est ... pour une fois ! (...;)...) riche en qualité photographique !
    Ton blog n'est pas éphémère et fragile...! Il doit te ressembler... riche, généreux, sensible, poète, mordant, amoureux de la vie !
    Merci Owen !
    Merci !
    ...;) Bon trêve de plaisanterie, alors, ce pastaga avec un petit glaçon à l'intérieur... tu viens le prendre... oui ou quoi ?...

  7. j'adore la dernière ... encore quelques jours avant la faucheuse !

  8. And do we know how to alter the html to make pictures bigger?

    Great photos here, Owen and I have yet to get over how good a photograph the one of the pony was - remarkable!



  9. Owen, quelle blondeur, quelle rondeur, quelle beauté cette lumière capturée.
    La générosité n'est qu'un trait de ta personnalité, ce que l'on devine à travers cette lanterne magique.

    Le triptyque c'est très bien ;-)

    Mince je me rends compte que j'écris en français, I'll switch in English another day ;-)

    See you very soon

  10. bright red poppies in a dreamy field mmm :-) - but as much i like this picture, i have to confess that i am lost in the last amber fields of grain... i feel the wind in the golden wheat.

  11. If I lived across the road from such beauty you would have to drag me kicking and screaming into the office! Back to lucky sod.

  12. To one and all here : A GREAT BIG GIGANTICALLY HUGE THANK YOU FOR THESE KIND COMMENTS... work is just not letting me up for air enough to answer individually, right now, and am already two posts late... not enough hours in a day...

    Loulou, you could try Franglais ?

    Laurie, please see comment I left at Creating Pictures about the HTML...

    signed, a lucky sod... :-D

    PS oui jeff, le *bip* bientôt...

  13. very, very nice photos. good job Owen. I`m longing for a field of golden grain...but I will get it soon.

  14. Love the landscapes. Amber fields of grain is just so beautiful.

  15. Oh, c'est tout comme chez moi :)
    (Pologne du sud, pres de Cracovie)


Don't hold back ;-D