Saturday, May 2, 2009

Traces of Man . . .

This scrapbook wall was in an abandoned house I entered (without breaking anything) in Paris circa 1993 . . . I love images like this where the trace of someone's life lives on after they have moved on.




  1. This sort of wall can engage me for ages. I love the detritus of another's life.

  2. Hi Owen, these old photos really tell a story, good capture.

  3. What an interesting find; those tell such a story!

  4. Fantastic, Owen. I wonder who created it?

  5. Ici, on pourrait reconstruire une vie de souvenirs, de rencontres comme un puzzle.
    Ça me rappelle les murs ornés de cartes postales des 4 coins du monde. Le premier auquel je pense est celui du bureau du port décoré des souvenirs de navigation des usagers …

  6. Thanks for all these comments, I found this place fairly magical, and wish I knew what the story was behind it... sometimes all we manage to save from life is a small pile of photographs... Given the house was abandoned and no doubt slated for destruction, I should have taken them all down off the wall (after taking the picture), and saved them, but I didn't have the presence of mind that day...

  7. What a fantastic find - lucky you - I am working with some old family archive slides at the moment - my fine art disertation next year is going to be about the materiality of the photograph - so any links would be very welcome


Don't hold back ;-D