Saturday, May 23, 2009

Return to Avignon . . .

In the vast and wide cosmos of the blogoverse, it is rare to stumble on a blog which remains day in and day out so consistently and thoroughly thought provoking in an un-pretentious, yet engaging manner as Avignon in Photos, presented by its charming hostess Nathalie. Every day we are treated to a variety of subjects which she shares with us, the fruits of her patient and observant strolls through that magical city which graces the lower reaches of the Rhone River the way an emerald might grace the navel of an Arabian dancer. In humble homage to Avignon in Photos, I submit these two photos done on a trip I took to Avignon in 2007. The second strange graffiti piece was on a wall in the Parking des Italiens. . .




  1. Once again I'm reminded of the Tour de France by the narrow winding street. And the balloon- cartoon looks like a gendarme from Turkey (see the crescent moon and star?) at the scene of that same race's bicycle smash-up. voila.

  2. Funny graffiti, I like it. The first photo is superb!
    Have a nice weekend:)

  3. When graffitti is good, it's great! The simplistic lines, shadows, flow.. I always love it! The first photo is a good-un.. there's something really interesting about looking at the world in the mirror. I guess something to do with human's deep emotional and spiritual draw to the magic of reflection, whether we know it or not..
    I've also, just tagged you. Come visit if you want to join in.. hope the week-end is going good! cheers!

  4. The grafitti s great but something about the traffic mirror grabs me - both mundanely prosaic and yet wonderfully magical as well.

  5. That graffiti is wonderful. If it's done right, it can really be a form of public art. The trouble is, most graffiti artists are awful.

    Thanks to the link to Avignon. I have always wanted to visit there. My daughter and son-in-law have spent a lot of time there and they love it.

  6. I'm with Steve. That is a great "capture" of time and place.
    Avignon has an inferred magic doesn't it? From all the times we heard the song and imagined Le Pont, and the dancing crowds.The idea that there were once multiple Pope factions is a later brain tease.

  7. Owen c'est magnifique...! merci, Béné

  8. I love the first photo..quite unique in intself. And amazing graffiti. Thanks for sharing her with us!

  9. Tiens, c'est marrant ! Pas loin de chez moi, j'ai le même panneau et il y a pas la même photo ! Plusieurs fabricants peut-être !
    Par contre le mur ... plus que beautiful !

    Ciao Owen !


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