Tuesday, May 19, 2009

" M " . . .

There was a time in my life (and that time is surely not finished) when I went looking for texture in photographs, and purely texture. . . with little concern for the subject matter itself. Even something as simple as the letter "M" on an ancient wall, if it was reeking of texture, it was worth a frame of Kodak 400 ASA Tri-X B&W negative film to me. . . Any ideas from all you amazingly imaginative, mystic, and magical people as to what the "M" might mean here ? ? ?



  1. Well, I may be prejudiced, but M stands for Margaret, of course! Also, the Roman numeral M stands for 1,000. One sees it in dates such as 1902. Is it possible there were several capital letters following the M? (maybe spread out?) marking the Bastille or some other auspicious moment in French history? Owen, thanks for stopping by my blog today. I'm sorry the comment section was a little sticky for you. I'm havng a blast using my French here and there! I heard a really jazzy-bluesey song today in French that I really liked: Mademoiselle de Zaza Fournier. Vous connaissez? A tout a l'heure, M.

  2. Since you are in France, I postulate that this mysterious "M" is actually the secret mark of the Merovingian Dynasty. This ancient Frank ruling dynasty supposedly came to an end in the 8th Century but their continued existence has been suggested by some books and films (Da Vinci Code) carrying out activities based on claims that they are the descendents of Jesus Christ.

    Or it could be one half of an "M&M" advert. Wasn't "M" also the boss of 007?

  3. I want my...I want my...I want my MTV but you can leave out the TV and make it a book instead. The M is a nickname when you are referring to Mrs. Slug. A misty mantle of muggy moonlight on a midsummer night makes for merriment and mirth.
    Mrs. Slug

  4. Meeeeeee.....? *heh*

    It looks as if it might be vaguely Christmasy, so could it be part of Merry Christmas?

    (I love Babbler's explanation...)

  5. I use my middle name at my blog/comments. But both my first and last names begin with M. Thank you for the opportunity to clear up the mystery of the M on the wall. :)

  6. M is for Magic of the Magic Lantern Show, and indeed, what all your work is Owen, Magic! You continue to surprise and delight us with yout images and tales! I got my 50's tricycle from Freecycle! It was totally free! I will take some photos and put them o the blog - the guy that giving it away is so cool, he has a workshop with loads of old cars, all awaiting 'restoration!', brilliant! He also gave me a canvas tent from the 1960's, which is so lovely, if only for the nosalgic smell!
    Hope all's well with you Owen, bye for now xxx

  7. M is for MENU and MOUTARDIER

    You asked what's on the menu in Avignon so there you are:

    Le Moutardier vous propose :

    _Velouté de petits pois à la Marjolaine,crème fouettée au lard fumée 10. €
    _Boudin noir sur toast,Pommes et Oignons confits. 12. €
    _Tempura de gambas sauce Tai. 14. €
    _Thon mi-cuit,sauce aigre douce,bouquet de mache et lasagne de legumes. 16. €
    Foie gras frais de Canard à la Truffe,toasts et demie caille colorée au miel. 20. €

    Poissons Daurade royale en croute de pavot,risotto d épeautre et capuccino de 21. € thym _Dos de cabillaud à l unilatérale,compotée de carottes parfumée à la Vanille,vinaigrette aux aromates. 24. €

    _Quasi de veau,poires et endives caramélisées,jus persillé. 22. €
    _Demi pigeon roti,choux vert braisé au jus,pommes de terre fondantes et sucs de betraves. 26. €
    _Filet de Bœuf, escalope de Foie gras frais de Canard poêlée,
    Rates façon grand mère et os à moelle... 30. €

    Fromages Michel BOURGUE Maître Fromager (halles d’AVIGNON)

    _Fromages frais et affinés, 11. €
    _Fourme d’Ambert, Cerises Amarena et Pain d’épices, 10. €


    _Moelleux coulant au Chocolat noir,coulis de clementine et mendiants caramélisés 9. €
    _Exercice sur la Crème brûlée : Badiane, Vanille, Café, Pralinée, Menthe 9. €

    _Soufflé glacéà la poire, sauce au chocolat noir. 8. €
    _Tiramisu, banane et coco. 8. €

  8. I hope you are not finished with texture because this is a great work. The M becomes very iconic as it fights to maintain the foreground. In this context M is "M"arvelous.

  9. M is for Martin! Years ago I worked for a woman who did machine embroidery and she advertised in the yellow pages as doing monogramming. As in sewing. Someone called and asked if she could monogram their garage door!
    They needed to talk with your monogrammer.

  10. I don't have the foggiest, Mister...or, should I say, Monsieur...

  11. "M", right this very second, is for : You are all Magnificent... I only have a sec to finish gobbling a sandwich before heading back to Mundane Meetings for the rest of the PM today, but your Musings are Most Magnaminous and Magical... and in French, one word applies with a capital "M" : MERCI !

  12. Maybe for Mysterious Man. In Poland there is popular soap opera called 'M jak Miłość' (L like Love) but I'm afraid it's not for it:)

  13. Mush!?... as in, "alrieet moosh!", or, possibly, "mush mush" (when conversing with the husky breed). I like the word Mush, I read somewhere that is the old Rom gypsy word for man. Also I once worked with a greyhound called mushpup.. this has nothing to do with anything, just thought I'd share!.. cheers!

  14. Maybe it is of "mine" of "more" "mundo" ( world),.. or just the name of somebody lover,immortalize for that simple and beautiful picture!.

  15. What an interesting site I have found. M would stand for Moss. I see a carved M in stone with wee bits of moss growing on it. :)

  16. M? Mmmmmmmmmm! M is the first letter of the Manton name - a fine Norman name but not mentioned in the English surname database, unlike the Manton Family Tree written in 1914.

    Recorded in several spellings including Manten, Manton and Maunton, this is an English surname. It is locational and derives from the ancient villages of Manton, found in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire or from residence at a farm (tun) on sandy soil (malm). The origins are Olde English pre 7th Century, the village names being recorded as Mameltune (Lincolnshire) and Mennetune (Nottinghamshire) in the Domesday Book of 1086. The surnames are much later as is normal, but still very ancient. The name development and recording includes Willemus de Manton, registered as being a 'smyth' in the Poll Tax rolls of Yorkshire in 1379, whilst in 1603, James Maunton married Amey Thorlbey at St. James Clerkenwell, in the city of London. One of the earliest settlers in the New American colonies was William Manton aged thirty, who sailed to 'Virginea' as spelt on the ship 'Abraham of London' in 1635. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Robert de Mantone. This was dated 1293, in the Curia Regis rolls of the county of Nottinghamshire, during the reign of King Edward Ist of England, and known as 'The Hammer of the Scots', 1272 - 1307. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was sometimes known as the Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

  17. Indéniablement "M" like "Magic lantern show" ! Quelle question !
    "M"ister Owen !
    Ciao... à plus !

  18. Ha, M stands for my surname!!! I actually like the texture very much here!

  19. J'oubliais Owen...
    "M"... Je t'M beaucoup et M oi, je pense que tu vas devenir Ze M axi best of Ze Blog à ce ryth M e... M ais t'as vu ta liste de followers... J'en suis jaloux !...
    Sans déc.! Co MM ent tu fais pour suivre tous ses blogs !...
    J'ai pas assez de fûts de tisane pour recevoir tous ces gens !...

    Allez, ciao Owen et bonne soirée ! M u M ?

  20. I'm going to be really prosaic and say that M stands simply for "mile"...

  21. Oh My, Steve, I'M sure you're alluding to soMething, but I'M not sure what... about going the extra Mile to pass a Milestone or a Milepost ? Ahh, that must be it, a Mile-Post...

    Jeff, j'ai coMMandé deux caMions citernes de tisane, car ce weekend est férié, je craigns un peu du Monde... à bientôt...

    Ciel; Texture is Magic in My book...

    Laurie, wow, thanks for this incredible Manton history... what a Massive faMily tree you Must have...

    Ponderer, welcome, welcome ! Fellow pond ponderers are always welcome here at the Toad House... and if we come and sit by your pond sometimes, hope you won't Mind?

    Mundo Mundaca, I think this "M" was just Meant for you !

    Dearest Watercats, well, how you Made the quantuM leap to "Mush" is quite beyond me, but better Mush than Lush, now, where's my Moonshine ??? I know I set it down here somewhere... I think your Husky just Made off with Me Moonshine... Mushing down the Motorway...

    Hi Joo, there is no telling, this could very well be the polish M connection you've been looking for, without knowing it ! Magic works in strange ways...

    Owen, was that Me, or My cyber sibling Owen of York ???

    Jill, when you said "Foggiest", I guess "Mist", and then "Mister" are logical conclusions, followed by Misty, Musty, and Mostly, the three Musketeers of LeMon Meringues... (I'm losing it !)

    Di, right you are, Martin is an excellent guess, as that is also My Middle naMe... cheers !

    Merci Bill... Marvellous it is then... this is a MeMocracy... every M shall have its Moose...

    Oh Nathalie, Merci, Mais Maintenant j'ai faiMMMM !!!

    Buskitten... I think this "M" Means that Many Marvellous Men and woMen are falling Madly in love with Tiddles, he is going to have to start Multiplying hiMself to keep up with the Massive deMand...

    Lydia, May your M's Make you Merry !

    Jo, definitely ! "Meeeee" (as in you), and my cat just Meandered by to confirM it... with a long MMMeeeeeoooowwwww....

    Dear Babbler... indeed a fine M for a MidsuMMer's Night Slugfest ! The More the Merrier, so slide your slippery selves back here anytime !

    Lone Grey, well, I think you May be onto soMething with those Merovingians, there are More of them lurking in the Marshes than one might think, and sometimes they disguise themselves in Marsh grass and ride the bus ! One thing is certain, this M is not for Marsupial, as that might be offensive to your squirrely Majesty... perhaps you also are a Merovingian who likes Munching M&Ms ? And causing birdfeeder MayheM, aheM, as we saw earlier...

    Ahhh, the top of the page... to Margaret, yes, Most Masterly Margaret, no, have not come across Mlle Zaza Fournier, will have to track her down... her Music I Mean...

    In fact, I honestly can't reMeMber where I took this iMage, My MeMory is Meandering after Masticating a few too Many Marinated Maraschino cherries in ruM, of course... yuM !


Don't hold back ;-D