Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just Another Saturday Night . . .

Just another Saturday night ; got another batch of black and white photos back from the lab, negatives from 1993 converted to digital files. . . nothing else to do but sit down with some Grateful Dead beer poured in Mr. Toad's mug, and have a good look through all those old photos, . . and maybe bring a few of them to you in a little while . . . have a great weekend !



  1. Hi Owen, cool photo, if you want to change your blog layout just go into customise, layout, change template, then pick the one you want. Cheers dude.

  2. Bon ! He bien cher Owen ! Bois un bon coup alors !
    Comme on dit, plus de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles !...

    AmitiƩs !


Don't hold back ;-D