While on the subject of dogs, some of whom in the natural course of things pass from being living, loving companions to being inhabitants of whatever green fields there may be in canine heaven, where tennis balls, rabbits, and dog biscuits abound; and I don't mean to start sounding like a sappy, soppy, sentimental old fool, I just came across these two portraits I did of a dog we had about 25 years ago. His name was Buddy, and Buddy unfortunately caught something akin to the canine version of mad cow disease, slowly descending into a case of canine dementia, which is no more amusing in the four legged version than in the two legged version. But I loved him alot, and just wanted to remember him here. If I could have had him buried in the Paris Dog Cemetery, I would have, with a globe full of tennis balls and biscuits, and his favorite bone on his tomb. Makes me think of the lines in that beautiful Jerry Jeff Walker song, Mr Bojangles :
"He dance for those at minstrel shows and county fairs, throughout the South
He spoke with tears of fifteen years how his dog and him, they travelled about
But his dog up and died, he up and died, after twenty years he still grieves"
Enfin...! On peux se ballader dans ton blog avec un peu de musique ! et c'est ce que je suis entrain de faire...! Tu te modernises... Bientôt l'ADSL...!
ReplyDeleteCe matin, en roulant, je pensais à ton commentaire au sujet de ton "excursion" vers le cimetière des chiens et de la zone sensible que tu avais traversée ( comme tu en parles encore de ces chiens !...)... Tous les matins, quand je vais à mon job, je traverse une citée où je ne souhaiterai pas faire une crevaison de pneu ! ! ! Et tu vois la portée de lire des blogs et en particulier le tient... Désormais je me pose la question de savoir comment il faut dire : "connaissance", "amitié virtuelle", le terme n'a pas encore été inventé... J'appelerai bien ce genre d'échanges "avoir un Pixelfriend"...! Et bien je peux dire Owen que tu es un Pixelfriend ! ! ! Ceci dit, je te vois rarement sur mon blog et c'est peut-être là mon intervention...!
Tu dois dire et tu auras raison, que je suis complètement dingo... C'est la plus pure vérité ...! I am crazy, mad ! Comment on dit en anglais ?...
Allez va, à plus !... virtualOwen!
Hi Owen, great looking wee dog, and smashing photos to remember him by.
ReplyDeleteHello Jeff, always a big smiling pleasure to read you, my pixelized friend ! This is not the first music video I've posted, so now I know that you have not yet gone through all the hundreds of earlier posts on my blog ! You will be punished if you don't do it by noon tomorrow ! LOL ! Yes, I'm trying to wiggle my way into the 21st century, but you know, it is hard for people of geriatric age like me ! :-D
ReplyDeleteYes, you are clearly considerably mad, certifiably so, you've got bats in the belfry, you have a screw loose, you're ready for one of those white jackets that buttons up the back, you have flown well over the cuckoo's nest, you're mad as a hatter, you're a loony bird, you're quite nuts, you are not playing with a full deck of cards, when god handed out brains, he forgot you, you're a real weirdo, they're going to send you to Bellevue, well, whew, that's about all I can come up with just off the top of my head for how to say you are one crazy dude... please memorize all of the above terms ! :-] And see my comment on your ladybug post... bye, and come back real soon !
Your virtual ami... op
Pétard Owen... tu me l'écris en British... Fait c...r ! Je traduis plus !... Finito, stop, finish... La flemme ou bien un anti-languétrangère ce soir ! Non mais, le plus fort c'est que, pendant que je t'écrit ça, par respect pour ce que tu as écrit, j'y retourne pour essayer de tout traduire... Mais quel couillon je suis !
ReplyDeleteAlors j'ai presque tout compris.. j'ai dit presque... Hé Owen... Te mast....s pas trop la tronche quand même... Tout ça ne se résume qu'à l'intitulé de mon blog finalement... parce que la vie est belle ( t'as vu comme on botte en touche ! ) CIAO Owen, bonne nuit et... non !... j'allais dire une connerie ! Bye !...
Buddy looks a great dog. I'm sorry he got sick and didn't make it.