Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kreativ Writing . . .

Many thanks again to Laurie who is working magic at "Creating Pictures In My Mind" for nominating me for a Kreativ Blogger award. (And may your angels be many and mossy !) As it didn't come with instructions I looked around on the net a bit, and although there seem to be different versions out there, as best as I can conclude, the instructions are something like this :
Here are the rules of the award:
1. The winner may put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 6 blogs.
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.
So, hereafter follow five blogs which I have been appreciating greatly in recent days, weeks, or even for months now, which all demonstrate commendable creativity, and are certainly worthy of awards :
1) Nathalie's Avignon in Photos, a pure pleasure !
2) Amy's Of Heliotropes and Silver Strings, a most promising beginning !
3) Jeff's Life Is Beautiful, an incredible mind at work there !
4) English Rider's Where's My Effing Pony, for her wicked sense of humour !
5) Henk's Outsider Environments Europe, which is specializing in Outside Art !
6) SP's Art of the City, that I only just discovered, but love the photo's there !



  1. Salut Owen !

    Comme je le disais tout à l'heure, tu es bien le gars le plus "gentil" ( attention ! dans le bon sens du terme ! ), le plus fréquentable sur cette planète Blogger !

    Décidemment, je n'arrive pas à remonter mon traducteur ! Il me reste trois pièces sur la table et c'est certainement celles-ci qui font qu'il y a certains mots qui "foirent" !

    Merci encore Owen pour la sympathie que tu m'accordes ! Et moi, que puis-je te donner ?... Une bonne bouteille de pixel de 1987 ?

    Mais dis-moi, qu'est-ce qui t'arrive ce soir ? Tu ne mets pas de photos, cet article est, pour moi bien sûr, étrange...!

    Où suis-je, où vais-je, dans quel état j'èrre ?!?

    A plus Owen !

  2. Owen ! la voix que tu entends ce n'est pas moi...! C'est Dieu qui te parle !... Ben moi quoi !...

  3. Non mais tu as vu "Creating..." !

  4. Owen, thank you. I haven't had time to pen (key?) something witty about how much I like your blog-writings. Great photos too. I'm a bit swept up in real-world dramas for now. We are trying to find out about a local bus crash with many French victims.
    See Halfwaytofrance for more details.
    I may have to play weekend catch-up with regards to thinking through where to pay-it-forward.

  5. Thank you for your kind words. :D


Don't hold back ;-D