Saturday, April 11, 2009

Grateful !

When I look back on the occasions in the past where my life might very easily have come to a sudden end ; the car wrecks, the parachute mishap, and other assorted close calls. . . well, all I can say is : "I'm just grateful to still be here, just getting on, one day at a time, with a few friends and a loving family around, with a camera in hand, and a guitar at hand . . ."
And being grateful to be alive, versus dead, is a theme that goes well with an Easter weekend, even if I'm not a very religious kind of guy, in the organized religion sense of the word, and it is also a theme that goes extremely well with the music and general philosophy of the Grateful Dead.
While out this afternoon I bumped into a friend who suggested I take a look at the New York Times website which posted a story about the Grateful Dead yesterday; which you can read here, if you're interested. They are also encouraging readers to submit Grateful Dead related photos to the reader album in progress, which you can see here, there are already hundreds of photos there. . . I couldn't resist uploading a couple myself. . . but as I don't know yet whether they will actually be posted, here are three shots from a Dead show in Paris, France on 27 October, 1990 . . . Jerry, Bob, and Micky . . . It has been said the Dead were not the greatest band to do what they did . . . they were the ONLY band to do what they did !





  1. Cher Owen, je m'en vais de ce pas essayer de dénicher Grateful quelque part dans la toile... Tu m'as donné envie de les écouter... et ça, rien que ça, c'est bien ! Un peu de musique et le ciel peut devenir plus ensoleillé...! Quant à peintre et peinture, je suis graphiste de formation et... j'exerce comme éducateur avec des enfants en difficultés...! Et celà se rejoint très souvent ! A plus Owen et excellente soirée...

  2. Excellente idée... un des meilleurs endroits pour trouver la musique Grateful Dead sur la toile est ici :

    Sur ce site il y a plus de 6000 enregistrements de concerts des Dead disponibles, la plupart de très bonne qualité.

  3. Je te prie de m'excuser Owen... J'ai supprimé la vidéo que j'avais mise sur ma page... Il faut dire que c'était... voilà ! A bientôt...

  4. Thank you for posting this! I submitted my pic I had on my blog (taken by my friend Hampster- gave him credit), and hopefully your photos and mine will be posted (:
    How lovely a tribute the NY Times did! Here's to Gratefulness (for all tense and purposes) and to the Grateful Dead *cheers*


Don't hold back ;-D