Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog Tools . . .

In case anyone was wondering how one can go about building a blog (cabin), well, these are the tools I've been using to chisel, to scrape, to screw, to carve, to sculpt, to hone, to sharpen, to punch, to cut, to form, to forge, to hew, to shape this exponentially expanding edifice which is revealing more and more of my life, such as it has been. . .
Just a footnote to that. . . I was writing an e-mail the other day to a friend and was mentioning the fact that I've been blogging a bit lately ; but the spell-checker didn't like the word "blogging", and it offered these alternatives : flogging, slogging, clogging, hogging, bogging, dogging, jogging . . . well, I stuck with "blogging".



  1. Wow - that looks a lot like my dad's tool collection. That's not a photo of his workshop is it?

  2. Haha, I can't believe spell checker hasn't gotten around blogging yet. Is it as slow as the Académie Française in accepting new words? LOL

  3. Qu'entends-tu lorsque tu dis "coincé" au sujet des blogs et de leur traduction au "traducteur" ? Allez-y Owen, asseyez-vous je vous en prie...! Alors, quand vous étiez enfant, que désiriez-vous exprimer et qui a été refoulé dans votre inconscient, celui-là même qui vous "pousse" à vous exprimer dans votre... comment vous dites "coincé" "blog"...?

  4. Owen, you'd already found a lover with Jennifer (hey, you didn't tell us, how did the meeting at the Eiffel tower go?) now you found a psychoanalyst with Jeff. Isn't blogging great for networking?


Don't hold back ;-D