Friday, April 24, 2009

Anatomy !

This post is dedicated to my father, who was a professor of anatomy for many, many years, and who is still going strong as professor emeritus, conducting research into the inner workings of the miracles of the human body. My wife's great uncle, Jean de Preissac, was an illustrator with a wide range of interests and themes in his drawings, many of which were used on postcards. The four images below are details I photographed in a large work he did titled "The Amphi", short for amphitheatre. . . where a joyous assortment of medical dissections and studies were taking place, no doubt for the greater benefit of man and womankind. . . enjoy !
The small sign in the first one says, like a menu at a restaurant : "Today the Dissection of a Macchabée (cadaver) Suffering from Gigantisme"






  1. These are hilarious - remind me a bit of R. Crumb. Thanks for the link you posted on broomsticks.

  2. Absolutely wonderful illustrations owen! What a treat to see, and what a clever guy! Great fun!

  3. J'aime bien ce genre de graphisme ! Celà me fait penser à un dessinateur humoriste français d'il y a... très longtemps : Dubout. Tu connais peut-être ! C'est un peu le même genre de situations où tous les personnages ( et ils sont nombreux ! ) évoluent dans un sacré b...l organisé !...
    Alors comme ça Daddy travaillait come professeur d'anatomie !... Sacré job et beau métier ! Il ne t'as pas communiqué sa passion ? J'espère qu'il ne travaillait pas comme dans les dessins que tu nous montre...! ! !
    Mon père était viticulteur et a eu la "bonne" idée de "s'envoler" vers le ciel il y a bientôt un an...! Quelle idée aussi...! ! !
    Au fait, merci pour tes commentaires toujours intelligents ! J'y ai même répondu !... A bientôt Cher Owen...

  4. Hi Owen, I came across here through Buskitten. Lovely photos of yours and what an amazing cartoon this is! Does your wife inherit the artistic gene too? I love france, how lucky you are to live there! Jess:)

  5. I found five white dogs but no black dog ! Strange !!!

  6. The question has to be asked - are you a medical person and is your wife artistic?
    Great cartoons

  7. @ All... many thanks for all these comments... glad you enjoyed his drawings, he is a trip, and had a wicked sense of humor...

    FF - I'm only medical in that I'm a borderline schizo-hallucinatory-dreamer-romantic, but that should be evident by now from all previous postings here... and then again, who isn't "medical" these days ? But am not in a medical profession, if that's what you meant... My wife is artistic in the sense that she is a graphic arts designer, she does page layouts for anything anyone wants to have published... but she didn't inherit the illustrating gene from her uncle.


Don't hold back ;-D