Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nostalgia !

While thinking about my grandparents, in April 2008, so almost one year ago now, I went back to the place where they lived in South Jersey, not far from Atlantic City. The 400 acres of pine woods and salt marsh had been sold, supposedly to be turned into a park, but in fact nothing has happened at all, and their old house is deteriorating sadly away in the woods, which are now badly infested with deer ticks, probably carrying Lyme disease. So as much as the place pulled hard on my heart strings, I didn't stay terribly long, just long enough to hike around a bit, and out to the place between two islands (see poem way below here near the start of this blog). Behind the house by the garden there had been large birdhouses on high wood poles, that were always full of busy birdlife . . . but the birdhouses had fallen on hard times, and fallen right down on the ground . . . nothing lasts forever.

Just across from the main house was a small outbuilding we always called Sad Shack for some obscure reason. The paint was peeling, but this bright blooming pink tree put a prettier touch on all the intense nostalgia in the air that day. . .


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes your photos make me smile and say "Ahhh - Owen is an artist." This is one of them.


Don't hold back ;-D