Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tout Doit Disparaitre ... All Must Disappear

This sign was in a storefront in Poitiers, France, in 2006. I suppose it meant that all the stock currently in the store had to be sold, either to make room for new merchandise, or to pay off creditors because the place was going out of business. But your blog host saw deeper meaning there ... All Must Disappear ... something along the lines of "Dust to Dust". Yes, any reasonably intelligent, reading, educated human is probably aware that on a planetary scale, even the planet Earth is doomed, in however many more billion years it takes the sun to become a red giant, burning this place to a crisp. Whether there will still be any humans around at that point in time to become carbonised bacon is another question... at the rate we are going we may have succeeded in taking ourselves into extinction long before the sun does it for us. Poisoning the air we breathe, emptying the oceans of fish, and so on, it should be fairly obvious by now that some MAJOR changes are necessary.
On a galactic, or universal scale, it is harder to see that "All Must Disappear" is certain, even in the very long term. Universal matter may evolve in various forms, but it will not disappear... so maybe this sign was a bit ambitious in scale with its grand and all encompassing "ALL". And who knows, just as a seed vault has been established on Spitsbergen Island way north of Norway, (Wikipedia had this to say about it : "The Seed Vault will provide insurance against the loss of seeds in genebanks, as well as a refuge for seeds in the case of large scale regional or global crises." Wow ! I wonder what kind of crisis they are worried about !) maybe by the time the sun is ready to start a colossal burning out of business vanishing act, the human race may have found a way to establish a human seed bank on few other planets in other solar systems as insurance in case we aren't smart enough to take care of the one planet we do have already.

Food for thought there...


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